I wish.
I've been shivering with strep throat. I pulled John's crib next to my bed and set out the junk--er, imagination--box for the big kids.
And my mom scoffed at me for buying felt and plastic spoons at the estate sale Saturday!
The biggest blessing of all has been a freezer full of Once A Month meals. Don't know what I would have done without them.
Back soon after I catch up on diapers and dishes...
OH NO! I'm so sorry that you are sick!
Let the kiddos make a mess...it will clean up...
I would say YAY for the garage sale find!
Wow, the Lord does provide! And you were nervous about OAMC day. Glad you did it and I hope that you are feeling better in no time.
So sorry to hear that you're sick,but glad it's not the Swine Flu!! Get better soon, Meredith. You are always missed!
I hope you feel better soon!
(Also, you're brilliant! I love the general store idea.)
Bless your heart! Hope you're feeling better soon.
Feel better! Strep really packs a whallop-- that is where the first half of April disappeared for me!
Praying for a swift recovery adn return to energy!
Hope you feel better soon, I love the idea of the imagination box!
I'm sorry you're sick!
But thanks for the laugh "homespun wool pads" indeed : )
annnnnnnnnd, take all the time you need -
I am so sorry to hear about your strep sickness - It's so not fun!
God has a way of preparing us for the 'big' time-outs huh?
So glad the meals saved the weekend!
I hope you feel better! I think strep throat has got to be the worst. I would rather have the stomach flu! Take good care...and good for you for planning ahead with those freezer meals. You rock!
Feel better soon Meredith!! Strep is no fun at all. :(
So sorry that you are sick. I get strep throat all too often myself so I know it is no fun at all. Please take care of yourself. Saying a prayer for your quick recovery. Roxie
Get well soon! I'm sorry you are sick, but glad that it caught you prepared. ;o)
Get well soon Meredith. You are amazing to have your sense of humour and witty words (homespun wool pads cracked me up) while ill.
Hope you're feeling better soon! We're sick here, too, and also very glad for freezer meals!
Yuck, I hope you are feeling better! And thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog!
Oh, praise be! Another kitchen table that looks like mine! ;)
Also, great of God to provide. Those freezer meals are perfect for a time such as this.
Hope you feel better soon!
I had strep a few months ago. I am so sorry!!!! I hope all is ok!
I'm so glad you are feeling better. Strep throat is really rough, and it dangerous as well. I hope none of the litlle ones have it.
I think that I would have sprung for disposable diapers if I were sick, although I love cloth diapers. Shivering with a fever and washing dirty diapers just doesn't seem to mesh! Poor moms never get a break, do they?
Sorry to hear you were sick! It is so hard when mom isn't feeling well b/c life still goes on, ya know! Love the mom store post, we do something similar and I too struggle with being consistent, with the stocking and shopping!
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