I just bought Biblical Womanhood's new e-book, Secrets to Supermarket Savings. Right now Crystal offers a sneak peek special for $3.97. I hope I'll learn something new! I'm still readjusting to the wealth of grocery stores nearby. I can walk to Walmart Market (a concept store featuring groceries and drugstore items only). It's across from a Kroger and a new Publix. Meanwhile, Aldi is a lot closer and just down from my hole-in-the-wall salvage grocer. The other direction points me to Fresh Market and Harris-Teeter. HT has the best coupon policy around--doubles up to 99 cents (limit one coupon/item per trip) and occasionally triples!
With holiday baking specials just around the corner, it's time for some serious pantry stocking!
That is wonderful! When I lived in the Midwest, I found such good prices at Aldi! Sometimes now, hundreds of miles away from the nearest Aldi, I even have DREAMS about Aldi.
You are going to be able to get some great deals with so many stores available to shop at! I wish that there was a grocery store in my area that would double coupons. Tripling coupons - now that sounds like fun!! :) prz
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