We curled up under a freshly washed blanket my mom bought at a neighborhood sale. I studied old
Country Livings from a free box, while the kids delighted in
extra books from a friend.
The husband declared dinner the
best meatloaf ever. A good day, all around.
Sounds like you are on track ! Another good dish for the freezer is chicken and veggie soup - I made gallons of it when I was pregnant.The watermelons are great just now so fresh fruit for dessert and snacks. I enjoy you blog so much - I hope the next few weeks go really well for you - God bless
I'm glad your man liked it so well... since you made 6 of them!
Yay! Hooray for weekends, indeed!
That sounds perfect to me!
Sounds like a good weekend to me too.
Sounds like a great day to me! :)
Sounds alot like my weekend. I went into the room all alone, enjoyed some quite time with a few magazines and my dog Beulah Mae on my lap and a glass of ice tea beside me. Quite, blessed quiet.
Hope that the rest of your pregnancy is without trouble. Take care and God bless. Roxie
oooh, now you have to share the meatloaf recipe!
Okay, now will you share the meatloaf recipe!
I'm so glad you had a restful day. Especially after that cooing marathon!
Love those magazines!
Oh, I'm so jealous of your weekend. I'm just longing for a quiet weekend- our LLL had a yard sale and then we had many errands to run! I'm glad you enjoyed yours. :) I did spend some time on my back porch with a book though.
Sounds like heaven on earth! How relaxing!
That sounds like a wonderful weekend! I could go for some of that myself :)
This looks a lot like the Sunday afternoon here. For some odd reason, my 18 month old son keeps making me read him my Coastal Living magazines while curled up with a blanket and sippy of milk.
Your weekend sounds lovely.
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