So you can imagine my delight when I found this package in my mailbox. Yes, that's right--this fully wrapped package went through the US Mail!
The inner box is wrapped in a bon-bon printed fabric and tied with a bow. (Be still my heart!) Then the whole thing was wrapped in cellophane, with postage and label affixed to the front.
I can't think of anyone who wouldn't be thrilled by this unexpected wrap!
Meredith, I am so glad you liked the package. I must admit that I borrowed the idea from Alexandra Stoddard. In one of her earlier books, she suggested wrapping a gift in cellaphane so that the mailman gets a treat, too. Thanks for all YOUR day brighteners. Patsy
Well, at the risk of sounding old (okay, I am old, but not THAT old), I've never seen anything like that before. I'm thrilled with this idea, though!!! Thanks for sharing it.
I'm selling something on ebay right now that I'm going to do this with. I know it seems a little silly to put so much effort into something for a stranger - I'm not trying to build a customer base or anything. But just think of all the joy it will spread around! It's making me happy just thinking about it!
I love creative wrapping, especially when it's meant for me! What a treat!
so....what was inside?
I LOVE it!!! My heart would beat with excitement too! I HAVE to use this idea! Thanks for sharing!
Fantastic idea! I will be trying this. Thanks for sharing.
How do you wrap something in cellophane? Just like I use giftwrap?
Makes me wonder if I could mail a gift inside one of those clear plastic zippered pouches that new pillowcases come in? What do you think?
Mmmmm.... this has gotten my creativity flowing again. Thanks!
I must say that my sister can wrap a pretty package! Great job, Patsy!
Martha, I was wondering the same thing! I have several of those plastic bags waiting to be shipped! I wonder if the zippers might cause a problem in the machines though??? Any thoughts Meredith??
That is so pretty I'd be afraid to open it!!
I have told my sister for years that she was the best gift-giver ever! I think you will agree with me now, and it is nice for her to hear it from someone else. Another sister (who commented above, and told both of us about your blog)and I were in on the surprise and were hoping it would please you. Having sisters to share ideas with is so much fun!
Yes, tell how the celophane was wrapped: Was it TAPED? Or was it a kind of seal-a-meal fastening?
-- Jora
The cellophane was very neatly wrapped around the package and taped with clear packing tape.
There weren't any seams exposed that could be ripped by sorting equipment.
Cellophane isn't something I keep at home, trying to reduce my use of plastics--but after seeing this, I will be sure to save any cellophane wrapping that comes around food packages like boxed raisins, infant cereals, etc.
That is SO beautiful! What a blessing for you M.
NeighborJanePayne (blog) has a tutorial for sewing vinyl mailing packages that shows the candy or other goodies inside, super fun idea. Just about anything will go through the mail if it fits the allowed dimensions.
deb meyers
That IS a fabulous idea. I've tried to decorate my kraft paper packages, but that truly is beautiful.
What a beautiful package! What a wonderful gift to receive in the mail in addition to all of those boring white envelopes!
what a cool idea! I am going to try that out for sure. I make gift baskets for my DH's business so we always have cello on hand.
Thanks for inspiring me to be better at packaging,
I try to recycle and my packages look like Frankenstein sent them most of the time.
What a great, great idea! That package is so cute!
Oh my goodness! This is soooo lovely! I would have never thought of that idea. You are so creative in your wrapping so no one probably could have appreciated that beauty any more than you! So beautiful!
Someone is very talented too. That is a beautiful package. What a great idea too. I never would have thought to do something like that. How very lucky you are to recieve such a pretty package. Thank you for sharing it. Roxie
Could your reader named Deb Meyers give the exact address for the vinyl wrap tutorial on the blog she mentioned? I'd love to see it.
Amazing! Thanks so much for sharing this!
This is the link...deb meyers
Thank you, Deb! I looked all over her blog and couldn't find it the plastic mailing pouch you mentioned.
Here is the link in an easier-to-click format:
Neighbor Jane Payne's plastic mailing pouch
How very pretty. That is a great idea.
Thanks for sharing, Meredith - what a beautiful and wonderful idea! (Thanks, Patsy!)
What a treat that would be to see in with the bills & all! Enjoy!
Love this!
thanks for the better link!
deb meyers
Patsy, could you please tell us which Alexandra Stoddard book you got this idea from?
Thank you!
Peta, the wrapping tip is from 'Living a Beautiful Life'. I thought it was an early book as I have done this for years. It is in my 1986 copy (autographed!) on page 161 in the grace notes at the end of the chapter. Alexandra is so gracious. I have had the pleasure of hearing her lecture and having books autographed on about 4 occasions. My next purchase will be her new book 'Happiness for Two' and I read her newsletter on her website each month! She never disappoints. Patsy
Thank you so much Patsy for that quick and detailed response.
OH I LOVE this!!! What a lovely idea!
ps - got your email... working on it; I'll get back shortly ;0)
Deb is right - just about anything can be mailed if it fits the proper dimensions. I know this because my former boss and i were trying to figure out how someone could mail a pig's ear the the post office. Weird, I know, but it was something we read in our local paper. To test our theory, we put a bunch of cotton balls and a folded up note in a ziptop bag, taped it shut, and addressed it to ourselves right on the bag with a sharpie maker. Lots of free time on our hands, right? LOL Anywy, sure enough, the post office delivered it to us, no worse for wear either. anyway, that is all! :)
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