Just had a surprise visit from one of my aunts. She gave me a couple of great ideas for the house. I think we'll do that simple mantel, painted white. To keep it from looking so small on the long wall, we'll connect it to a bank of shallow bookcases built under the windows on either side. I think this will add a lot of weight to that side of the room. We also decided to leave the computer on the small oak table off the kitchen, instead of making our own desk. In place of my small computer chair, I can use a comfy petite wingback ($20 at a yard sale!). My aunt is a master at mixing things up. I'll include a photo of the rough idea. I'll have to wax the table, move the computer components into the corner, swap the lamp for a bigger one, and hang some low art for balance on the wall behind.

It is looking great! And when you are done decorating your house, you can come over and help me figure out what to do with mine.
That looks so much more inviting than a desk and computer chair. Lovely!
I've loved all the update house posts, but am just commenting once here. Your aunt sounds like my kind of gal. I can't tell you the number of times when I've just been sure that we needed something new, but frugality kept me from shopping. So, I just started moving furniture around and bringing something a bit unexpected in always does the trick. The round oak table and lovely wingback chair are PERFECT in that windowed corner for your computer!! I like your ideas for finishing it up with a larger lamp and some low art, too. Your new home is coming together so nicely.
so pretty.
interested to see how you manage the cords in an attractive way...
The round table and chari looks a lot better than a desk would be. More inviting and when you have company over, they will be a lot more confortable too. They will not be sitting in your OFFICE. Looks more like a home. Nice job - smart aunt!
Your computer corner has inspired me. I am considering placing the computer in the corner of my LR but do not want the "office" look. I too have hard wood floors and worry about scratching them with the constant moving of a larger chair, how are you managing it? Also, is the table height too high for comfortable keyboard use? I am considering a cordless keyboard to set in my lap. Thanks for providing a glimpse of your home.
If we had laptops, this wouldn't be such a problem!
I find the height of this table just right for typing. The chair definitely needs felt pads on its feet. You can get the kind that stick on, or a rounded, raised circle with a tack that sticks into the bottom of the leg. I recommend the kind that sticks in for durability. We bought ours at Lowes, I think.
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