I'm looking forward to the discipline of Lent. I like
what Nissa calls a renewed focus on "traveling lightly" and "plain living." How much easier it is to sacrifice together, as a community of faith, than it is to go it alone. My family still hasn't decided what to give up, though I'm seriously considering restaurant meals.
I have an overstocked freezer. 20 cu feet. 4 hams; a dozen packages of chicken; 10 lbs of sausage; 2 or 3 pot roasts; fish; cheese; steaks; burgers; pork chops. And some pre-cooked meals.
So, we are going to give up buying meat. [Except for corned beef when it goes on sale around St Patrick's Day. But, by then, I'll have room for it.]
I got into the habit of giving up something for lent living in New Orleans. Gonna miss Mardi Gras this year (family fun of course). Don't know what to give up this year. I'll have to pray and think on that some more. I'm real excited about the Prayer Journey I'm going to take the choir through in preparation for our Good Friday Service (The Seven Last Words of Christ) and in prep for Easter of course. Something to think on.
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