Thursday, November 10, 2005

Loose Change = Gift Certificate

Thanks to Boston Gal's Open Wallet, I learned a new trick today. Amazon has teamed with the grocery store change counter Coinstar. When you empty a jar of loose change in specially marked machines, you can receive the proceeds in an Amazon gift certificate instead, with none of the usual added fees. This is an excellent way to ensure that the cash from your change jar doesn't slip through your fingers with small purchases of Diet Cokes--a certificate entrusts it for Christmas shopping or a gift for someone else. Is that smart of Amazon or what? Cash Goes in, Gift Certificate Comes Out -- Coinstar Now Offering Gift Certificates Redeemable At With No Transaction Fee

1 comment:

MommyLydia said...

Hrms -- at my bank, I can take the change is and they will deposit directly into my account, as cash that I can use in any way -- no surcharge taken out at all.