Sunday, January 04, 2009

Get your scissors, girls

Frustrated by never having enough coupons? Me, too.

Now's the time to catch up with the experts. Since many coupons expired 12/31, today's papers have 5 inserts for the new year.

Above, $6 woven stool from Salvation Army, a Black Friday gift from my mother to my husband.


Christian - Modobject@Home said...

I clipped this evening! Time to get back into it now that the holiday blur has ended.

Essential Oil Premier University said...

Yes, got them, clipped them, filed them. Nice to "get back to normal" isn't it?



Lura said...

I really hated to thow away all of those coupons that expired in Dec. 2008, but I did it tonight. I too am wanting to get reorangized with my coupons!

Courtney@Booksnboys said...

LOL! I bought 4 papers today :) I am stocking up in preparation for triple coupons at a couple of our local grocery stores.
I have been regularly reading your site for a couple months now and really enjoy it! Thanks for putting all the time/effort into your blog.

Leila said...

Love the stool!

Candace said...

Wow, I cannot believet hat I missed this. What a bummer.

Shell in your Pocket said...

Great tip!
-sandy toes

Empty Nest Full Life said...

You are so right! I have got to get all of the ones that I have organized. Jackie

Anonymous said...

I am such a bad couponer. *sigh*

Love that chair and really love that rug!

Anonymous said...

I bought 4 papers and squealed with glee when I saw the amount of coupons.

They are all clipped and filed. I even had to make some "make do" binder inserts because I didn't have enough!

I used a few tonight at walmart. The cashier made a comment about how well I did and I thought.. you ain't seen NOTHING yet.

Lolly said...

Oh I just LOVE couponing!! I went to Kroger last week and was able to take advantage of the P&G promo plus use coupons loaded on my Kroger card and paper coupons. I picked up $90-ish of items for about $32!

Poppy B. said...

I found six coupon segments in my Chicago Tribune--thought it was well worth a trip to the newstand to pick up a few more--maybe some Sun-Times as well. But it turned out the Frugalistas beat me to it. The newstand was bare!