Little Tikes are my favorite diapers: superior to Luvs and Target--and to me, on par with Huggies and Pampers. The fabric is soft, with non-prickly band and double elastic gathers on the legs. Big Lots' everyday price is $6 per jumbo pack, or 18 cents a diaper for size 4. Angie at Baby Cheapskate says the most we should pay for size 4 premiums is 23 cents per diaper.
Since we no longer belong to a warehouse club, I appreciate Little Tike's consistently low diaper price without coupons. (It doesn't hurt that Big Lots sits next to a favorite thrift store, too!)
What a great find, and great price on diapers too. I'll have to check out Big Lots and stock up on the savings.
Good to know. I'll be stopping by there to check some out. We normally use Cosco's Kirkland brand (cheapest non-leaky kind) but, this is about the same price.
BTW, the Parent's Choice brand from Wal-Mart was so bad and leaky that I took a partially used bag back. And I never take back something that I've already tried. They were cheap but sometimes it really is true that you get what you pay for.
I have found the same to be true about Wal-Mart's Equate Store brand of feminine pads...they are awful! Cheapest is noot always best.
Too bad most of our Big Lots went out around here. Although we are moving to the Louisville, KY, area soon so I will have to see if there's one close by. :) I just quit my job at Kimberly-Clark (maker of Huggies, Kotex, VIVA, etc.) so I can't get samples to use for my daughter any more. :( Too bad, because I really like Huggies. At the recommendation of a friend, I tried the White Cloud diapers and HATED them - they leaked at night and the outer cover always felt wet. *sigh* I've read good reviews about the Walgreen's brand, but had never heard of Little Tikes brand diapers. Thanks, Meredith!
Anybody pondering cloth diapers?? No toxins, no waste, reusable- at least for around the home?
Anonymous, I'd say at least half my readers use or have used cloth. So did I, until my husband asked me to switch to disposable.
anon: 1) Not when I pay quarters for washing (multiple). 2) Cloth diapers actually end up using quite a bit more water 3) My father-in-law is worried about how thick cloth diapers are. He's a podiatrist and saw a lot of kids (70s, early 80s) who had leg problems that he attributes to diapers that kept their legs too far apart and caused developmental problems.
I too love the Little Tikes diapers from Big Lots; they're definitely better than Luvs or Target. This spring I signed up for the 'Buzz Club' from Big Lots, and they often email me coupons for 20% off your total bill. I stock up on diapers when I get these. But now I'll be sure to leave some for you. :)
The thrift next door is where I get 99 cent pillowcases for making pillowcase dresses for my toddler and her friends. If you see someone practically up to her knees in the giant linens bin, it's me... If you catch me there, pick a pillowcase for yourself, and I'd be happy to sew one for Elise too.
I love this blog for the things I learn!.... I have had pretty good luck with the Wal-Mart diapers, but I bought Target diapers for the first time last week and I HATE(!!!) them, more than an other diaper I have EVER used through the years... and that's saying alot when you have kids from age 17 down to 11 months!! But I am going to make a special stop by one of our area Big Lots stores so I can see what all the fuss is about with the Little Tikes diapers. And I'll sign up for the online newsletter/coupon stuff, too!
i love big lots! i always have success when i shop there. :)
I didn't even know Little Tikes made diapers. Glad you found a great deal
I think I missed the part where you no longer belong to warehouse stores. We belong to both Sam's and Costco. We'd have a hard time sticking to our budget without them. Did you have a different experience?
I too am considering dropping my Costco membership. I don't go as often as I used to. When I lived near my mom we shared a membership and that was awesome because we could split some bulk stuff and it was fun to shop together.
I will file the big lots diaper tip away for the future!
Store brand rule! Thanks for the mention, Meredith!
What happened to your attempt at EC? I was looking forward to a report. I am hoping to have our daughter potty trained by a year and I was hoping you might give some tips.
Thank you for your blog. I learn so much and it is always encouraging.
LOL--I recently had a little show-and-tell about our Little Tikes diapers...
Cloth diapers are the way to go. I used the same several dozens for 4 children and now my granddaughter is wearing them! They were all shower gifts to me and cost nothing except for plastic pants. My husband occasionally checked our water bill and the before baby's birth bill and the after ones never varied. They do really help the environment too. Ever seen a photo of barges heaped with disposables headed to be dumped off of New York City. Disgusting waste. Come on moms, to the right thing!
I'll check out Little Tikes! I have done Publix and Target brands and no success with either (major leakage). :)
I have never used the Little Tikes diapers. I am glad to know that they are comparable to the premium brands. Are they white? I make diaper cakes as baby shower gifts for friends and the target diapers now have print on them. Thanks.
Satchell, the Little Tikes diapers are perfect for diaper cakes. They are plain white with a pretty band of pastel/bright stars. VERY NEUTRAL (and yes, this matters a lot to me!).
My family just didn't buy enough to merit a warehouse membership.
At our last house, we lived close to Sam's. A couple of major purchases (storage shed, computer) made it worth our while to join...but I found the only thing I bought regularly there was diapers and coffee for a work breakfast.
Over time, I realized I could beat every other item in our price book just by stocking up at grocery store sales. Even the fruit for my big breakfast was cheaper at Aldi.
Larger families, obviously, may find Sam's more of a value than we did.
If someone here buys diapers from a warehouse club, I would love to know what price per diaper you pay for size 4's!
About "EC" (or "elimination communication," a method of early potty training)--
We've been doing this with some consistency since Elise was 6 months old. Obviously, I'm still buying diapers, so we're not doing it by any system.
I would say that regular "potty times" have cut our diaper use in half. I take her when she wakes up from sleep, before naps and bedtime, and anytime I can tell she needs to make a bowel movement.
I often let her go diaperless around the house, but we do wear diapers when we're running errands and at night. I also sit her on her little potty anytime *I* need to go. (After all, she's fighting to get in the bathroom with me, anyway!)
I think I know which thrift store you're referring, too if you're going to the Big Lots that's closest to our area. I've never been in there. We should do a shopping trip together sometime.
I love great diaper deals! I recently purchased a starter pack of G diapers and 3 refill packs at 2.99 a piece! Making it about 10 cents a diaper, and that includes the price of the cloth outers which will still be useful after the refills run out.
We are cloth diaper fans too. (And to the other commenter, they are no longer thick as mattresses. LOL) But hey, you gotta keep DH happy too.
Disposables do come in handy when traveling, say in the airport. I don't feel like carrying anything more than I have to on the plane. So I'll have to look for those next time I have to buy a pack.
I know this post is over 2 years old, but I'm going to ask anyway!
I fell in love with Cottontails Taking Steps Diapers just a few months ago. I had originally purchased them on the discontinued rack for 50% off (about $3 per pack) and completely fell in love with them! I went back to the store and purchased all they had in size 3 & 4. I am now down to my very last pack!
Anyway, I was hoping that another store carries these same diapers under a different name brand. I found a customer service phone number on my pack and typed it into Google and it came up with Little Tikes diapers, and that's how I found your blog.
So, do you know if Big Lots still carries Little Tikes diapers? We do not have a Big Lots near me, but there is one by my parents' house. Is there any way to know if these are the same diapers?
I'd love to keep using these!
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