Monday, October 29, 2007

Live Well On Less: door prize

In appreciation for the readers who make LMS a lovely conversation, I'd like to give away three books in that spirit:
*Creating A Beautiful Home by Alexandra Stoddard
*Celebrate Simply by Nancy Twigg
*Decorating On A Shoestring by Ellis and Janssen

Leave a comment below, and you'll be entered for all three books! I'll announce the winner this Saturday, November 3. US and Canadian readers only, please.

If these subjects interest you, by all means, visit again! We love discussing hospitality, decorating, and cooking on a budget, and new content is posted almost every day.

(These are gently read books from my very own bookshelf. They may be older printings than the Amazon links above show.)

Thanks for stopping by, y'all! More giveaways available at Shannon's.


1 – 200 of 385   Newer›   Newest»
Sarah said...

I really enjoy reading your blog, and I look forward to all the creative ideas I can glean from you in the future! Count me in for the books!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered....
Thank you!


theraulersons (at)

Shannon said...

I would love to have them!

Carolyn said...

I confess I look at your blog daily. Your archives are a great source and I'm learning a lot. I promise this isn't brown-nosing to get the books. I just think you should know how much you teach people through your blog. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me as well!

Mrs. H.

jhuckabay at comcast dot net

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in the drawing! I love your blog and check it daily!

Michelle in Georgia

Anonymous said...

Your blog is on the top of my 'reading list'! You are so creative, and I glean many great ideas from your suggestions, projects, and posts! Keep 'em coming!
Have a blessed day!

Joanna said...

These would be great! I'm always looking for new ideas.
Thanks so much Meredith!

Tracy said...

All my favorite things!

Anonymous said...

How neat, Meredith! I'd love to enter!

Marsha said...

Yay! Great idea and wonderful prizes. (And, "gently read" is my favorite condition for books, I like to think of the people who read before me...did they like it? what did they learn? Just another side of The Great Conversation, as they say.)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your lovely blog...and count me in on the contest! - Karen

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered into your giveaway, Meredith.
Love your blog!

Andrea said...

Enter me in the drawing for these lovely books!!! Thank you!

Chas said...

Oh what a nice giveaway. I would love to enter!
I have recently found your blog and it is my new favorite!

HopiQ said...

LOVE your blog! I've just recently discovered you, and I really enjoyed the Pottery Barn Hack post. Please enter me for the beautiful books.

Gena said...

I love your blog and read it daily. I would love to be entered to win those books.

Mary Ann said...

I would love to be entered in this drawing. Thanks!

Emmy said...

Lovely idea! Please enter me in the giveaway. I check your site every day for ideas and encouragement!
Emmylance at

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a regular lurker :)

Anonymous said...

My DIL and I look at your blog and talk about how clever you are. Last night I handed my son a glass bottle of water from the frig (recycled bottle) and she looked at me and said,"Merchant Ships?" Thank you for all the time that goes into your beautiful blog. Please enter me in the drawing! Dee

Anonymous said...

Found your blog a month or so ago and enjoy your posts. Thanks for the giveaway.

MamaBirdEmma said...

What a nice thing to do, Meredith! Thank you!

Peggy said...

oh, count me in!

Tara said...

I really enjoy your blog...I am always inspired to do more for less!

Kacie said...

What a lovely giveaway! At a garage sale she was hosting, my grandmother told someone looking at some books that "These books are used, but the words aren't all read up." I lol'ed.

Anonymous said...

I'm already familiar with your blog - thanks for joining in.

Anonymous said...

I would love to be included in this wonderful giveaway. What a nice thing to do. Whenever I go shopping now I think "Could Meredith find it cheaper?" Then I keep looking.

ashley said...

I'm delurking to say that I love your blog, and I'd love to win those books!

Angie @ Many Little Blessings said...

What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to win! Thanks for your great blog -- I really enjoy reading it!

Rachel said...

Please count me in. Your ideas and attitude really inspire me.

laurel said...

I love how you tie ribbons around your books and magazines to give away. I saw you do that with a stack of magazines you passed on, and have done it myself ever since. It is amazing how such a small thing can make such a big impact! Anywho, please enter me in your give away, the books look lovely.

Natalie W. said...

I really enjoy your blog. Please enter me for the books!

Cara said...

I'd love to be entered! Come enter mine too, I'd so love to give your daughter a baby doll :o)


Amy said...

Please toss my name into the drawing, Meredith! Thanks for offering books from your own collection!

Janis Rodgers said...

Enter me! I have one of these books on my "wants" list and the other two look great, too! Thank you!

Martha said...

Please enter me! I would love the books!


Dirkey said...

Oh I would love to win this!
I love your blog thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be entered. I'm a new reader to your blog - just found it last week - and I've been really enjoying it! Thanks! I especially like your frugal decorating tips.

JavaMama said...

What a lovely giveaway! Those sound very inspiring, throw my name in the bunch.

JOYfully in Him,

Tammy said...

Meredeth, I enjoy your blog on a daily basis! Please enter me in your drawing. Thank you! =)

Tammy said...

Ack! Sorry for misspelling your name! =)

Pam said...

These books look great, and I would love to join in the fun. Count me in and come play at my site today too.

Missy K said...

Thank YOU Meredith! I would love to be entered!

Anonymous said...

Cool givaway!


Anonymous said...

Oh what fun! I am new to this and loving every minute and every bit of help I have received from your site - thanks for blazing the trail!


pennyeganATcomcastDOTnet (replace caps :))

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. It inspired me to get over the top excited over a Tupperware pickle holder I found thrifting last week. LOL

Anonymous said...

What a sweet thing to do. I know anyone who 'wins' these books will treasure them all the more because they came from you.

I already own one of those books. My favorite books are OLD Martha Stewart books and Rachel Ashwell, and last but not least, Emilie Barnes...
Thanks again for the wonderful blog. It is always a breath of fresh air. Roxie

Anonymous said...

I would so love to have the books! How generous you are!!! I love your blog and visit with a cup of tea 3 times a week!

Christa said...

I'd love to read them!

Susanne said...

I could use these!

Saralyn said...

You've got a wonderful blog! Reading your posts both inspires my "steak taste on a hamburger budget" and makes me laugh to see someone else has my own bold fugality. Thanks a bunch!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog. It is one of my favorites. The photos are always beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
Monica C.

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I read your blog regularly. It's one of my favorites. :-)

Anonymous said...

Love, Love, Love your blog!
Count me in.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be in the drawing! Thank you for all your inspiring ideas!!

Anonymous said...

Woops, forget my name! LOL! It's Stephanie!

Anonymous said...

Great prize, count me in.

Hélène said...

I have been reading your blog for quite a while and really enjoy it. Thanks for the contest!

Lori ~ The Simple Life at Home said...

What a wonderful giveaway! They all sound like great resources. Please enter me and thank you!!

Carrie said...

Pottery Barn doesn't make me drool, but your blog does - really! :) Thanks for the contest!

Stefanie said...

Good idea for a giveaway! You are such a great book finder, count me in!

Anonymous said...

Count me in! Love your blog!

tenillemh (at)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture of those lovely books. I've enjoyed reading your blog and have added you to my bloglines. Thank you for the great ideas!

Enter me for the giveaway! I'm in...:-)


Monica Wilkinson said...

What a lovely prize! I would love to be entered!

Anonymous said...

Hi, love your daily posts :)
~C in Tualatin cmhesh (at)

Wendi said...

Love your blog! Please enter me in your giveaway.

Hyperactive Lu said...

Oh! Yes! Wonderful prize! I would love to be entered in the contest! Thanks!

Mrs. S said...

oh, beautiful. I am now de-lurking for this :)

Mrs. S

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog thru Have only read a little but I am very interested. I'm trying to "frugalize" our family a little, so you are helping alot. Would love the books.
Look forward to reading more from you.
Debbie @

Anonymous said...

If I have time to read only one blog in the morning, yours is the one I read. I always come away feeling inspired to do more with less. Please enter me in your contest - thanks!
Helen in CA
aunthoney at frontiernet dot net

Azul said...

I'd love to be entered. I so enjoy reading your blog, and I've been much inspired by the ideas I've found here.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is my favorite! Thanks so much for being an inspiration in frugality, as well as living beautifully. And thanks for the drawing!

Jessica said...

How exciting! I love how I can come to your site and get inspired in just a few short minutes without being stuck at the computer too long--(can't do that with a houseful!)
God bless!


BessieJoy said...

How fun! Please enter me, too!

I've enjoyed your blog for several years now. And we enjoy your baked oatmeal on a regular basis. :)

Gretchen said...

I'm working on decluttering my home right now... next up will be decorating so these would be great to have! Count me in... and thanks!

alltheposts said...

(crossing fingers!!) Please enter me in your contest!! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Put my name in please! This sounds like just the thing to jump-start my (as of yet) un-creative mind into making our home more welcoming.


Lori said...

I had never heard of Alexandra Stoddard until I read your blog. I would love to win the have no idea how badly I need help when it comes to decorating.

Rebecca said...

Thanks for the lovely give-away. Whoever wins will be surely blessed....and I do hope it will be me!!

Madame Coin said...

Ooh, I'd love to be entered! (and I've really been feeling quiche and soufflé envy looking at those gorgeous pans you found)

Heather said...

They sound like lovely books.
I've really been enjoying your blog. I'm going to try out some of those Pottery Barn like projects you posted about. I'll post pics on my blog and let you know when they're up. Thanks.

Vintage Girl said...

Lovely! I enjoy your blog so much. I learn something everytime I'm here. Blessings, Heather

Searching For Simplicity said...

Sounds great. Please enter me!

Andrea said...

How fun! I'd love to win this one!! :)

Pattie - Chicagoland, IL said...

How fabulous you are to do something like this!

The Baker Family said...

I hope I win--I love your blog!

Anonymous said...


I read your blog daily (I actually check it several times a day for new entries). I love your cheerful and, I might add, creative frugality. I would love to receive such lovely books. Thank you for such a generous offer!

TheNormalMiddle said...

Add me!!!

Kelly said...

How exciting! I want in!

Anonymous said...

I have been enjoying your blog for awhile now - it is the first one I go to each morning to see what uplifting and encouraging things you have to say or show us. I would be so blessed to be able to read these lovely books! Thanks for all you do!

Ginny said...

Enter me please!

Anonymous said...

I've checked your blog daily since my sister told me about you, love it! Would also love the books! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Sounds lovely.

DonnaB said...

Pick me! Pick me! Okay, I got excited there! What a lovely thing to do!

Kim said...

How generous! Please include me.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog.Your pictures reflect a sense of calm and peacefulness.Your ideas are insprirational.Please enter me in your contest.

Anonymous said...

You are a blessing and an encouragement...thanks for what you do!

AnnMarie said...

Oh my, this is popular! 97 comments before mine. Well, that's still about 1 in a 100 chances of winning....

Unknown said...

Oh, maybe these would help me develop a better knack for loveliness--a knack I lack.

Rachel said...

Please, enter me!

I love your blog! Not only does it inspire me to reuse/recycle creatively, but it also has made me want to start blogging myself!

Thank you again!


Bobi Jensen said...

Oh my gosh, you have a lot of readers! This is the most comments I've seen on any of the giveaways. And of course I'd love a chance to win these books as well. Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Sounds great. I hate how my house looks like it's decorated by kids, for kids. Love the kid art, but need to add some style.m

Laura Leigh Dobson said...

wow! i love your blog. you inspire me everyday to to be thankful and creative. Enter me for the door prize, please :)

Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Count me in and Come enter mine, too!

Anonymous said...

Sounds lovely. Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I really enjoy reading your blog. It has helped me with decorating my house and creative frugality. Please enter me in the contest, thanks! (I left a comment before but I think I forgot to do the word verification.)

Kathey Ross

Summer said...

What a grat give away! I would love to win them. :)

Anonymous said...

I always read your blog 1st thing in the morning. Love the pictures & the content. Please enter me in your generous giveaway.

mamanugget said...

Delurking here....please don't ever stop blogging...I'm addicted to yours. I would love to be entered in your drawing...many thanks for the daily inspiration!

Amico Dio said...

I not only want these but I need them!! Please enter my name into the drawing!

Thank for such a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful prizes! I just LOVE books.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the opportunity!

Jennifer Beaver said...

I love books.

Paper said...

Please enter me too! These look like wonderful and inspiring reads!


Melissa said...

Oh fun!! These books all look wonderful! Add my name to the list please :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read these books...thank you for your generous offer! Susan

Melissa said...

Fabulous give-away! I must admit that I frequently come to your blog for inspiration. Please know how much this means to a Christian wife from the Pacific Northwest!

Qtpies7 said...

I'm all for any of those books! They sound great.
I'm going to check out your blog, I love second hand shopping and am frequently called a tight wad, but I'm just frugal.

Valerie said...

Mereditch! I love your blog!


~Babychaser~ said...

I'd love to be entered. I love that Creating a Beautiful Home book!


Anonymous said...

I am such a fan of your blog. Please enter me.
Le Anne

Unknown said...

Please enter me! I love your blog and find all of your advice so useful and interesting!

Melanie said...

Please enter me! I love entertaining!

Betsy said...

Great books!

Butterfly 211 said...

I love your blog please enter me in the drawing.

Anonymous said...

I'm learning tons and have you on my Google Reader. Thanks and please enter me!

NeedANap2 said...

The books sound good. I'm definitely with you on saving $ but I'm way behind on decorating, thank you for sharing your talents!! :)

martha said...

oooh Meredith, you even wrapped a coordinated bow around them! Would love to be your winner!

Cheri said...

Oh please enter me! I love Alexandra Stoddard, but when we moved overseas I had to give them away to make room for more important things - like dishes.

Some days I still wonder if I made the right choice!

Teri said...

I would Love to own books that have graced your bookshelf.

Karen said...

Count me in, too!

Amy ~ (Life's Small Treasures) said...

I would LOVE all of these books! Please include me in your drawing

Anonymous said...

What a generous drawing! Thanks for entering me.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me into your drawing. Those look like wonderful books!

Jennie said...

Meredith! I love your blog, I've been "ghost" visiting for a few months. I visit every day and get so many good ideas!

It's so nice to read your posts, knowing that there are other people like me out there! Keep up the good work!

Jana said...

Please enter me! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You know I love frugal! Enter me, please! :)

Anonymous said...

Please enter me!!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

I'd love a book! pick me! pick me!

tchrmom said...

Like Merchant Ships has inspired me so much; I read your blog regularly. Thanks, and yes, please enter my name for your book giveaways. I LOVE books!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be entered!
Thanks so much -
Julie D.

Trina said...

This sounds maaaah-velous dahling! Put me down . . . gentle books are the BEST! Pick me .. . I'm a book junkie.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me.


Anonymous said...

I love your blog! Please enter me in the drawing!

elaine@bloginmyeye said...

These look lovely. I was just thinking of adding some more frugal sites to my reader. I'm in. Simple, frugal, and elegant. All good things.

Kat said...

I would love to have a chance to receive one of these books.
Thank you!!

Shelley said...

Hi Meredith! Thanks for this great giveaway :)

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I love your blog and read it every day! Would love to win ... thanks for participating.

Mrs. Pear said...

What a wonderful prize!

Your blog encourages me so much!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Oh! Oh! (wild arm waving) Pick me - pick me - pick me! Love your blog - I really enjoy your before and after projects as well as your garage sale finds. Thanks for sharing daily!

Adie said...

I would love to be entered in the drawing for the books! I found your blog a few weeks ago, from a link on MaryAnn's at "Happy Helms". I've been an avid reader ever since. I even read ALL your archives, as well as MaryAnn's. You are very inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Please enter my name.
Thank you!
Margaret Callard

Anonymous said...

Count me in!! Great prizes

mama k said...

Awesome! Enter me please.

Rean Day said...

What a wonderful give away. Sign me up. I love your blog and have been greatly encouraged by your hospitality posts!
Rean Day

Brandie said...

I would LOVE to be entered for this! Thank you so much!

Renee said...

I've been stopping in at your blog daily for awhile now. I'm working my way through your archives too! You're great! What a great "blog candy" giveaway!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! Enter me please.

Lura said...

Books and frugality, my two passions!

Unknown said...

I would love to win this contest please enter me in it

Luke and Valerie said...

I want to win!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your life with us in this blog. I read it often and have learned so much!


Anonymous said...

So great!


Tasha said...

I would love to be entered in the drawing for these books. What a lovely giveaway.


Donna-Jean Breckenridge said...

I made it to 165! Yay me! :-)
You have an inspiring blog. That's prize enough.

But yes, enter me in your drawing ;-)

Rockin' Mama said...

Count me in please!

Julie said...

Please count me in.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be entered to win these.

Becky said...

Love your blog, Meredith! It's on of the very few on my "Daily Read" list! I've been reading through the archives, too!

rural momma said...

I read your blog daily and find it very helpful as well as interesting. :0) Please consider me signed up for the fall give away. ;0)

Leigh Ann said...

Count me in. Thank you.
Leigh Ann

RedeemingGraceChurch said...

yes please enter me I love that kind of stuff.

Lorri R

Victoria said...

I just found your blog via my sister and have been enjoying reading through your posts. I love the frugal way of doing things, especially when done with such taste as yours! Please include me in your giveaway!

Martha A. said...

Wow, what a list of comments! I probably do not have a chance, but I would like to be entered!

Genevieve P said...

Please include me! Living w/ 4 girls on a teacher's salary, frugality is our way of life!

Anonymous said...

I don't stand a chance, but I'd like to be entered in the drawing!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Not sure if you will have the chance to read these comments anytime soon, but I was hoping you could write a post on starting off as a frugal wife and mother. I'm gettting marriend in 6 months and could really use some tips. Also, what do you recommend couples register for?

Anonymous said...

Please enter me . I love books!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! I visit every day for inspiration and hope. Thanks for all of your great ideas and wisdom.

Montserrat said...

What a lovely giveaway! I can always learn something new about being frugal, so I will be coming back to visit often. :D

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and your ideas, so I'd love to read books that you'd recommend! Count me in.

:o) Rachel said...

You know, Meredith, you could probably make a book of your blog and it would be a best seller!
:o) Rachel

Kena said...

so fun and creative. please count me in!

Liz said...

Awesome giveaway! Count me in! Thanks!

April said...

I could use these.I would love to be entered thanks!

Anonymous said...

What a great giveaway! I'd love to be entered!

Mrs. Jones said...

Hello, hello. I just love your blog!

Caroline Howard said...

I'm in! I love your blog. by the way. i have been readin it for quite sometime but have never commented. But you have inspired me in many ways.

michelle said...

I can use all the help I can get when it comes to decorating. I would love to be entered!

michelle (at) northofthe49 (dot)

Jo said...

What great books and honey, I can use all the decorating help I can get! Seriously, girlie here just isn't good at it. :)


Darcy said...

I'd love to be entered in your drawing! Thank you!

Nicola said...

wow...go offline for 1 day and look what happens! enjoy your blog daily....

Kimberly @ Raising Olives said...

Thanks for all the fun ideas.


Teri H said...

Please include me in your drawing! Thank you!

Teri in CO

Shama-Lama Mama said...

I'm all for passing good books on to others! Thanks for the chance to win!

Rmomof3 said...

I would love to win! I keep reading your blog hoping to usurp a little of your wisdom!

Sweet blessings!

Sarah B. B. said...

How generous of you - thank you!

Rachel said...

Count me in too please.

Rachel said...

Count me in too please.

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