Monday, July 14, 2008


Many of you have written to ask about my husband's job search.

In short: we've been in limbo for the last few months, waiting to see if he could catapult out of a frustrating situation.

To complicate things, the State stepped in for restructuring, freezing the interview process altogether.


We just learned that his immediate boss has been removed...and my husband has been promoted in his place!

This is far better than our previous options A, B, and C ever were, a lifetime career goal for him and the least transition for our little family. We are so grateful!

Let's just hope my nesting energy will cover the nursery AND a new office.


Catherine at Frugal Homemaker Plus said...

I'm so glad it worked out for you and your husband Meredith! Nothing is worse than being in limbo.

Unknown said...

Awesome sweetie! I am so glad things worked out fantastic for you!

Sarah M said...

COngrats to him! Isn't it funny how we never see the best situation until HE gives it to us?

Christi said...

Oh Meredith - congratulations! I know you've been waiting, wondering & praying for a while now. So glad you've got your answer, and that it's better than you've imagined!

Anonymous said...

May you have God's deepest joy on your new situation. Aren't God's unexpected blessings the best?


Elise said...

Great news!! I remember reading your post a few days ago about multiple children in one room-when I came across this blog I thought of you.
She has 3 boys in one room and beautifully so.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Meredith! That is wonderful.

Good luck. I'm sure you'll get it all done and done very well. :)


tiffany said...

That is wonderful news! Celebrating with you. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Thanks for sharing this good news...God is good! Happy Day! ~Connie

Nancy said...

What a fabulous blessing for you and family! I'd say your prayers were answered in a very wonderful way.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Celebrating with you from afar (Michigan)

Kacie said...

That's wonderful news! God had an even better plan for you than the ABC options!

Anonymous said...

Our Lord really does answer prayers. I am happy for you and your family. Just remember to take care of yourself. Take care. Roxie

One Woman's Journey - a journal being written from Woodhaven - her cottage in the woods. said...

God is so Good.
I smile at your news and am so very happy for your family.
Now take care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! How wonderfully blessed your family is.

G.L.H. said...

God's plans (plan D) are always better than our A, B, and C. And he had it planned "all the time."

Congratulations to your family! So happy you don't have to do a "big move."


Lindsay said...

Wow!!! Congratulations!

DealFinder said...

Wow, that's awesome! Isn't God good?

Lindsay said...

I've been reading your blog for awhile so I know about your situation. I just want to give you a big congratulations! I know how stressful this has been for you. It's very true that God takes good care of us and watches out for our every need, providing in ways you didn't think possible.

Jeana said...

WOW! That's wonderful! Praise God!

Beth said...

That's wonderful news! I'll pray that the transition to the new position will go smoothly and that you'll have the energy you need to help him get that office set up.

Queen of Carrots said...

Congratulations! That must be so exciting!

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Isn't it amazing how sometimes a bad situation just seems to fix itself in ways we never even imagined? What an incredible answer to prayer! Congratulations to your husband!

Chris said...

Oh what wonderful news!

I'll be praying for lots of energy for you!

Shannon said...

Oh, Meredith! Yeah! I was praying you wouldn't have to move right now. You have so much transition to look forward to this fall already:) I'm so tickled you and hubby! Please tell him I said congrats!

Anonymous said...

God's timing is always perfect. Congratulations, and happy to read about your beautiful trip abroad!

carandavis said...

praise God! He always has something better for us than what we can comprehend aiming for!

Anonymous said...

God works in amazing ways: not in our time and not in our way, but in ways we could not and would not have imagined. Congrats to your hubby!

Michelle Smiles said...

Congrats! That is wonderful news!

Crystal Paine said...

Praising God with you, Meredith!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Seriously, Meredith? This is wonderful news for your family, and we rejoice with you at this unexpected turn of events! God so often surprises us with options we didn't even dream were possible when we feel like our pathway has come to a dead end. This is a wonderful closure to this period of stressful waiting, and it will be nice for your hubby to be all settled in his new job before the new baby comes!! Yeah! Congratulations!
Susan :-)

Diane said...

Isn't it amazing how God often works outside of our plans? Things you could never have predicted. Congratulations!

Caroline Howard said...

Oh how wonderful!! God is so good!
I have been a lurker on your blog for a long time and am not sure I have ever commented :o) I love everything you write and you have blessed me so much! Thanks

Sadie said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful blessing. Hearing this news made my heart rejoice with your family this morning.

Kendra Fletcher said...

Wonderful, Meredith! Praise God for His care and faithfulness!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your husband and you! Best wishes!


Heather said...

Congrats and you guys are in my prayers.

Sharon said...

Congratulations! That is great!

I am sure you will find the energy that it requires to do your nursery and seem to have so much of it. :) I can not believe the amount of stuff you seem to get done in a day. You definitely inspire me to get up and go!

April said...

Oh, congratulations, Meredith! Such wonderful news for your family!

Hyperactive Lu said...

Hee hee! I usually have enough nesting to cover the house!!! So happy for y'all!

Angela S said...

Wow, congratulations and YAHOO!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! God is so good.

Karen said...

Jehovah Jireh! What a great blessing for your expanding family! This will mean a little wiggle room financially, yes?

mama k said...

Congratulations! That is so awesome. God is good!

I know how stressful it can be when the main bread winner's job is not what it needs to be. My DH is in the job hunt process right now and I'm praying for a miracle too. :)

Meggan said...

woo hoo! what a blessing. my husband had to make big choice letting some higher ups know about some fishy stuff, and we were prepared to have to find a new job, and instead his honesty was rewarded. God is good!

TJ said...

What a wonderful blessing! God really does wonderful things for His children. I'm so happy for your family.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! Make sure you celebrate this big time for and with him!

P.S. I hope the boss was truly removed and not just "kicked upstairs" where he could still have some influence.

martha said...

I am so, so happy for you. This long experience of waiting, and God's clever answer will forever be part of your family's story. Never forget God's personal and tender care for you. And when I get tired of waiting on the Lord, I will remember your saga and cling to my faith.

What happy news for a Monday morning!

Bobi Jensen said...

Oh, I am so happy for you! My nesting instincts always go to painting and decorating so hopefully yours will too!

Kaye said...

Huge congrats! God is faithful!

Anonymous said...

So excited for you! How wonderful is God's provision for you in this!

Anonymous said...


Jane said...

Isn't it awesome when God's plan is better than our A,B, or C!

Julie said...

Congratulations! God is good indeed.

Rachel V. said...

How wonderful! You have an answer AND it's the one with the least upheaval on your family while you're welcoming the newest one. And oh...why do we ever doubt that HE has the best solution?? (saying that more to myself than to you!).

Laura said...

That's wonderful! Congratulations!

laurel said...

Meredith, that is WONDERFUL news!!!! Please tell your husband congratulations!!!

Heather Anne said...

I am so very very happy for your family - what a tremendous blessing! I so longed to hear some really good news today after a week of sad happenings in our small circle of friends, so, though you are a blogging friend only, I hope you don't mind that we rejoice with you! God is good, without fail.

The Nester said...


I am thrilled for you! Cannot wait to see your upcoming projects--you never disappoint!

Hope you are feeling and sleeping well!

Anonymous said...

Wow!! So happy for you. :o)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Now go yourself a car!

Anna said...

Wonderful news! God is so awesome.

Darcy said...

Yay! That is so great Meredith! Isn't it fun to see God work out our plans for us even better than we imagined?

Amiyrah said...

that is wonderful news! congratulations to the both of you...

Julie Clark said...

Oh Meredith! I am so excited for you all! God is indeed a God of "exceeding abundance" and His plans for us are often greater than we ever would have let ourselves image! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

How very cool! All those months of waiting and wondering and all the while God had a wonderful solution, better than you ever imagined. Very, very cool! Congratulations to your husband.

Sue said...

What a blessing! I am always so thrilled to read how you create memories and a happy home for your children.

Tubo Family said...

Oh yay! Better than ever I understand the frustrations of limbo, as my husband was laid off about six weeks ago and now where we works, whether we keep our house, etc. are all up in the air. I just keep trying to remind myself: it's not up to me (or him).

Renee said...

Congratulations!!! Great news and I just love your cookies too. Celebrate in style with them, and be sure to dip into a nice cold glass of milk while nibbling. Save one for me too? Blessings.

Carrien Blue said...

oh Hooray!

What a gift.

I'm glad for you.

Unknown said...

Praise the Lord! He truly gives in abundance. <3

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Meredith! Praise God, this is GREAT news, I'm happy you don't have to add the stress of moving to your plate right now.

Looking forward to the inspiration you have for the projects ahead...

deb meyers

gclyne said...

That is so cool! I'm glad that this frustrating limbo period is over; it's so great how God works things out better than anything we would've planned. After the past few crazy months, perhaps you can rest and relax just a little (even if only mentally) before the new baby arrives!! :)

Grace in MI

Kim said...

Congratulations! Good things come to those who wait :)

Renee said...

Congrats on your dh's new offer. It is wonderful how when times get somehow tough that it always usually works out in the end.

Hope you are feeling well!


Anonymous said...

So happy for you, Meredith!

Anonymous said...

Immediately I thought of those lovely office parties you catered. You and your husband are a great team!! You supplemented his abilities with your own. I'm so happy for you both.
Mrs. L.

Daiquiri said...

It's so cool how God moves in our often surprising us with a solution that we hadn't ever considered :) Congrats!

Anonymous said...

May God continue to rain down his blessings on your beautiful family. I love to read your posts. You have such a way with words and photos that calms me ; and I think others;too, inspiring us to a beautiful living like Martha Stewart, on a budget. You SHOULD have a magazine. You have a God given gift/talent and I would like to see you use it, please try. To waste a talent such as yours would be a travesty. If you desired to launch a magazine, I would be proud to be a charter lifetime subscriber. Anyway, if you choose
to continue with your blog, it will continue to be an oasis in my day.

Thanks Meredith,

TheNormalMiddle said...

Very, very happy for you all... :)

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news--what a relief!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Meredith! What a relief - I'm glad things turned out so well.