Saturday, January 03, 2009

Lego my photo

We're scheming for the ultimate Lego party next month.

We scrolled through the Lego A Day blog--for "research."

Free entertainment for as long as your lap can take it.


Jane said...

Here's a game idea that might work...
Each year I bag up identical sets of 6-10 Legos. Partners sit on either side of a binder or large picture book to create a barrier. One partner builds something-anything. Then, they have to give instructions to their partner to build the same thing without seeing it. It's a lot of fun for my fourth grade English learners, so I am sure your son could do well with this game. There isn't really a winner, but it's just fun to see how different/similar the creations are
at the end.

Christi said...

You've probably already seen this, but Amy (momadvice) has a Lego cake on her site.

I love the spray-painted "Lego" - very cute!

Susie H said...

Love the giant lego, but even more? I LOVE that little girl dress. So, so lovely.

FishMama said...

Ditto on the giant lego. We've had lots of fun lego parties. Here's a link to my bday cake posts in case you don't have that sewn up already:

Shannon said...

We just finished up a Star Wars party and I'm about to start planing a BatMan/ Superhero party. IT's fun as long as I don't have to do it too often:) Parties on odd years only works great for us:)

Rachel V. said...

How fun! That Lego looks large enough not to get stepped on. LOL

Addison just happened to be here as I was reading your post. She said to tell Andrew "hi" and that she misses him. :)

Anonymous said...

I sure hope Andrew doesn't get sick for his birthday this year! A Lego party sounds like lots of fun!My son will be 3 in June, and already he's telling me he wants a "Thomas" cake!

Anonymous said...

Lucky you to live where is is warm enough for short sleeves and sandals in January! The huge "lego" is cute idea.

Anonymous said...

The super-sized Lego is excellent! ah, for weather to spray paint in...

Have a fun party, will look forward to seeing what you cooked up.

deb meyers

laurel said...

I am so impressed with that big lego! So clever!!

Miss G said...

That giant lego is GREAT! Was that on the blog or did y'all think that up? Kelly

Victoria said...

Love the picture of you with the 3 kids!

Anonymous said...

The things you and Andrew come up with always amaze me. I am a 'child care professional' and do not do half of the things you do with your kids. Meredith you are a great mother and your children will have such wonderful memories of their childhood. May God bless. Roxie

Joy said...

Love the picture of the kiddos in your lap. Your definitely surrounded. They are beautiful.


Tubo Family said...

What a sweet scene. Can't wait to see the end results of your research. That reminds we need to start brainstorming for the 5 yo upcoming bday.

I am Mom said...

Great lego link! Thanks so much, my boys will love looking at those. We had lego guys living in our tree this year. My older son was putting one in for fun for my older son each day. We made a cake once using hostess ding dongs atop a rectangular cake and frosted it all red to make it look like a lego.

The Nester said...

I always feel special when you put in a photo of yourself! Such a rare treat!

Love you!

Rindy R said...

I am so glad I found your blog! My daughter has to make a Valentines box for her class and I think we are going to make her a big Lego like the one in your picture and put "Lego my Valentine" on the box!
Thanks for the idea!

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

love the leggo idea. & what a beautiful family. Love the picture. Love the blog. Do drop in and say a quick hello. Have a wonderully blessed week-end. hugs