(And in this season of life, she's the only reason my kitchen baseboards get scrubbed.)
I'm not alone. In Home-Ec 101's spring cleaning, Ivy confessed:
We should all be so blessed to have someone with a bucket in our lives.There's nothing like having your mom standing on your front porch with a bucket to encourage you to get to work.
Molly Piper wrote an excellent series about how to help a grieving friend. In it, she shares how cleaning someone's house can be next to godliness.
This humble service is one we can accomplish on any budget.

I wish with all my heart that my mother could join me with her cleaning bucket. My mother is a stroke victim who has not be able to move the bottom half of her body for more than 6 years now. I am sure she would give most anything to be able to help wash floors, walls, and windows again. As we are coming up on another Mother's Day I am just so thankful to have my mother. Blessings Roxie
My MIL, the Master Gardener who moved into a home on a very small lot, occasionally shows up with hedge trimmers and pruners instead of a mop and bucket. She always hopes I'm not offended but would I mind if she just trimmed up a bit? I'm NEVER offended but ALWAYS thankful.
I have a 1 year old and a newborn. At first it was hard for me to accept people cleaning for me- it hurt my pride that I didn't have it all together and that my dishes were piling up. I've learned to accept the blessing of helping hands, and be thankful for them. Nobody can do it all, and I am so grateful for my mom!
oh my - this would be pure ministry to my soul since this is my biggest home management challenge. :)
My mom has helped (or would if I asked)...I think I need to ask. :0
I really needed to read this post, as I am home from a busy weekend of travel and needing to bring order out of chaos. I am already dressed to clean; just needed to prepare my heart to tackle my most dreaded chores. I will pop in on the links you suggested, hoping for some inspiration to get me moving.
We're supposed to scrub our kitchen baseboards??? Oh, no.
I haven't read the Molly Piper link yet, but I can testify to how a clean house can help a wee bit during a stormy time. Coincidentally, my in-laws came and cleaned my entire house just 2 days before we had our terrifying ultrasound {2 weeks ago}. Having thing tidy was just one less thing I had to worry about!
Today is 5 years since we buried my Mom. One of the last things she was able to physically do was for me. I was pregnant and confined most of the day to the couch - she and my Dad came before the baby came and did every single bit of cleaning and yard work that I had not been able to do because of physical restrictions.
Thanks for the link love! I'm incredibly grateful to have my mom still in good enough shape to help. Someday she won't be in as good shape as she is, and then I'll show up on her doorstep with a bucket.
Last time my Mum came down to stay for the weekend we cleaned my house from top to bottom. Oh what a wonderful feeling that was! Since then she's been a waaaayyy up north and I've managed to keep the floors cleaned almost weekly. She's coming back for the weekend in 2 weeks. I'm sure she'll enthusiastically attack another neglected area of housecleaning!
This is exactly what I do when my friend is not able--clean her house! It's no-cost (well, except the gas) and blesses her so much. It's an excellent way to show someone you care without having to break the bank doing it--or giving an expensive gift.
Girl, cleaning has never-ever been a party for me since being married and having children - When I was single and my house was always in place, I loved to clean - I'm just keeping it real (LOL)... When my first was born, I'd arranged for a housekeeper to come in and clean twice a week - My mom who was visiting from Arkansas was amazed at the job she'd done for just $40 for 4 hours - I'd tip her 10 to make it $50 - She was goooood...
Even on maternity leave, I kept her services - it saved my sanity - and with meals prepared by mama, I was in 'hog' heaven -
Fastforward to today -I do it - I clean - It's cathartic at times - especially if there's something 'really' on my mind -
I have able-bodied girlfriends that would come over If I REALLY needed help - but to return the favor - I would not be thrilled and fake arthritis in my right hand or something (lol) - Cleaning parties would not thrill me either - I'm just an open book on the truth - ha ha ha
So - that's when you have to resort to putting a guilt trip on the hubby to pitch in more with the spring cleaning 'haul' -
It has worked for me - for 10 whole years - can't change what works... :) The housekeeper was a dream - and now she charges $110 every two hours she's at your house. But she tells me that at the time I hired her, I blessed her family a lot - that means the most - I cannot afford her now, but I referred to her to a few of my friends, who are still on board after 8 years...
I do have a sweet affection for home-ec books from back in the day tho' - precious memories of my home-ec teacher, mrs. stanley, who was allergic to perfume. Some kids wore it to set her off.
I wish I come across one at a yard sale soon!
I quit my teaching job last year to be a SAHM, and to make ends meet I'm cleaning a few houses on the side. Let me tell ya, it is the best feeling. Servanthood at its finest. And to hear their thank yous make my day.
It's not just mothers who can be a wonderful help. My SIL is awesome. Every time she visits someone she finds a way to help them. This week she is visiting from interstate. She came to see us the other day and noticed my daughter's room was very messy. She thoroughly cleaned the whole room for me!
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