Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Frugal fodder

My life is changing so much, I just can't share it all in a way that makes sense yet. For now, some thought-provoking links:


Anonymous said...

Meredith, I do not know where you find all of the wonderful blogs that you link to. Thank you so much for sharing them. I appreciate it very much. I am not the most computer savy person around and do not know how to do as many of the searches. So when you link to a blog I almost always book mark it to come back to and read later. In the evenings I have a time with my Bible for a Bible study and then before bed I read some of the blogs. I am not reading books as much any more as I am reading on the computer. It is great fun to read all of the different ways these wonderful ladies share their life. I hope that you are feeling well, and that your 3rd pregnancy will not be hard. You are a blessed writer, you are a blessed with a talent for pictures, and your family is blessed to have you. Thank you for sharing with me. Roxie

Anonymous said...

I especially liked the link to "Subtle Frugality". She makes such good points. Living a quality life isn't about having tons of money and there is nothing worse than someone "boasting" OR complaining about how poor she/he is. Even if you are below the poverty level, you don't have to inform everyone you see, but rather go about living the very best life you can make. Poor is so often a state of mind. Almost everyone can create a clean environment with some pretty things around that can be picked up very inexpensively at yard sales (and if you truly don't have 50 cents to spend, then a wildflower in a mason jar works, too!) If you try, you can dress well on very little if you learn to recognize quality and seek it out when shopping thrift stores, etc. I also agree that the food your family eats needs to be of the highest quality you can afford. How many people opt for a box of Little Debbie cakes over a bag of apples?? If you look as good as you can, eat as well as you can and live in a home - however modest - that is clean and has some beautiful items in it, entertain some and don't be ashamed to offer whatever you can afford (I once served pinto beans and cornbread using a quilt as a tablecloth and rustic dishes with daisies in a jar tied with raffia as my centerpiece and my guests loved it), you will not be poor no matter what your bank balance is. My ephiphany was when I realized that I could still have friends over even if I could no longer feed them steak and cooked beans instead and gave it a country "theme". It just didn't matter what the menu was; the evening was rich. P

paidtwice said...

Thanks Meredith for the inclusion in your list! Many hugs!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the link love, Meredith.

Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

How many people opt for a box of Little Debbie cakes over a bag of apples?

Who can blame them when the cheapest bag of apples is $3.99 while a box of Little Debbie snack cakes can be had for $1.29?

Anonymous said...

Meredith, I hope the changes taking place in your life turn out to be good ones!

Anonymous said...

I found your blog last week and have been poring over everything that you have written and the wonderful comments from people. Thank you for being such a marvelous example of grace and making everyone feel that an abundant life is possible with effort. I wish you nothing but the best for you and your expanding family. I also want to thank you for linking to my post, I am truly honored to have someone that I admire consider that I have something worthy to say!

Shannon said...

Sometimes there is just too much going on to wrap our brains around! Thanks for the links - a little encouragement in this frugal lifestyle can go along way:)