I'm up planning while the rest of the household sleeps. Pregnancy is not kind to my legs--they need elevating tonight.
What a miracle that my mailbox held something worth studying while I'm forced to put my feet up: none other than a complete set of Sue Gregg cookbooks! If you've ever doubted that God can provide for your needs, here's a perfect example.
Remember last week's Kitchen Meme? I mentioned that, one day, I'd love to have these cookbooks. A reader emailed me privately and offered to pass along her very own set.
I was stunned by her generosity. It amazes me that this kind of thoughtfulness exists today--especially in the semi-anonymous world of the Internet. I can already tell that my family will benefit from many of these nutritional strategies.
Thank you, friend, for blessing us with your kindness. Just knowing that someone considered me worthy of this gift is enough to put the spice back in my cooking!
How wonderful!!
BTW, you take such great pictures! Everything is nicely 'posed' and balanced. I, on the other hand... Or maybe it's my camera? Yeah, that's it--it the camera's fault! =)
What a thoughtful thing this lady did for you!! Hope your feeling well dear! Blessings to you and yours..
That's a great testimony about God's provision. Enjoy your cookbooks.
What a nice, kind thing for this "friend of your blog" to do. Thank you for sharing it, because her kindness encourages me, too!! Let us know what you end up trying out first!
I have the soups and muffins cookbook. We tried the applesauce muffins, they were good and healthy. I know the Lord will bless your generous blog friend in return, how neat!
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