Sunday, October 19, 2008

A big sigh of relief

We finally made it home this afternoon!


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhh my - what a wonderful prince!
He's just beautiful Meredith -
God is forever faithful - Congrats and rest easily, okay?

Blessings in him,
Latrice (WMINW)

Musings of a Housewife said...

So PRECIOUS! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) So happy for you. Can't wait to hear the birth story.

Mary Ellen said...

Oh! He is so beautiful! Congratulations Meredith. Take care!

Megan said...

So precious. Thanks for sharing! Enjoy these days.

Anonymous said...

He's perfect! How was that non-diabetic first meal?

Lunch Buckets said...

Welcome home:) What a gorgeous baby boy!

Kay Brooks said...

A sigh of relief for you AND your readers. :-)

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful.

I have thought about you this week and wanted to let you know.

Hope the first days at home are restful and sweet.


Anonymous said...

Awe!!!! Thanks for sharing a photo. And I'm SO glad to hear that you are both home and well. Smiles and hugs all around!...

Layla said...

Welcome home, John Lawrence!

Oh, Meredith, he's absolutely beautiful. God bless your family.

My Blessings From Above said...

Congratulations!!! What a sweetie!

Hyperactive Lu said...

Congratulations! He is precious!

Zaankali said...

What a doll! Glad you are back home.

Anonymous said...

Awwwwww... so very very cute:)

Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov!

Mary in Moore, OK

Lora @ my blessed life said...

What a cutie!! Look at those sweet cheeks!:)

Darcy said...

Oh my goodness! What a darling baby! I bet those cheeks are getting lots of kisses. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well all is good in the world.

Southerner said...

Where is the scratch and sniff label? Precious, juicy little baby! I wanta cuddle now. Hug anybody?

Anonymous said...

So precious!!! Thanks for sharing a picture. :) Glad you're home and (hopefully!) able to rest and enjoy your sweet new blessing! :)


Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby! Congrats. :)

mama k said...

Congratulations! He is precious!

Mary Ann said...

He's so sweet! I love those little cheeks. :-) Congratulations! I know you're happy to be back home.

Carrien Blue said...

[gasp] AAAAWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

He's perfect. :)

I'm glad you are at home again too. It must feel loads better.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet boy! Worth it all : ) Welcome home Meredith.

deb meyers

Anonymous said...

Amazing ... breathtaking ... beautiful ...

Mandy said...

Oh my word...he is one of THE most beautiful babes I have ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Meredith - He is so perfect. I could just eat those little cheeks up! And he looks so much like Andrew's baby picture! What an angel!
I hope y'all are settling in well and you are getting as much rest as possible. You've done such a wonderful job - you deserve a month on Maui (but I bet you'll be happy with a nap!).

Janette said...

Delighted to see a relaxed baby

Monica Wilkinson said...

Oh, he is just precious! Welcome home!

Tracey said...

What a gorgeous baby...welcome to the world little one!!!

Anonymous said...

Awww what a CUTIE!! Congrats once again!

It's been quite awhile since I've been by. I took a HUGE blogging break. We just had our 2nd baby October 8th!

Anyway. Congrats again! Blessings!
(my new blog)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness. Look at those cheeks. I just want to smooch them. He is beautiful. Many congratulations.

FLmom7 said...

Awww, how sweet! Congratulations on your beautiful bundle!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. What a blessing. He is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the beautiful baby! Wow, you were in the hospital a long time! Were there complications? How did you get an insurance company to approve such a long stay? Just curious.

Michelle said...

Congratulations Meredith! He is beautiful and I just love his squishy cheeks!!!

Blessings, Michelle

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, just beautiful.

Amanda (

Michelle Smiles said...

Oh look at those cheeks! He is beautiful! Congrats! Take care of yourself.

I'm bringing by dinner sometime in the next couple of weeks. You can either tell me what is convenient or I will just leave it on your door step. Hush - yes I am.

Darla said...

Awwww how beautiful. So glad you are home!

Anonymous said...

Hi Meredith-
Congratulations on a beautiful little baby boy! He's precious, and I am so glad for the good care you had during your pregnancy that kept both you and your sweet little baby safe. I am trying to be patient, because I know that blogging is probably the last thing on your mind right now, but....I cannot wait to hear all the details on everything!!! Oh, how I hope that you update all of us soon! Since most of us can't come and visit you in person, it's the next best thing!! Congratulations, and sending best wishes and love your way! Welcome Home!! :-)

Angela said...

Oh, those cheeks! He's beautiful!

Amy said...

I just reread the baby's name and realized that he has the same exact name as my brother. The only difference is the "Lawrence" is spelled "Laurence" after my dad. Wow! What a great name :)

((hugs)) glad you are home!

Anonymous said...

He's beautiful, Meredith! Congratulations!

Sue said...

He is gorgeous! So glad you are both home and doing well.

Anonymous said...

Precious little pumpkin! Welcome home.

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

What a beautiful baby! So glad you two are home (I know you are, too.)

Anonymous said...

Meredith -

Congratulations!!! He's beautiful!

Jana @sidetrackd said...

Welcome home! He is precious.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...


That is a beautiful baby. :)

Erin said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful baby boy.


Helen said...

So happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your family. He is a handsome little fellow. Hope you are feeling better too. May God bless. Roxie

Anonymous said...

Praise God! So happy to hear you're both home safe and sound. Bless you and all your precious brood.

Rejoicing with you! Jen

Nikki @ Saving For A Rainy Day said...

Such a Blessing!! gives me baby fever: )

Congratulations Meredith! Welcome to being a mom of 3!

Anna said...

You are so very blessed! He is just adorable.

Anonymous said...

He is absolutely beautiful, Meredith. What sweet cheeks! I hope you are doing well.

ancient one said...

I'm so happy for you! He is just so precious.

Anonymous said...

He is adorable!!! Welcome Home :) ~Connie H

It's a Mom Thing said...

Land sakes, look at those precious cheeks! I'm so thankful that baby John arrived safely and that you are now home. I am praying for your adjustment to a mom of three and hope your poor legs/feet are finally getting a rest.

letterstoelijah said...

Extremely handsome!

Scribbit said...

Congratulations! He's beautiful--thanks for the picture and a bit of baby fix :)

Kelly said...

Oh, he's so beautiful ! Welcome Home !!!

Anonymous said...


oh my.

I keep clicking back to gaze upon the beauty.

H said...

What a sweet face! Congratulations!

Kim said...

Oh, I wish I could kiss that sweet little head! Glad you're home, Meredith!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a beautiful little guy!!!

MamaBirdEmma said...

Such a little sweetheart! I hope that you are recovering well!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to meet you all..and new baby John! He's so cute:)

Anonymous said...

Yeah! How absolutely adorable.

Ashley said...

Look at those cheeks! Makes me miss my chubby newborn (she's 18 months now:(

Mary said...

Beautiful!!!! such a blessing!

Kalona said...

John is an adorable baby! Congratulations, Meredith! John is my favorite name for a baby boy--it was my dad's name. May God always bless your little John.

Anonymous said...

Oh, What a little chunky sweetheart!
Meredith, I'm so happy for you and your family. It is making me almost want to have another.... Enjoy your new little dude!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh my goodness what a perfect creation!


Nicola said...

oh my goodness. it makes me want another one. sooooooooooo cute! (i would add more Os to that if i didn't think it would get annoying!)

Jane said...

So sweet! Many blessings to you and your family!

Anonymous said...


Becky said...

Precious! Congratulations. Babies are truly a blessing from the Lord. So glad you're home now to recover.

Wendy said...

He is so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

He's beautiful!

Liz said...

Just gorgeous!

Aren't they so peaceful when they are sleeping :)

Enjoy number three :)

Mindy said...

Oh Meredith, He's adorable. Glad God heard our prayers for you.

Nancy said...

He's beautiful! Glad to hear you're finally home. Hope you're all doing well.

Candice said...


Anonymous said...

What a perfectly adorable boy! Thanks for sharing such a precious picture! I'm so thankful that the Lord brought you and the baby safely through delivery, and I pray that He continues to give strength through the recovery time, to you and everyone in your family.
Laurie in FL

Anonymous said...

He's a beautiful little boy!...plump & juicy & everything he should be. :o) God's blessings to your whole family.


Anonymous said...

He is simply gorgeous. Congrats to you!

Lora said...


Anonymous said...

what a precious gift from God !!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are home. He looks like such a sweet baby! I hope you are feeling better every day!

Take care!

SB in Michigan

Anonymous said...

Yay! How wonderful!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! Welcome home. Lynn Marie

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

What a sweet baby boy! Congratulations.

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

What a sweet baby boy! Congratulations.

Karen said...

He's just beautiful. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

He's precious. God bless you & your family.

Kath Mattus said...

Oh, he is just so precious!
Welcome Home :~)


Anonymous said...

Welcome home! That is one big, beautiful baby boy! Wishing you the best as you get to know your new little man and as he gets to know the world. ~Caroline

Anonymous said...

Those cheeks!! How precious! Congratulations and so glad all is well!


Anonymous said...

Very cute! Wishing you a good and quick recovery. Your in my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

OH, look at the beautiful chubbers! Praise the Lord you are home. :)

Anonymous said...

He's beautiful! :)


We're done having babies but that picture so makes me want another one! So so sweet!!

TJ said...

Oh my he is gorgeous! Nothing in life is as precious as a sleeping infant! Praying you continue to heal and thanks to your family for posting updates.

Anonymous said...

He is beautiful. Thanks for the smile I have on my face. Babies do a heart good. Glad you are both home safe and sound.


Anonymous said...

He's beautiful! Congratulations and God bless you all!


Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Oh, look at those cheeks! He's darling! Again, congratulations!

Amy Ellen said...

He is so precious. Thanks for sharing pictures.

Anonymous said...

I imagine it is a HUGE relief. In August I started crying when I saw the elevators! My mantra the last day a "I want to go home!" Enjoy your beatiful boy! I sure love mine :) We are so happy for you!

Mikki said...

Oh, he's just so precious!!!
Congratulations again. Hope you're getting some sleep.
Enjoy every single second!! They go so fast.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a beautiful baby! Thanks for sharing the photo. Hope you're all enjoying the new arrival.

Anonymous said...

sweet little John. So happy for you! Hope you can rest and enjoy. . .

LLMajer said...

Wonderful news, Meredith! He's gorgeous! Blessings to all of you,
Laura Leigh (LLMajer)

Victoria said...

What a beautiful name for a precious little guy! So glad that everything went well!

Bay said...

Congratulations! What biteable cheeks :)

Elena LaVictoire said...

Look at those scrumptious little cheeks! He is a beautiful baby dumpling!!Glad you are back home safe and sound!

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Congrats! He is such a sweetie :-)

Unknown said...

Oh he is beautiful! I will pray for excellent health and recovery for you both.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new baby and welcome back!

Anonymous said...

He is so beautiful! God bless you both! - Kathy

Michelle said...

He's beautiful! Praying for your healing from labor and delivery.

Shell in your Pocket said...

Just too too sweet!
-Sandy Toes

Creative Life Studio said...

Oh, just look at those cheeks! :) Congratulations, again.

Anonymous said...

He is so beautiful, and I am pleased that you are both well. Congratulations!

Ashley said...

Oh, he is adorable!!!!!!


Ashley said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

He is BEAUTIFUL!! What a blessing.

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

So precious! God bless your sweet family!


Amiyrah said...

oh my gosh! look at those little cheeks! so glad you and baby are home safe and can't wait to see some posts from you as soon as you have time.

Anonymous said...

Wow, loves those fat, baby cheeks! What a cute baby boy. Congratulations!


Anonymous said...

Oh Meredith, congratulations! This deserves a break from my usual non-commenting of late. :) He is BEEEEEAUTIFUL!

Rebecca said...

What a charmer Meredith! Hope you and baby are well, and settling into the new days of a different KIND of togetherness. He is a darling boy and I can't wait to see more glimpses. PLEASE?!?

Many congratulations to your family!

Kelly said...

He's beautiful!!! Congratulations!!!

Calina said...

What a BEAUTIFUL baby! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure that is a real baby?? He looks like a perfect baby doll!!

Heather Anne said...

He is absolutely delightful! I'm glad you are home sweet home - I'm sure your family is overjoyed! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

I hope you and your beautiful son are doing ok now. I have been very worried about the complications you must have experienced that kept you guys in the hospital for a week. When you are up to it, please let us know how you are doing. Everyone has been concerned and are glad you are now home. I hope you feel up to blogging again soon and can share Andrew's and Elise's reactions to their new brother.

Tania said...

Absolutely beautiful and precious! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Ann Marie

So precious.Looks like a big baby!

Anonymous said...

He is so cute! Beautiful! Get some rest and don't feel obligated to blog with a new little one (and two big ones!)

Anonymous said...

What a precious and beautiful baby!

T'Pol said...

He is so sweet and cute! God bless him and the whole family. Take good care of yourself please.

Laura said...

Love sleeping baby pictures. :) I love to stand and drink them in when they are all still and silent. I think I'll go look at mine now - she's asleep.

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

That is one beautiful baby! Congratulations!

April said...

gorgeous! Congrats!

Mishel said...

Just precious! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Your baby is beautiful! Congratulations! Jen H.

Sandy said...

Oh my goodness - he is beautiful!

Bahama Shores Mama said...

Congratulations! What a happy home he is coming to.......

Mrs. L said...

He's just beautiful!! Congrats to you and your family! God Bless

Charity Grace said...

Aw, Meredith, he is absolutely gorgeous. Mine is 6 months old already--how fast they grow! Congratulations!

Tracey said...

Welcome precious baby John. I think I read Pioneer Woman say once she thinks babies with jaundice are gorgeous, I have to say I have always thought the same.

Yours is so precious I almost tried to stroke his little cheek on my computer screen, irresistible!

The Chatty Housewife said...

Oh I just wish I could smell that adorable little peach fuzz. So adorable!