Tammy's Recipes makes scratch cooking seem easy. I printed her recipe for Amish White Bread. I bought a Williams-Sonoma Bread Machine for $6. I measured, I dumped, I pressed dough in a pan and baked it the oven. Bread! Hot! Delicious!
Now that I've baked something edible, I'm ready to try something more nutritious. Don't you just love learning new things, even if it's something everyone already knows how to do?
Where in the world did you find a bread machine for $6.00??? I would love to own a bread machine, but I have never found one that cheap!
Sharon, it's rare to go into any thrift store and NOT find a bread machine. Since they're bulky, they're often the first to go when people clean out their kitchen cabinets.
This one had been sitting there for a month until it went half-price from $12. I remembered this model cost $200-plus when new, so I paid $2 more than the other $4 machines on the shelf.
I love your blog.
I linked to you off of my blog, I hope you don't mind?
Good for you. I love to make homemade bread for the family.
I love to eat it too, warm from the oven, slathered with Amish butter. That explains the ten pound weight gain this winter.
Freecycle can also be a great source for bread machines- that's where I got mine. Not a Williams-Sonoma- What a find!
That recipe worked well for us too...it's my son's favorite. In fact, I have to make some more tonight.
I'm going to try the sourdough type one, where you leave the dough overnight to rise...I think I saw that one over at hillbilly housewife.
Her pumpkin spice bread recipe is really good too. I made two loaves today.
Yeah! I totally understand the fear of yeast. I had that too, a couple of years ago. With experience, you'll find that it's not as tricky and hard as you once thought. At least that's how it was for me. :-)
I love my bread machine. I recently posted about this very thing!
You are going to have so much fun with that bread machine. I use mine at least 3 or 4 times a week. My kids are spoiled - I pack sandwiches make with homemade bread almost every day (except for the odd day that I load the machine and forget to turn it on - ha!) They prefer homemade hamburger buns and pizza crust, too, thanks to my Zojirushi.
Susan in San Antonio
Great job, Meredith! :) I don't always make homemade bread, but it's a nice treat. :) Thanks for the link, also. :) I was surprised to see it! :)
I feared the breadmaking process too. Don't you just feel so proud when you gain a new skill like that? Great find on the bread machine too!
ok you've inspired me to check out the thrift stores on friday for a bread machine. I've been thinking about getting one for awhile. I didn't want to spend the money as I wasn't sure I'd use it a lot.
What brands of bread machines do you recommend? Is there any to stay away from? I guess I have some research to do.
Way to go!
I don't see bread machines around here like that! I do have one, but would love to have one that makes more normal looking loaves instead of the tall ones. For $6 you bet I'd be buying another one! :)
Stephanie, I should add that I only used the bread machine to knead and rise the dough, not to bake it. I had this sandwich style loaf pan from a yard sale and baked it in that, instead.
$6 for a bread machine is a lot cheaper than a Bosch or similar mixer capable of kneading dough.
Good for you! I also use Tammy's Amish Bread recipe with my own little changes. (For example, I use coconut oil.) I having been reading your blog for a few months now and I am really enjoying it. Would you mind if I linked you to mine. Come over and visit me.
God Bless!
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