Just kidding. Hundreds of dollars in airfare is not refundable.
We scoured every maternity store, consignment shop, thrift store and Target in the area. It's not easy to find an XL dress that doesn't cling or expose my upper arms.
I've narrowed it down to this non-maternity dress from Kohl's ($23). I used a gift certificate to buy it, but I'm not sure it will stretch enough in July.
The colors, at least, would transition to the fall, after the baby is born.
I'll take all the free advice I can get. Pattern too busy? Not chic enough? Honesty, please!
UPDATE: A reader suggested I order this dress from Target, and I have. Still deeply suspicious that I could bare my arms, though.
I've narrowed it down to this non-maternity dress from Kohl's ($23). I used a gift certificate to buy it, but I'm not sure it will stretch enough in July.
The colors, at least, would transition to the fall, after the baby is born.
I'll take all the free advice I can get. Pattern too busy? Not chic enough? Honesty, please!

Do you sew or know someone who could sew for you in exchange for a homecooked meal or two? You could really customize your maternity wardrobe that way. Look for vertical stripes and three-quarter length sleeves. I think your green and black pattern is too large and that dress will be picking up in the front before you know it. You need to feel pretty. Check the JCPenney catalog and sale pages on-line.
I think the dress is great right now, but I'm afraid the front will be very high in 2 more months. If you stay about the same size wise then I would pair it with a strappier heel (take a more comfy pair for the reception) and some chunky jewelry.
Have you checked Old Navy for maternity? They usually have dressier pieces on the cheaper side. Otherwise hit up your previously preggo friends who spent too much at designer stores! That's what I did!
PS love the blog!
I cannot blieve you are spending that much to go to a wedding, even if it is to see your in-laws.
You could be buying a new car with that or repairing the volvo!
That dress is ok, but probably won't fit in 2 months. Besides, you need more than ok. If you are spending $2000 to get there, then spend whatever more it takes to look like you fly off to desination weddings on islands all time time! I think the colors and pattern in that dress are a bit bold for the photographs. I vote for something a bit softer and strappy sandals (although I am sure you weren't planning to wear the shoes you had on with this picture was taken) You still have time to pull it together. If Nashville doesn't have a designer maternity shop, then go to websites, eBay, a seamstress. Do whatever you need to do to feel so good that you aren't even aware of your attire during the wedding. Also, don't forget you will need clothes for rehersal dinner, breakfasts, swimming and any other activity where the family will be together. It seems to me you are just going to have to spend some money on this if you want to look like the in laws do. Good luck. I know you will pull it off. Are the children going too? Although that is no big deal for dressing them. Pretty dresses for Elise are easy to come by and Andrew probably already has dress clothes that would work. This one is about YOU, Meredith. And you deserve to look spectacular.
Believe me, I'm not happy about the cost of visiting my husband's family. If we could drive there, we would.
In the past they have bought our tickets from time to time, or we meet them somewhere to which we can drive.
It would be a lot easier for one or both of them to come see us, rather than all 4 of us flying down to see them. But that has never happened.
Otherwise, that's why we only see them once a year.
I just bought this dress http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=6035&pid=570711&scid=570711022 from Gap Maternity. It's $60 but to me it was worth it after trying on at least 15 dresses at other stores. It's a nice cotton wrap dress. I am going to put a little piece of velcro on the neckline to make it not so low-cut. If you have a Gap Baby with the maternity store in it it might be worthwhile to go try it on. Sara
I don't know about your personality, but for me I am quiet and introverted and behaviorally conservative so I could never wear a dress like that. If you tend to be outgoing then it is a better match. I would keep checking the stores, since you still have two months. You could also check eBay or try googling "extra Large maternity clothes."
Thanks, Sara! I've had a few readers kind enough to send me good recommendations, and I may just order a few dresses to see what works.
Wish I could try on things first!
Seriously, I am ready to sew some kind of silk caftan after trying on so many styles.
Now you see why I can't go sleeveless. I think 3/4 sleeves would be much more flattering, too.
What do you think about wearing black to a wedding? It's kind of a no-no where I live, plus it would be hot where I am going.
But most of the classic style maternity dresses are sold only in black.
Helene, I think you hit the nail on the head. I had a feeling that there was something wrong with this pattern, too.
It was the only thing better than the Pucci prints and wild psychedelic patterns I saw at the stores, though.
Why do so few manufacturers make dresses in solid colors other than black?
This is OT but I cannot believe the hardships some people impose with these destination weddings! We had one in our family last year (Hawaii) and only hubby could afford to go, and he really only did this to keep the family peace! And the only reason he went was that his sister was putting everyone up in a hotel. We could NOT afford airfare for 6 people. You look very cute, but why not go with a softer color, longer length (as suggested) and some spiffy, bright island jewelry, purchased at rock bottom prices of course.
Meredith, not to be unkind at all, but that dress is not flattering to you. I think something in a solid color, with a nice necklace and some strappy sandals...something a bit longer too. You have pretty legs, but in 2 more months your tummy will be larger and that means the dress is going to 'hike' up in the front. I am sure that you can find something pretty. Just keep looking..good luck. Roxie
I know photos are awkward but, to me, you look like you don't feel pretty. And I feel that I see the pattern and not you. Maybe something more neutral so that the emphasis was on you would be better? Also, something plainer, coupled with great accessories would mean you could keep using the accessories and might be more able to re-purpose the clothing?
Your shoes would be flattering with capris or slacks, but they are to chunky for a dress. A pale linen , slingbacks with a narrower toe. A good haircut and highlights in a salon are worth ten outfits,when you need to feel good about yourself . Most husbands enjoy their wives looking and feeling pretty . It is another way they can show care for those they love , and you can show your appreciation for them.
Meredith, I sew, if you were any where close to me I would make your dress for you. If you know someone who sews, get a nice pattern and some beautiful fabric and have something custom made. It might cost you a little but it will be custom made and will fit you. I wish so much that you were close by...an empire waist dress will be beautiful. Look for a small print for the top of the dress and a solid bottom..longer skirt..I too think a 3/4 sleeve would look pretty. We were in Hawaii last Sept. and I saw many many beautiful dresses that were made with sleeves and longer in length. Look for something with an 'island' dress look....I got several necklaces while we were there. (in Hawaii) I did not spend much money on them, but they are beautiful. Roxie
I admit you don't look comfortable in the dress, but I think you look good. I agree that in 2 months, that dress will likely hike up.
I hated dresses while pregnant! strong word I know, but I always felt like a cow!
I like the idea of pale linen (a mix of course or you'd never keep it wrinkle-free). It's breathabe and appears chic. With your coloring a light green or turquoise would be beautiful!
I hope all goes well in your search. Just be careful buying too early. When those baby's have a growth spurt they can ruin all the best maternity clothes.
hey meredith! i read your blog faithfully but have never commented. I want you to know that I am praying that you will find the right thing. I agree with the previous posters, you need to feel pretty. it sounds like you don't normally spend too much time or $$ on yourself, treat yourself a little this time and you won't be sorry, I'm guessing.
I've been doing some looking around and found a couple things at Old Navy. this one in particular http://www.oldnavy.com/browse/product.do?cid=5870&pid=562616&scid=562616002
There are also some really cute sleeveless or strapless that you could put a cardigan or a little jacket over.
I hope it works out! I'll be praying for you!
I see you in linen! Even a very simple and longish linen dress would look wedding appropriate with a scarf through your arms.
A. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your arms.
B. I too don't think the dress will fit "right" in a couple more months. Also, it's a bit casual. I think a wrap dress is a good idea because it grows with you and makes everyone look slimmer! I do like the brown heather wrap on the gap site. Island weddings tend to be a bit more casual so I think it would appropriate. I also like the chiffon ones and the cowl necks at motherhood online {One of the chiffon's is on sale for 9.99 and the very pretty sleeveless cowlneck for 19.99!}
C. I'm from the South also, and I have noticed that wearing black to a wedding no longer seems to be a fashion faux pas. I don't think anyone will think twice about a pregnant lady wearing a black dress.
D. Maybe someone who reads this blog and has a dress in your size will be kind enough to loan it to you! Otherwise, I think this is one time where going for a new dress will really make you feel like a million bucks and might be worth the extra cash!
I'm happy to buy one, if only I can find something that looks right.
I have looked all over for linen, but no luck. Everything, everything is cut out of polyester or a cotton/rayon blend.
I am loving the maternity line at Target right now. I was pregnant last summer, and I keep seeing things and thinking I wish they had that when I was pregnant. I am finding lots of pretty dress options. However a lot are sleeveless, but I think you could definitely get away with a light, sleeved shirt underneath. Most of them are solids also. Also if you have the perfect 3/4 sleeve top, I definitely think you should try out a neutral skirt instead of a dress.
Good Luck! Oh and hi, I love your blog!
The green & brown looks great! OldNavy.com has some great deals in maternity and $5 shipping is great- free returns, too!
How about a dressy skirt and top? A great style in a top would be one with petal sleeves. You would feel comfortable, like wearing sleeveless, but have the coverage. Look for a nice full, twirly skirt. Thin, straped sandles would be good.
Hi! I love your blog!
You're not plus sized at all but Lane Bryant has some super cute maternity clothes that start in size 14. They are very chic and modest.
Woman Within has some nice looking stuff too. They're a good store to buy from.
Congrats on your baby! :)
I like the dress, and love that the purse matches! The big question: do you feel fabulous in it? Or is it "the best thing out there"? If it's the latter, I'd keep looking. If it makes you feel wonderfully womanly, keep it; I agree with the other comments about strappy shoes and a bold chunky necklace or bracelet (or both!). Something else to think of: I often get caught up in the mentality that if I'm going somewhere fancy I must wear a dress. Don't forget that you can get something like this top:
and wear it with white cropped pants.
hope that helps!
Your arms are just fine! We aren't all Gwenyth Paltrow you know! I think the green & brown is a fresh look for you but am concerned it won't be such a cute fit in a couple months. The right cut of sleeveless can be flattering if it shows a little shoulder too so that nothing comes across the upper arm. Wrap styles are always so flexible. Have you seen this--I notice the lavendar rose color is cotton/modal--and you could have the sleeves made short at an alterations shop http://www5.jcpenney.com/jcp/Products.aspx?ItemID=148e744&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=SIZ&ShowMenu=T&ShopBy=0&SearchString=maternity&RefPage=SearchDepartment.aspx&CmCatId=SearchResults&Search1Prod=True&S4Filter=N%7c4294966975%7cNtt%7cmaternity%7cNtk%7csearch_all%7cNao%7c0%7cNty%7c1%7csid%7c119B50ADE599%7cNtx%7cmode%2bmatchallpartial%7cNtpr%7c1%7cNtpc%7c1%7cFN4294966975%7cdresses
I love the dress you have on in the photo, and would have LOVED looking that good when I was pregnant...but they're right, you probably won't feel very pretty in it in two months, especially if you've you tend to grow out of everything those last couple months of pregnancy.
I'd suggest popping into a Lane Bryant store (though it's known as a 'big' women's store, they do have XL sized stuff), and just check out their blouses. They have some summery styles right now that could pass for maternity and would work over a baby bump...with the same kind of bodice as your dress in the first photo.
They also have some light colored cotton prints that have that stretchy gathering around the bodice with peasant-blouse type sleeves, with fabric that hangs fuller below the bust. They'd be darling with a straight skirt or capri pants, and are breathable cotton.
I actually think this dress is quite cute on you, right now (with different shoes, as folks above said). I LOVE the colors, and I don't think the pattern looks too busy (I totally understand if it feels that way, though).
I have the same hangup you do about black at weddings, but it seems like most people do not feel that way anymore. I'm sure everyone would understand; people know how difficult it is to find clothes when in your condition!
I don't have any recommendations, but I am asking Our Lady of the Visitation to join me in praying for you!
We live in the south, and my daughter was married in January and I have been to six wedding in the past 6 months and black seems to be a popular color. I have worn black everytime. I have not been pregnant for quite some time but I feel the same way you do about my arms. I never wear sleeveless because it makes me self conscious.
If I new someone who had dresses that they were willing to part with I would send them to you in a heartbeat. I agree that the pattern is a little large and a solid would be more flattering. You still have time, and I am praying knowing God will provide something that you are going to feel comfortable and lovely in.
Jackie in Georgia
I know I'm coming late in the game, but I would advise NOT wearing a dress - ANY dress. I've been pregnant three times too (last time with twins!) and my advice is to wear a skirt and pretty blouse.
I always felt like a whale when I wore dresses while pregnant, and I finally figured out why: dresses hang straight down from the absolutely widest part of your body, so they make you look big where you AREN'T big. Your legs aren't as big as your belly, but no one would ever know that with how most maternity dresses fit!
I think two pieces looks much more graceful on the pregnant body. It makes it obvious that you have a baby bump and not a beer belly. :) I'd vote for a nice skirt (maybe a pretty floral pattern?) and a matching shirt in a coordinating color - and make it your favorite color. There's nothing like wearing your favorite color next to your face to make you feel gorgeous.
I hope you find the perfect outfit!
I think it is a cute dress, but a bit casual for a wedding.
Solid colors always look better in wedding photographs, otherwise you will stick out like a sore thumb. I am guessing that is not something you want!
I recently wore midnight blue to a wedding. Not quite black, but very flattering (and forgiving!)
Love your blog!
Ugh. I feel your pain. I dislike buying clothes.
I think this would be becoming on you in the green color:
Price is high, though.
Meredith, something I did last year while pregnant into May was to take one of my regular linen shirts and wear it over the sleeveless dress, unbuttoned and jacket-style. This way, I could enjoy wearing a pretty dress but could cover my upper arms appropriately. This would open up lots more summer styles for you, and linen shirts in a normal XL are easy to come by this time of year. If you get a nice matching or contrasting color, it's a nice look and you can even wear the same shirt on your trip with a maternity tee and pants/capris in a different color combo than the wedding ensemble. AND...the shirt is still there and usable after your pregnancy! I hope this helps. I did this with a lot of sweaters and shirts to keep covered. No way they could have buttoned, but it was surprisingly flattering.
What about this dress from Motherhood? You could always find a nice cropped jacket to wear with it..
Also, the dress from Target is definitely a NO.
Oh, I so feel your pain. Last summer my brother-in-law finally got married. Of course, I was almost 8 months pregnant (and I get really, really huge when pregnant) and, as always, broke. I did splurge on a dress (I think it ended up being $90 on sale), but I felt like a million bucks and got tons of compliments. I ended up buying in the plus section of Dillard's department store. The clerk was so helpful and I had tons of good options by the time I hit the dressing room. (I went with an electric blue chiffon trapeze dress and swallowed my nervousness about showing my arms.)
Anyway, my suggestion is to wait until just before the wedding and then hit the womens' department at big department stores (if you're able to buy new, that is...in the meantime you can be scouring the used clothes market for something perfect and for neutral formal accessories in gold or silver). By waiting, you at least know you're going to get a better fit. And the womens' dept. will have something other than black black black. It drove me crazy to wait until the last minute to get something to wear to such a big event where my picture was going to be taken so many times, but it was very much worth it to me.
And I know this makes me a terrible person, but if it were me, I'd dress to the hilt. After spending soooo much on airfare, I'd be really crabby to look schlumpy and have spent too much on a trip at the same time. If I feel like I look super-fabulous, it makes a huge expense much more bearable! (It also made the world's longest wedding mass in the world's most NOT air-conditioned church while wrestling a fidgety toddler bearable, too.)
That Target dress is knit and I think will look like a long nightgown. The dress in the lst picture might be ok for the rehersal dinner but the dress you wear to the wedding needs to be softer so you don't stand out in the photos. Since you have 2 months, I think you should shop for fabric at a high-end fabric shop and find a seamstress. That way you can choose the type of fabric, the color and the style you really want. A good seamstress will make you look great and a good fabric shop should be able to recommend one. Granted, it will cost more than a run-of-the-mill dress like Motherhood, Gap, Old Navy or Liz Lange, but then again, you won't look like you are dressed from Motherhood et al either. Obviously, it is important to you to look good for this event and if you do, you are going to have to spend some serious money unless someone has something to loan you that is perfect. It seems to me the options are be frugal and look mediocre or spend what you have to and look stylish. This is not to imply that mediocre isn't ok, but I don't think that is want you will be comfortable with for this important event or you wouldn't be asking for advice.
C'mon, people, give me a break! Meredith, you look absolutely adorable in that dress. It looks very fashionable to me and the shoes are perfect with it.
However, I will agree that it probably will not fit you in two months. Remember, your comfort should come first. Forget about "looking like a whale"---Pregnant women are cute!! (That is probably why almost nine years after giving birth I still choose to look like I'm pregnant :) !!)
I *knew* the shoes were not right; but I didn't have any strappy sandals in the house to try with it.
Meredith, You are much to lovely to wear either of those dresses. I think the idea of a skirt would be great as you can wear it with different tops for different events including the wedding.
Mrs. L.
If the wedding is more casual, go with black capris and a cute top--if more formal, a skirt and top. Unless you find the perfect little black maternity dress before then, that is! I don't see anything wrong with wearing black to a wedding...
Can I ask who is getting married? (or did I miss that in a previous post?)
Someone in my husband's family.
I don't think it's so casual that I could get away with capri pants, but it's not so fancy that I need a special-occasion level dress.
I could do a linen pantsuit plus pearls if I could find one suitable.
Here's a dress from Ann Taylor Maternity, on sale for $49. It's a black print with some blue in it; the model wears it with a turquoise bag. It's sleeveless, though...
That dress from Target is awesome! I got one a couple of weeks ago and it is the most comfortable, flattering dress for me (nearly 6 months preggers). I, too, am an XL and don't like baring my arms. I have worn a springy jean jacket and cardigan over it, but you could also wear one of those short-sleeved tie under the bust sweater type things (not a technical term).
Hope you find what you're looking for. p.s. I'm not a fan of the sandles she wears in that picture with the dress and have opted for flip flops :).
Mrs. S
Love the Target dress. If you're worried about your arms you can make a really cheap drapey shawl by buying a yard of sheer white fabric and gluing or sewing narrow satin ribbon or delicate beaded trim on the cut edges.Or you can just hem it, or roll the ends - depending on the fabric. With white strappy sandals you'd look lovely.
I'm afraid that the first dress is not modest enough for you as a Christian.
I would sew a dress if I were you.
You can do better, Meredith (I know, easy for me to say). The poster who commented that you do not look like you feel beautiful was right on the money. If you are not convinced that you look fabulous in whatever you are wearing, you won't.
Living in Florida, I have been to many an island-y wedding, so I am going to suggest something a little different: check out www.beallsflorida.com. It is an Florida-only store, as far as I know, and its motto is "Live the Florida lifestyle." Their prices are comparable to Kohl's, but their merchandise is specifically geared to the lands of the palm trees (i.e. sundresses and swimsuits and shorts year-round). Not sure if they carry maternity, but they do have a great women's department, and if you are considering a flowy caftan-esque look, you would have many to choose from. Lots of super cute accessories and shoes, too. Give it a shot. If nothing rings your bell (ooh, no pun intended, sorry), you might get an idea for something that you could have a seamstress put together for you. Good luck, and my fingers are crossed for you!
I'd go with two pieces...Better than the single piece. Plus, you have a better chance of reusing some of the outfit, at least once.
I don't care for the print in the picture of you...But I'm more conservative where those things are concerned... :-)
I'd opt for something light colored on top, some color that looks good on you. And a darker bottom piece. And maybe some sort of low-slung comfortable shoe, that still looks pretty...
Actually, you could do something like that for the whole weekend. Get someone to sew you (I know you've heard this mentioned before) a selection of skirts in a mix of colors. Look for tops that coordinate, that you can layer and wear different ways....
And then raise and lower the "dressy" quotient with the accessories you wear with them.
Rachel (four pregnancies, five dc--there was a set of twins, in 7 yrs...I've learned a few things, lol)
The dress is not bad. It depends on if you feel comfortable wearing it. I would be concerned about if it will ride up in a few months. Are you even showing? How far are you in your pregnancy?
The accessories must be changed, though. (The shoes must go.) To wear it to a wedding, get a heel, open toe or strappy sandal, and a small clutch bag. Also maybe some funky dangle earrings. Is the wedding in a tropical place? I can see the dress potentially working very well.
I don't care for the length of the Target dress. I think the green dress is a much nicer length, and if you are uncomfortable showing your shoulders (they look fine to me) then I think you should go with your preferences.
I see no problem with a black dress. If you find one you enjoy, go for it! Your selection is so limited as it is, don't worry about color.
I haven't read the other comments but I feel your pain on the sleeves thing...everything maternity this time of year seems to be sleeveless or pretty darn close. I hate my upper arms and have been battling to find things I don't hate. Hope you find something great!
I don't mean to be too direct, but I think the Target dress is very casual and the pattern is too busy. Have you checked ebay for maternity dresses or outfits? I just did a quick search and found a couple of linen suits, more linen dresses, and I'm sure there's plenty of other items on there. Definitely stay away from patterns - you will feel self-conscious, and they will not be flattering in photos. Also, in ten years, any pattern will look dated (in those photos). I second what a previous poster said - skirt and a loose top with sleeves that are a comfortable length for you.
"I'm afraid that the first dress is not modest enough for you as a Christian."
What??? What is immodest about that dress? The neckline, hemline, what? I doubt she would have posted a pic of herself in something immodest...as a Christian. Who are you anonymous poster, Noel Hurley?
I'd suggest a dress in a solid color. If you accessorize with some chunky jewelry (coordinating necklace, earrings and bracelet), that is what people will notice when they first see you. Add some strappy summer sandals too.
Try Payless for some strappy sandals. I bought three pairs of casual shoes there recently for less than $50!
Also, and this is just me as I am barely 5 ft. 2, I found that I did not look good in prints when I was pregnant. I gravitate toward prints (and I love that dress you are pictured in) but I think during pregnancy you'd be better with a solid colored dress in a pretty vibrant color, like hot pink or teal or even a soft sage green OR even a skirt paired with a tunic type dressy top.
"BigMama" links to some maternity dresses for a summer wedding here.
Check this dress out! Pea in a Pod fits really well.
You know Meredith, I have got to say, you have more guts than any one I know. To take a picture of yourself in a dress and put yourself 'out there' for all of us to look at you and 'judge' and give you advice. You have class and you have nerves of a lion. I do not know what the one person said you were 'un Christian' that is just nuts. You look pretty in a gunny sack I am sure, but if you do not feel pretty then that makes the difference. What ever you do, I hope you feel pretty doing it. Being pregnant is not easy, to be pregnant at a wedding is something else again. I wish I was close enough to make you a dress. It would give me great pleasure. I wish you would find a good seamstress to sew something special for you, maybe something to match a dress with your daughter. Roxie
When I was 8 months pregnant, I was in a wedding. We wore J. Crew dresses very similar to this one. http://www.jcrew.com/catalog/product.jhtml?id=prod78054171&catId=cat302205 I still have it, in a soft grass green color, size 14. It is very beautiful and accomodated the tummy well. I would be happy to send it to you to borrow, if you would like to try it. You could wear it with a thin pashmina, to cover your arms, strappy shoes, and a chunky necklace. Email me if you are interested, and i will be happy to send it to you. Or, see what everyone else thinks of the link first, and if they think it would look good on you.
For sizing perspective, I gained 85 pounds during that pregnancy...and was close to 220 when I wore that dress. DD cup. :) Yeah, it was intense. Anyway, the offer stands, if you can't find something else.
As for your comment on my blog about the green smoothies, I don't have a vitamix, though I would love one someday. I just have a cheapie blender. Cuisinart, maybe?
Good luck on your dress hunt!
I haven't read all the comments, so this might be a double suggestion.
Have you thought about buying a dress that you really like regardless of the sleeves? A light chiffon scarf is very classy and will not add to the heat. Worn around your shoulders, it would give you more options.
I tried this last year when I had to wear strapless and was less than comfortable. It looked great, and the scarf was less than $10. (Black with sparkles on it! Very chic.)
Hope this helps!
I have to agree w/some of the other posters...the dress is not very flattering. Kind of bold for a wedding where you might be included in family photos.
Don't panic yet - there are still a couple of months to look around. Wait and spend your money on something you really like, something that you can wear again and again (can be dressed up or dressed down).
I know what you mean about family not coming to see you - and you having to do the traveling. I've lived in the USA for 13 yrs - during that time both of my parents have visited one time. It's sad. I ask my mom every yr about her coming to visit (never been here since I've had kids) and always an excuse. I think she may regret it when the kids are older.
Didn't mean to post anon. but my computer died :( and I'm using my dh's and I'm too lazy to do the whole proper log in again.
I hope you can still enjoy the island wedding - regardless of what you end up wearing! I like the idea of some type of sleeveless dress that you can wear a very lightweight jacket or shawl or something over it. When you get too hot - slip off the jacket. When you need more coverage for photos or whatever - put it on.
I like the dress you're wearing in that first picture. The only problem I see is that you don't look like you feel comfortable in it, which makes it seem like it's not a good fit. I agree with the others that in 2 months, it probably won't fit right in the front.
The Target dress is okay. The reviews of it say the picture doesn't do it justice, so maybe it's better than it appears. I think it's just the length I don't like (too 70s), but that could easily be hemmed to a shorter length, if you'd like something shorter.
I really think you should keep looking. You have 2 months, and there's bound to be a pretty dress you feel beautiful in somewhere. I know it probably seems wasteful to spend a lot on a one-time dress, but you really might want to consider upping your budget if you can swing it. Feeling good about how you look is the first step towards looking pretty. Everyone will notice if you're unsure of what you're wearing.
If all else fails, hire a seamstress. They really aren't as expensive as it might seem. Our seamstress charges $10 an hour, and if it's a simple pattern, it doesn't take long. If it's perfectly fitted to you in a fabric and style you choose, you'll feel and look fabulous.
Oh, and I think black is fine for weddings. I'm a Southerner, and I even had my bridemaids in black (10 years ago). I'm sure my grandmother was appalled, but they looked beautiful!
As the Frump Fighting Maven, I officially give it a thumbs up. The blue dress? No.
I took pics of some kids heading to prom last weekend and one of the prettiest dressed girls wore a sheer blouse OVER her dress sort of jacket style. So not buttoned just hanging open. None of the girls were in formals like I think of for prom so the dress was a bit more casual (more like what you would wear to a wedding) but the sheer blouse (hers was black and sleeves to elbow but you could probably find something 3/4 too) over the dress was really pretty. It would work with a dress along the lines of the Target dress you posted I think (a sheer white blouse). Good luck!
Girlfriend.. you rock! :) (Had to be said).
Ok.. I actually think the 1st dress is cute. But there have been good points made about it riding up in a couple months as well as the print not photographing well at the wedding. Personally, I avoided all dresses when I was pg. I love the idea of a skirt and top (not to mention you will get more uses out of them). I also like the capri idea if you dressed them up with really strappy sandals and some bling. It could really be a less casual look depending on accessories. How about a 2-tone dress with one solid color on top and one on bottom? It would give the visual appearance of a skirt/top but the formal feel of a dress.
(Oh.. and I think black is acceptable provided it isn't a morning wedding. But that is just me.)
First of all, also being pregnant, I really appreciate you sharing your picture. Thanks.
Secondly, do you feel it would be inappropriate to wear a long slimming skirt with a similar color shirt. To me it would have the appearence of a dress in the photos and feel semi-formal. My last pregnancy was a summer one and I always felt so much more stylish in a skirt and shirt than a dress. For example you could even wear a black stretchy Chicos type skirt with a shirt that is similar to your first dress. I hope you can find something. I have been looking for a nice skirt to wear once I get a little further along, but still have not found anything. Best of luck. At least you have time on your side.
Girl you are brave. I can't imagine putting a picture on my blog and asking for opinions! :) For the record I think you look fabulous in the green print, but I nominate something like this...
for the wedding. Maybe a dressier (thinner!) fabric, but a skirt and top would look very elegant and be comfortable. Ebay has been a godsend for me since I seem to be changing sizes (and not in the way I'd like) with each pregnancy. I'll be praying that you find something you love - I know that may seem silly, but it's important to feel at ease with yourself - especially when you're growing a new life:)
meredith, you look fabulous in that dress. i am surprised by some of the comments, actually. how far along are you now? (when is your due date?) congratulations! having just had my second, i can sympathize. i had a lot of nice work functions to dress for so i had similar woes.
HAs someone already recommended this green linen wrap dress from Gap? It's cute and has sleeves (I have an aversion to showing my upper arms, too).
I really like that dress! :)
Why are you so concerned that a dress doesn't bare your arms? I mean.. you could just wear one of those little, lightweight vests on top?
(That's what I always do, since I do hate baring my arms as well!)
Greetings from the netherlands!
Wow, this sure generated lots of comment chat!
First, I actually really like the dress in your photo, but agree it's not quite right for the wedding. I think with a chunky necklace and a slightly different sandal, it's an awesome "put-together hip mama" dress for a lunch or dinner outing or local party. It is very cute on you!!!
But that longer Target dress does look like it will work better in a wedding setting. A more delicate print works better as a wedding thing, AND as a later-pregnancy outfit!
Superlight cardigan, or wrap, for the arms if you're not comfy baring your arms (I know I'm not!!)
Well, I have laughed here, very true colurs have come out!
Compromise does show on your face here - spend what you need to feel fantastic, the feeling you (hopefully) got when you tried "the" wedding dress on when you were getting married.
In the U.K. that is a dress for everyday. Dress up:plus get your hair and makeup done. You can't go back on these occasions.
You are so brave : )
Okay, honesty:
You don't want that big splashy print. It is not awful, just doesn't flatter and you'll be sorry with the photos later.
BORROW LAUREL's J. Crew GREEN DRESS! I think you'd look so cute in that. And how pretty for a wedding in a sunny island locale!
Don't worry about your arms, they look fine and your bust balances your top. Your skin is pretty. A shawl is always a nice companion, though.
Spend the bucks for a good haircut twice. First time well in advance of the trip so you are used to it. Second time, right before.
Yes, a statement necklace that hits about 4" above the neckline or 4" below. NO CHOKERS. Drop earrings. (Creating long lines)
Shoes: MUST be slingbacks or ballet wedges (not flats). Strappy sandals look good but you need to feel confident chasing a toddler. And too many straps in the wrong place will cut off, rather than elongate, your legs.
I vote for NOT black unless you are absolutely stuck. At the most, chocolate brown sleeveless. Black is just too safe.
AND LASTLY: www.voguepatterns.com/item/V2750.htm?tab=maternity_intimate_apparel&page=1
This is a pattern I purchased while sewing for a pregnant friend last year. It is BEAUTIFUL but sewing is dicey...you can spend a lot of money on fabric and not like the end result, and THEN where are you?
I feel for you, having spent multiple thousands for travel and clothes to weddings and funerals last year---
deb meyers
p.s., IF you decide to have someone sew for you, and IF you like that Vogue pattern:
the seamstress would be able to cut the bodice higher. We found it too revealing for my well-endowed friend.
deb meyers
I'm with Helene about understated and introverted. After all, you're a background singer in this performance.
Also, a shawl or shrug on bare arms would be lovely.
And the last comment from gracemercyandpeace -- the Vogue pattern is wonderful. Of course, I'm conservative enough to say it should be in dark navy, version 2, with a higher neckline. But, then, I dislike getting attention about my looks.
I'm even wondering about that Vogue pattern for my 50-something body. I have a destination graduation to travel to this spring. And I haven't given ANY thought to what I'll be wearing.
Don't worry about baring your arms - get an inexpensive sundress and a lightweight cardigan sweater. That's what I did when I was pregnant with twins. Only had one dress - a sundress - and used a cardigan I already had with it. It got me through fall wedding and saw many Sunday mornings at church before the babies were born in January. You can also use a wrap or shawl instead of the sweater. And really, most people are going to be A., focused on the bride, and B, focused on the baby-to-be that you will probably be the only one concerned about your arms! (yeah, I am *full figured* gal, and it's still easier said than done!)
If you want to wear something sleeveless but still cover your arms, you can put a thin transparent scarf around your shoulders. I have done this many times!
You look BEAUTIFUL pregnant!!! I truly think pregnant women are gorgeous!!! It is the one time in our lives we can be PROUD and HAPPY about having a "belly"! The reason you are bigger is a reason to CELEBRATE! Please find something that makes you feel as beautiful as you are!!!!!!!!!
Wow, this generated some comments, huh? Guess we all want you to wow them and the consensus seems to be that you are just going to have to spend a good deal of money to do that. I would try on the J. Crew dress someone offered. If that worked, then you could spend more on shoes, purse, jewelry, good haircut, pedicure, etc. I am getting the impression this will be a Saks Fifth Avenue crowd and you don't want to show up in a Wal-Mart outfit. And you shouldn't. I would make it, as one reader said, my mission to look as good as anyone there. Your in-laws should have no reason to do anything other than beam at you and the 3rd grandchild you will be giving them!
I like the green and brown. Very pretty! If you are uncomfortable with exposing your arms, you could alwasy wear a short sleeved cardigan or wrap with the dress?
You know I vote for solids...
Have you seen this line at Target? Beautiful!
You look lovely to me, but you are clearly uncomfortable in the picture. I'd say that you should find something that makes you feel spectacular. (I know this is a big task, especially given the third trimester pregnancy thing).
I agree about the skirt/top idea. When I was pregnant, a pencil skirt from Motherhood in black, and a cute top were what I wore when I needed to dress up. Try finding a cheap option for a formal banquet when you're pregnant! =) Dresses made me feel like a whale, but the skirt and top were better. I'm sure Motherhood has a nice, long black skirt that would fit you nicely in July, and then you'd have tons of top choices to pick from. Good luck!
Ok, I have officially decided that I know absolutely nothing about fashion. All I can say is that down here in the SOUTH for a wedding in the SUMMER, your dress is perfect. I don't know anything about chunky jewelry, clutch bags or strappy sandals, either. I like the shoes you're wearing--I own a pair of the shoes you're wearing :)!
And I wear the shoes with similar dresses to church and weddings all the time.
I love that dress on you! You look gorgeous!
I wish I could sew. I'd whip up some dresses for you.
xo ~K
that is a supermarket dress! i.e. you would go shopping in it! put yourself somewhere near the top of your list, you are a young woman.
I sense you (and some readers)think that style is for other women.No! Keep looking and grooming is soooo important.
Meredith...I have had similar problems finding a decent dress. I noticed the styles this year have bras built right in the dress so that they can be more indecent! Oh well. One thing I would suggest that has helped me is a delicate shawl. I know it is hot where you are going but they make some that are thin and very lacy. I like to just drape them over my shoulders. I also have a shrug for those dresses that I feel uncomfortable in. Hope this helps! Also in June I notice the stores put a lot of the Spring clothes on sale.
The dress is "loud" whereas you, Meredith, as far as we can tell, are a gentle, soft-spoken person. I don't believe you should wear it anywhere. (underline anywhere)
Mrs. L.
I haven't read all the comments (Wow - a lot of people read your blog!) but am currently pregnant for a second summer (separated by a nursing-only summer) and have had the BEST luck with Motherhood Maternity, particularly the discounted line at Gordmans. For this summer, my mom found a really cute little black dress (black, I know), with short sleeves, for under $20 and I wear it all the time. I also have some great skirts from Motherhood, each for around $15.
Skirts are the best for summer. Very cool, not as revealing as shorts, feminine -- and in my experience, they fit even at the end when most maternity clothes get too tight. (I'm 30 weeks and already have trouble getting through a whole day in my maternity jeans.)
I'm also an XL, by the way.
Good luck!
Meredith ~
Japanese Weekend!!! The most absolutely ironclad confidence-building maternity stuff ever...I had a bunch of $2 on clearance stuff that I felt pretty in...and then two Japanese Weekend things (a dress, and the most wonderful dark blue vest) that I felt like I owned the world in. :) And I was pregnant in a rather upscale area in TX, so that says something... ;)
Anyway -- they have, as an example, a 4-in-1 piece that can be worn as a dress or a skirt...and reverses from a print to black...and it's on clearance for $46. Which is a bit more than the dress you've pictured -- but I'm sure it would be eBay-able! As I type, they have a full range of sizes, including L/XL...
I think you might find it worth a look...
Maybe someone else already suggested this, but 90 comments is too many to read. If you go with a sleeveless dress, get a lightweight sweater to go along with it. If you are outdoors, it will protect you from the sun. If you are inside, it will keep you warm from AC.
Wow, just checked out the Japanese Weekend stuff. Looks like you can definitely find something appropriate and affordable there.
The REAL consensus is that we all want Meredith to splurge on herself. Let's see, if all the commenters send her a dollar she'd be pushing $100, and with her MAD shopping skills she'd come up with an entire island wardrobe!
Seriously, Meredith, we all love you and we want you to love the way you look for the wedding. Personally, I'm visualizing you in softer colors and maybe a nice floaty cotton fabric, a la J. Jill or Coldwater Creek. Have you looked at your local Craigslist postings? There appear to be a LOT of maternity clothes for sale in Nashville - and you will need a few new pieces to get you through to delivery anyway.
As far as the plunging necklines that are so popular - I have learned, from my teenage daughter, to layer a more modest cami under a wrap-style neckline and it is a really nice solution. Kind of warm sometimes, but it does the job.
Best wishes for successful shopping!
Susan in San Antonio
You are a good looking woman but that dress(flowery print) is a bit frumpy looking and also it is a bit short. Have a look in the maternity catalogues to see some simple up to date styles - tops and skirts seem to be the thing - quite snug fitting on the bump - more modern - less matronly. I have been to some really posh summer weddings in the last few years - casual is the rule - only occasion dresses for the mothers of bride and groom. May I suggest a wrap over top with three quater sleeves - black skirt mid calf and some bold junk jewellery. Mani and pedi and hair done also. Neednt cost that much. What ever you wear make sure it is COMFORTABLE.
oh boy. In-laws and maternity wait... eek. I remember my mother in-law mentioning she was "concerned" about my wait while I was pregnant. Ugh....
i guess i'm in the minority here..i love the green print dress and think it's very falttering. i could never wear long (ankle or even mid-calf) dresses when i was pregnant because i felt like a boat. the shorter, form-fitting ones were the ones that made me feel feminine and not cow-like. i think you look lovely in the green dress!
~liz (i've been lurking at your blog for quite some time now...)
Yes, please Meredith, let us all send you a dollar for a huge splurge. You feel like our out-of-town sister and we all want you to look drop-dead-gorgeous. You could set up a pay-pal account for this one time only.
Please, please, please.
It looks LOVELY now so keep it but it won't in 2 months.......the TARGET dress is perfect. Carry a nice light pashmina in either plain navy blue or white to contrast and break up that busy pattern.......and use as a wrap to hide any upper arm problem.
All non pregnant people think preg people look fab anyway so you'll be fine : )
Your photo surprised the heck out of me...I had envisioned paler skin, dark hair -- sort of a Southern Belle look, similar to my mother-in-law!
You just don't look comfortable in that green/brown dress now...what will it be like in sticky July! (I had both babies in August, and tried very, very hard not to wear any kind of doubleknit, because it stuck to me so bad.) The Target dress looks much more comfortable in that respect. Also, the longer hem doesn't show your (swelling) ankles -- because they probably will be by that time of year.
I'd suggest rounding up a small spray bottle of water to take with you -- that helped me immensely, to occasionally mist myself with it. A spritz of lavender in the water is nice.
Good luck...and congratulations!
It is a lovely dress and you look beautiful in it. I am a plus sized momma and I have a hard time with clothes as well. Thank you for showing us your choice I love the colors.
Meredith, it flatters your figure and looks fun & youthful, but I agree that for a wedding, a longer gown will look fancier. You could wear this on the trip for another family gathering or rehearsal. I also don't imagine it fitting for certain in 2 months! :) As for the shoes, wear what makes you feel great AND feel safe. :) No need to wear heels even for a wedding. :) Maybe you are more coordinated than I am, but still... :) It's been a several years since I was pregnant, and I had the best choices for deals online at motherhood maternity, old navy and maybe even gap. I believe I found one beautiful blouse at Sears. There are more maternity clothes in stores these days, but I would just search the clearance online, and it usually worked great.
Meredith, it flatters your figure and looks fun & youthful, but I agree that for a wedding, a longer gown will look fancier. You could wear this on the trip for another family gathering or rehearsal. I also don't imagine it fitting for certain in 2 months! :) As for the shoes, wear what makes you feel great AND feel safe. :) No need to wear heels even for a wedding. :) Maybe you are more coordinated than I am, but still... :) It's been a several years since I was pregnant, and I had the best choices for deals online at motherhood maternity, old navy and maybe even gap. I believe I found one beautiful blouse at Sears. There are more maternity clothes in stores these days, but I would just search the clearance online, and it usually worked great.
Meredith, this is not a maternity dress, and I am not pregnant, but I just bought this dress: http://lanebryant.charmingshoppes.com/pagebuilder/lane_bryant_product_page?item=1470764&pagesize=3, and it is very flattering. Even though you are not plus-sized, I think it would work well because of the particular cut. It's a lightweight knit, and you could easily dress it up or down with accessories. You could also put a lightweight tank under it if it is too low-cut. I was blessed with a 40% off coupon, on top of the $29.62, making it $17.78. It might be a good choice for you.
You don't really need another comment on this do you LOL! But here goes. I think the Target dress is very pretty indeed. A floaty, sheer blouse or shawl over the top would provide extra coverage if you wanted it and would make it more 'dressy'. Plus a really stunning necklace, if you like. Having said that, your idea of a pants suit sounds great too.
I really feel your pain over this! I'm 13 weeks pregnant and am heartily glad that there are no weddings or festive occasions on my horizon. Finding everyday maternity clothes is hard enough! I know you have 2 months to go before the event but I appreciate how you might want to get the question of an outfit settled and out of the way. I would feel just the same.
I like the dress you're wearing. In fact, I have found that you can get far better dresses if they are not maternity. For some reason, the fashion world has decided the maternity look is "in" for the non-pregnant. Good thing for us who are though. If you're unsure that this will fit in July, keep looking, but don't limit yourself to maternity clothes. Also, whenever I wear sleevless to a fancy thing, I have a number of shawls to cover sholders and arms. Often it's better that sleeves because it can be a thinner fabric while concealing more. Good Luck!
flighty girl
I like the dress, but don't like the shoes. Try some ballet flats, maybe? You don't want heels (I did that for my sister's wedding at 7 months preg. and my feet were double size that night). Those sandals are too casual. But the dress looks pretty.
Well, my first thought was, "Oh, cute dress!" Second thought was, "I had shoes just like those- and they never looked right with dresses." (Those shoes were my absolute favorite for work {with pants} during my first pregnancy. They are slip-on, slight heel and they stretched along with my feet... loved them!)
Anyway, I think you look darling- I love baby bellies!- but I don't think the dress is quite right for a wedding. The blue Target dress looks pretty to me but do you really want such a long dress? You have nice legs.
A few don'ts I have learned from my own experience: don't settle for just OK, don't let anyone- hubby, friends, and certainly not a stranger in the dressing room convince you to get something you're not sure you like, and don't feel bad about buying new or even costly for a special occasion. Keep looking, and trying to be thrifty but sometimes you just gotta spend - and don't regret it!
P.S. I think you'd look great in fuschia.
Also, if you decide to do a dress or skirt, I think you should definitely choose maternity. Regular sizes, even plus size look too short in front. Good luck!
Girl, first of all - I can not believe you have like over 100 comments on your attire - goes to show that you are one popular chick. I am a fashionista - i love the sales - First rule is: Everything that's on sale should not be for sale. However, in this photo, you look great - this dress is nice - You may want to look around at a store like 'Lane Bryant' or in the Plus sized department at the Goodwill - It so worked for me - I was looking good all the time in dresses that I bought at thrift shops for stealer prices eg., $1.50, $3.00 - I splurged at LB tho for Sunday worship and weddings, etc.
Some pearls would pick up any outfit - If wearing short sleeves, a small bracelet is the right touch... Don't rule out Walmart either - target gets kinda spendy if you aren't watchin' -
Ross Dress for Less is awesome!
I wouldn't do ebay tho'...
Many blessings to you and growing fam -
Remember, when you feel pretty, you should look pretty -
Like the green / brown dress, but think you need less chunky shoes. On the plus side, the shoes can be worn regardless of your size/shape/pregnancy status!
If you're spending $2000 to go to wedding, you should wear something that makes you feel confident-- otherwise you won't have a good time. So, if *you* don't feel confident in the dress, buy a new one.
Meredith it is so nice to finally put a face with your fine blog! I really like the dress you are wearing, I would just pair it with a different shoe...maybe a strappy sandal.
Pay pal ...pay pal...this cyber nana would love to treat!
I like the dress but you do not look the smiling self that I envision. Let us help!
112 comments. I think you have hit on a sore spot. Arrrggghhh to clothing designers who only make them for one body type! My sympathy.
ps you look really nice in that dress.
Oh, you sweet thing! You are beautiful inside and out. Being pretty and feeling pretty sadly don't always go hand in hand. All I can say is BE COMFORTABLE and remember--you still have time to look around. I'd send you something, if I had anything that would be appropriate myself!
Bummer that the airfares are so expensive isn't it? At least your family of 5 will be together. The money is spent. Don't think about what else is "could have" gone to, or how anyone else thinks it "should have" been spent. Enjoy your time.
Don't like the target dress.
The green and black is cute with different shoes. MAybe not in 2 months though as has been said.
I found this one for you and I think it's adorable and that you would be beautiful in it.
It's a long link though.
And yes, it's sleeveless, and backless, but as so many have said, a light cardigan or shawl, in a pretty color will take care of that problem right away and flatter your skin.
And one more thing. All of my pregnancies have been in summer, and all of them in SOCAL heat. Pay very careful attention to fabrics.
Avoid at all costs polyester, rayon, jersey knits (OH so hot) or any other knit for that matter.
Go with weaves, light woven cotton, linen, loose or coarse woven silks, that kind of thing. They let the air in and keep you from feeling like a big sweaty whale. :)
Pickles & Icecream has online clearance. http://www.picklesandicecream.com/crsaou.html
When I buy V neck dresses I put a pretty white t-shirt underneath it. It hides cleaveage and makes me feel more comfortable.
Hope that helps.
Meredith... I am late to the party, but have been thinking about this for a few days. I agree that you definitely need strappy sandals.
Also -- and maybe someone else has already mentioned this -- you posted a photo once of the Chico separates you got on sale. If they are the slinky kind, and I think you said they are -- you could just find a nice shirt to go with the black pants. There is so much in black and white nowadays! In a more formal situation, pants, a flowing shirt and strappy sandals might be an option that would leave you feeling confident.
Good luck!
all I can say is that i am so happy to see your pretty face and know that you are not a robot! you will look stunning and your friends/fans/commenters! How loved are you?!
This is probably completely redundant, but here's my two cents anyway:
*DO try to find a dressy top and skirt or top and pants you feel good in. I think they are SO much more flattering, plus you can make more outfits with another couple of pieces.
*DON'T wear a long dress while pregnant unless you love it on yourself. They just make a pregnant lady look large everywhere, imho.
*DO, if you can, go ahead and maybe spend a little more than you usually would for this occasion. And just keep using the pieces as long as you can.
Have fun shopping! At least you still have time left!
I like the dress you have on, I'm with everyone on the strappy sandals.
I also really like the target one. I also suffer from upperarmexposedaphobia.
Truly, dear if I can do it, you must certainly can-your arms are totally fine.
Hi Meredith,
I'm very late on commenting here - but thought I add something about your updated choice. If you are concerned about baring your arms (which is uncomfortable for me too) one idea could be to layer a very light or even sheer white short sleeve blouse over the top. No need to button it, just light and airy. Eyelet or sheer would be great with that dress. I see stuff like this a lot in the thrift stores, so I bet you could find something inexpensively.
I do like this dress - it looks summery and great for a wedding. Oh, finding clothes that fit, make us feel good and are affordable is such a lot of work isn't it?!
Have a great day!
I know I'm late and I didn't take time to read all 120 comments (!!!) but I'd like to second the suggestions to try skirts and blouses - if not for the wedding, then for general dressy wear during pregnancy.
As another lady pointed out, a dress tends to hang right off the belly, making it look like we're *that* big all the way down. I feel so much prettier in a skirt, and I find that if I wear it low w/a long blouse or an undershirt layered under my regular blouse, I can get away w/regular clothes for a good long while.
OK, Here's my two-cents, too.
I think the dress doesn't look classic and elegant enough, and does not have enough structure to it to wear well the further you get into this pregnancy. I think the print will look out of place with all the rich, expensive looks that are sure to be there. I think that you ought to rethink the entire dress look. I would opt instead for a very elegant, tailored, but feminine top and pants outfit. I had a dressy outfit like that for one of my pregnancies and I just loved it. I am heavy to begin with, but the proportions of a longish top, over nice, well-fitting maternity pants, made me look pretty and not so big and enormous (like I felt!). I think that you might find that you have a TON more options this way, and honestly, I think that you will end up with a much more chic and sophisticated look. It will work into the early fall if you choose well, and will have good resale value to boot. Get some gorgeous, strappy sandals, a fabulous bag and nail color polish, and you're set. Good luck, Meredith!
I have a supercute summer XL maternity dress. I just had my third baby in December. My second baby was born in September so I have a summer wardrobe of large maternity clothes. I'd be happy to ship any or all to you. email me if you'd like: crystal_coldiron (at) hotmail (dot) com
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