As Anonymous reminded me in the comments below, there was a stainless steel lining to my little cloud of pique.
I *did* give the fridge a good scrubbing, and in turn, pulled out several more things from the freezer inventory. I've been meaning to clean it out in preparation for pre-baby frozen dinners, anyway.
I had stashed several bags of this Salad Pizazz from the salvage store (50 cents each). No one else was as fond of the fruit and nut combination as I was, so it went in a batch of homemade granola instead.
What are you filling your freezer with in preparation for those postpartum days? Knowing you don't do "high carb" and alot of the usual fill your freezer recipes are very starchy casseroles, I just wondered. We are carb careful around here. So while I love the concept of homemade convience food, I'm not able to use alot of the recipes. I love the way you are always thinking ahead! -Melissa
Melanie, another blog (Mrs. Happy Housewife) reminded me how inexpensive homemade granola can be. I like to sprinkle it on plain yogurt, but I never put enough butter to get the oats crispy and browned (you know, the good stuff!). Instead mine are only lightly toasted.
Here is the link to Mrs. Happy Housewife's recipe for yogurt and homemade granola, though there are tons of instructions on the web:
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