Trying to decide if I have the energy to take the kids to the science museum (our bank sponsors a free night). Any other time, this would have been a no-brainer.
I can definitely see where a 3rd child could turn us more toward home-centered activities.
We have four boys and since the fourth, have stayed home quite a bit. It's actually been really nice--very calming!
Home centered activities do become much more attractive when you have more children, but that's a good thing! Of course, we love getting out for a nice outing too. Just not as often as we used to.
It did for me. :) But we're now (with #3 about to turn one) able to do some of our fun activities again.
Congratulations! You will be a wonderful mom-to-3!
We're working on more home-centered living too. It just gets too easy to hop into the car and "go somewhere."
I find we are spending a lot less by designating an "errand day" (which is much easier now that youngest is PT) -- there is a lot less impluse spending and much more sticking to the list.
Home-based living too has made me more resourceful too, and I'm enjoying the challenge. :-)
(Congrats on the pregnancy BTW!)
Yes, #3 gave me a contentment and love of just being home!
I'm scared I'll never leave the house with 2 - I can't imagine coraling 3! But you will do great.
I think you'll handle the transition with ease. I always looked at adding one more to the mix with excitement and trepidation combined. I echo the thoughts to make one day an errand day, and perhaps make short individual jaunts for the first few months. Congratulations!
What a great picture.
Sister, you are singing my song!! I have always been a "go everywhere, see everything, expose the kids to as much as possible" kind of mom, but I'll tell you, with 5 children....I am finding that something has to be pretty extraordinary for me to want to go to the hassle of the herculean job of getting everyone ready and loaded up into the car to go somewhere. And actually, it makes me sad....when my older boys were younger, we did a lot more "adventure" stuff, but now, going to Wal-Mart is about as much "adventure" as I can take! I think that things get easier (obviously!) as they get older, but I sure do understand where you're coming from!
My #3 is 4months old (my oldest is 4.5yo) and we go out a lot less these days. It takes longer to do everything - it can take all day just to do the normal morning routine in between nappy changes, feeds and settling baby to sleep... Learn to love it!
I had 7 pregnancies and 6 births in 10 years and they were all boys. It was absolutely manic - they had so much energy. We went out a lot and were fortunate enough to have a biggish garden with a climbing frame to help dissipate the energy. we did lots at home, too. I wish you joy with your third child - try not to worry too much; it will all fall into place
I've been thinking about getting a new stroller since #3 is coming but my DH's theory is that we'll never leave the house.
I think we will leave the house. I don't know exactly *how*, but we'll get there.
We go out just as much much with 3. It really hasn't changed our lifestyle at all. If you want to stay home more thats good but don't let it change you if thats not what you want.
I have four kids and for several years it was just "easier" to stay home. The thought of taking everyone out was exhausting. However, my kiddos are now 14, 9, 7, 2 1/2 and it is no longer a daunting task. The older kids become helpers with the younger kids. Before long it will be nothing to load up and go again!
A season for everything ...
deb meyers
Since the Lord spaced my children in an unconventional way (18, 16, 9 and 4), I finally realized that whatever comes, is the "new normal". I couldn't base our lives on what the previous child was like...they are all so different-delightfully so. Fairly soon, you'll figure it out and fall back into the groove. Many blessings!
I am so excited for you! I have loved your blog for a long while now and am excited to watch you prepare for this little one with frugalness and grace. I am currently expecting our first at the end of July. I don't know that you'll remember, but I asked you about finding salvage stores and such in Missouri for when we were on our honeymoon, but it turns out we never got there....we brought home this surprise as a keepsake instead! :)
You inspire me and educate me and I am thrilled to be able to witness this transition for you as well!
Yip, you just make it happen!
Very exciting ...
I've been thinking the same thing this last week...
We hardly go anywhere anyway, but still--I'd like the option!
It will be interesting as we'll just have had Dumpling turn one and Pumpkin turn three the week #3 is due.
I'll seriously be checking out Amazon Grocery and I think we'll be heading to cloth diapers!
I'm expecting #2 any day now. My hope is that with siblings, my kids will make their own entertainment at home. I've watched this happen with some of my friends, so I'm going to try to encourage it too. Now, with my only child toddler, I try to get her to the park or playing with other friends a few times a week.
I also am glad that I love my home so that staying here doesn't make me crazy (usually!).
I will have to let you test this theory :) Hee, hee :) Seriously, I am sure you will do everything with the grace and competence you always do.
Congratulations on number 3!
I have 3 and we do stay home a lot. I'm a homebody and like it that way though. We save a lot of activities for the weekends when dad's there to help.
I will mention that in the beginning (newborn, 2yr.old and 6 yr.old) I needed a change of scenery and the kids needed to run off energy. #3 was born in the winter. I would pick up the oldest from school and head to a free indoor gym. I'd strap the baby in the front pack and walk the indoor track surrounding a basketball court while the older two played with balls and generally ran amuck. We'd come home about the time my husband got home. This was a great way to run off their energy without me having to worry about keeping up with them in a public place.
You will become more inventive with the third!
Buy an Ergo baby carrier...the best investment I ever made when I had my 4th. We very easily were able to get out of the house and explore with the baby along for the comfortable (to me and to him) ride! He'd sleep, nurse on the go, etc. It freed up my hands to grab other kids and I felt very empowered! :) I think it's a balance of being at home and getting out...we love both and need both.
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