Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A big uh-oh

My new camera is missing.

I was loading the car when the baby started screaming. As I settled her down, the library bag spilled all over the driveway. By the time I picked up the books, Andrew found a spider on his passenger window.

Finally, finally--I got in the car and drove away. I didn't think of the camera until later that afternoon, when I had a spare moment to blog. Hmmm, where could it have gone? Not in the car. Not in the house. Not in the trash. Not in the library bag.

Oh, no. What *was* that strange clunk I heard halfway down Old Hickory Blvd.?

I have the sinking-est feeling in the pit of my stomach tonight. A brand new camera--albeit Kodak's cheapest--and I don't even value it highly enough to put it in the car before driving off? I decided to come clean with my husband. He gave me a big hug, no recriminations.

"At least it wasn't the baby."


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. But remember, even mommies are human. :-) Rita

Gini (Hallquist) Young said...

Ugh! Yes, we all are human. I did indeed lock my own baby in the car with the keys and had to wait for the police to arrive to help me get her out. She was 6 months. We all lived! I'm still sorry though...I know that sinking feeling.


Alexandra said...

Oh, I can so relate! I've had days like these, and it does take us an awful long time to get everyone in the car sometimes, and I only have two(one baby)!

I'm waiting for the day when I leave something really valuable on the roof. The few times this has happened it's been my coffee or sunglasses. I've also run over my lipstick?! Not sure how that happened! LOL.

Don't sweat it. You can't be on top of your game every err is human.

Anonymous said...

My sister did that with her organizer/wallet. She put it on the ceiling of the car and drove off. Luckily we were with her and remembered something coming off the car a little after we left. We drove straight back and it was still there. Now some information, my sister is single with no children and she still misplaces her items. Don't feel too bad we all do it. Clare

The Mom said...

Oh dear... that is too bad. But, I'm with your husband: at least it wasn't the baby.

Mrs. Pear said...

I am so sorry about your camera!

I do like the great perspective your husband provided though!

DonnaB said...

We've all done something like this but when you're frugal it just seems to hurt a little more! Your husband was very nice about it though!

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

I'm so sorry about the camera, but your hubby was so sweet to you. (((hugs)))

Laura Talbert said...

Sweet hubby! And I relate to the bye-bye camera, except mine wound up in the bottom of a lake. I still get a *sinking* feeling when I think about it.

Anonymous said...

Our friends did that once, picked up the camera and put it back together and it still worked! Can you go back?


Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have a sweet and kind husband! :-)
Do you know if your auto or homeowner's insurance covers anything like this? It probably wouldn't be worth it to claim it because of deductibles, etc., but it might be worth at least looking into it.

Anonymous said...

id go back and have a peek, who could at least sell it on ebay for parts....

and hey you valued your children's happiness and comfort over things..that's not a bad thing....i miss my brand new only worn once very expensive running shoes....i only remembered what could have happened to them a week later....

hang in you still have your old one in the mean time

Celina in Canada

Queen of Carrots said...

I figure all my work saving money just about covers the cost of incidents like that--like running over the cell phone. (It did technically work after that, but you couldn't read the screen.)

Anonymous said...

Been-there-done-that as so many others have told you already. The camera was just stuff, your husband was so right - it was not the baby. Stuff is replaced all the time, family is never replaced.

Anonymous said...

I ran over my cell phone in the church parking lot. It was very flat, but still lighting up! Of course, it could not be used again and I hated it - but it did look very very funny! Sometimes these things just happen! You have a very sweet husband!

Anonymous said...

Dear Meridith, I am sorry you lost your camera, but your husband was great! Long after you replace the camera, you will remember that he was kind when he could have been mad. That is worth more than any possession. Kristin

Molly said...

Meredith, I don't know your husband but I like him a lot. He sounds like a good man with a good sense of humor!

Robin said...

So Sorry! I will admit that it really helps me to see that I am not the only one who does things like that. And it sounds like your hubby is a real gem. Chalk it up to a learning experience.

My hubby works for a cell phone company and has an expensive "test phone" that belongs to the company. One night, while working in the rain, he heard a sizzle in his rain jacket. The pocket had filled with water. Guess where his phone was? He had to come clean and get another phone.

Amazingly enough, we are told that many, many men lose their phones to water. They drop them in the toliet. Hmmm....

Amy said...

Oh, I am so sorry, Meredith! That is just the worst feeling in the world too. I dropped my camera and it is permanently open. I tried to blame it on someone else, but couldn't :) I have it held together with painter's tape :)

Hang in there and lots of hugs!

Unknown said...

I've done things like that too. I'm glad your husband was so gracious with you. And hope you'll be able to get another camera.

Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

Ohh, I'm sorry!

Luke and Valerie said...

I know that sinking feeling well, too. A few weeks ago I ruined any chance of our dvd player ever being plugged into our tv again. Hubby DIDN'T hug me after that one.
Thankful that these things are just things!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about the camera!! Your husband is a wonderful guy! That hug, I'm sure, meant a lot!

Mom2fur said...

Your husband sounds like a keeper to me! Now...the camera. Could you make posters to put up along Old Hickory Blvd.?
Don't worry about not valuing it 'highly enough.' You're a mom. You're busy. You're tired. The baby and Andrew were your priority at that moment.
There are more cameras out there!
And don't feel bad. My sapphire-and-diamond engagement ring was too small for my finger (after 4 pregnancies), and I put it in a drawer. We moved since then. Try as I might, I haven't been able to find the last 13 years. My husband hasn't said a word. He's a keeper, too, LOL!

Carrie said...

I am so sorry! Have you thought about posting an ad on craiglist or something to see if anyone might have found it? It's only a slim chance someone would contact you, but you never know!

Anonymous said...

I so enjoy your photos so it's a loss for all of us! My daughter recently put her [favorite all marked up ] Bible and the only copy of her brother's book manuscript on top of her car as she loaded it. She didn't even realize it until she arrived at her destination. We all drove the route she took, searching and searching but no sign of anything.
Lots of tears and appologies. No matter how carefully we try to live we mess up. Life goes on.
Your husband's a nice guy. Keep him. When you get old it will really be nice.

Anonymous said...

I'll miss your photos but glad you had your priorities on kids, not "stuff."