Saturday, February 16, 2008

Yard sale season!

In my neck of the woods, yard sales start popping up in late February. Here's my fourfold approach to finding them:
  1. Check the Tennessean classifieds online, use Mapquest when necessary.
  2. Check "garage sale" listings.
  3. Receive free email alerts from
  4. Teach the kids to yell hysterically whenever they spot signs!

Are you getting the fever yet? When do yard sales start in your area?


TracyMichele said...

Not only do I have the fever.. I already have a list of things I am looking for.. complete with measurements! LOL. Bring 'em on!!

BTW.. great tip on I did not know this!! Maybe I will see you at one. :)

Gini (Hallquist) Young said...

Oh yeah! We had our first one today actually. I always do a joint sale cause I have family in town and we each (family) made $200! We had been storing for the sale till we had our first warm weekend. THen on my street (which is a fairly busy one) I saw two signs for different sales, so we joined into the fun! I'm ready...and I do need to make a list!

Jennifer said...

I have the fever, but things won't get started until late April or early may. said...

Arghhh. I'm jealous. Ours don't start till later in May, and don't really get going till the kiddos are out of school in June. There's still quite some time before us northerners get to enjoy the garage sales again...


Megan said...

I've started the list.... and I've seen a few in the paper already! We live in Western NC ... very similar to where you are!

Anyway, thanks for your wonderful blog! You are a blessing.

Sister Honey Bunch/Judi maloney said...

LOVE the yard sales. However it's about five degrees in my neck of the woods.

Ginny said...

Yikes! It's still winter here; garage sales won't get going until late April or May. I haven't gone to garage sales in the past few years (since my husband got sick), but perhaps this year, if I have items I need, I'll go. I have to be careful that I don't buy things simply because they're interesting.

My 17-year old says WE need to have a garage sale. If she organizes it, I'll support her!

Edi said...

I'm anxiously awaiting treasure hunting season.

I haven't even been bothering to look at the local paper b/c I figure it's still too cold...if not for the sellers - for me!

Cyndi Lewis said...

Oh, I wish yard sales popped up this early in Michigan but we are still deep in winter. Late March can see us with the snow gone and warmer days but it isn't unheard of for snow to fall in April. So sales start creeping out in March but it isn't a sure thing until May.

rural momma said...

Yikes!! No yard sales here either, the yards are all covered in snow and ice. ;0)

Usually yard sales start in the end of May. I have not been the best yard saler, but after reading so many inspirational posts about the great finds, I will be heading out more this summer. Since we only have a short window of yard saling time, I think I'll start making a list and keep it in my purse.

Have fun finding all those great treasures!!! :0)

Maggie said...

I can't wait!! I have my wishlist and I have been looking for deals on snacks to stock the car with and I am also planing on having a garage sale. I have a set route I take but I do try to check the ads to make sure I don't miss anything on the way.

Anonymous said...

What? Already?


Mercedes said...

You are so lucky!! here in WI yard sales don't start until early may and today is icy weather. Can't wait to move back south.

It's a Mom Thing said...

I'm definitely getting the fever. When we were out and about yesterday, I saw a few signs out, but hubby was with me and I just "don't go there" with him.

With a new baby on the way in May, I'm going to be hitting as many sales this spring as I can! I've got my list of "to look for" items, as well.

Anonymous said...

I have already started seeing signs around our neighborhood, which is known for fantastic finds.

I am going to be having a HUGE yard sale in May to raise funds for the preschool I teach for. We start collecting in the beginning of March, will need a portable storage container to hold all of the donations. I am starting to think that I am insane for volunteering for this.

Anonymous said...

not yard sales here, not for a looooong time.

But you can tell cabin fever is rampant because Goodwill shelves are stuffed and overflowing with new product. Several "decluttering" conversations among friends. Short of going to Florida (which we aren't) it's the only way to get some space.


Tom said...

I would have to skate to the sale. The snow melted just enough to freeze over again! I am dreaming of yard sales! Enjoy.

Kate said...

I still have some waiting to do. Except for a few scattered indoor sales, usually to benefit a school or organization, yard sale season doesn't start until May, but doesn't get into full swing until June. It can be pretty chilly in the mornings here in May.

I'm going to be starting a list of things to look for at yard sales this year. I'd love to find a smallish love-seat and sturdy TV stand for the basement family room.

Kate said...

Oh, I wanted to add that I calm my yard-sale eagerness by going to thrift and Goodwill stores.

Anonymous said...

Well here in GA, just south of Atlanta, we only have a few "off" months of yard sales. I LOVE yard sales, they are like treasure hunts. I once found a Whitney Point blanket (retails for about $300) in perfect condition for--are you ready--50 cents! yes 50 cents. My husband couldn't believe it, neither could I.

*carrie* said...

Wow, I wish ours started that soon, but we still have inches of snow on the ground. April is when things get going here.

Lylah Ledner said...

Wow Meredith ~ what a fabulously, frugal, funtastic post (couldn't think of any other "f" words...i know craigslist but not the estate sale one.

blessings...and i'm so enjoying your blog. lylah

TJ said...

We used to have our family sale Memorial Day weekend, and that was on the early side of yard sale season here. But in Central WA there is no guarantee the snow will be gone until April, and last frost is typically May. So a few brave souls will start in March, but May is usually the start of the season.

Anonymous said...

I WISH we had yardsales now. I'm ready to go. But it will be another month or two.

Can't wait to see what you find!

Anonymous said...

What are some good things to look for at auctions, yard sales, flea markets, to re-sell on ebay?