So true! My mom has found her teaspoons down the back of the couch, in the garden, and under beds. Some of them must be in more interesting places, though, because she's never found them.
Meredith, I adore teaspoons. You should tell me whenever you need some so that I can have an excuse to pay a visit to my favorite antique booth and buy some!!!
It is your children! when they are little, they play with them, throw them away or dig in the yard with them. When they get older, they take them when they eat on the run but don't return them. When your children are grown, all your spoons will stay in the drawer.
So, children or spoons, I would choose children! I hope you know I am not meaning to sound preachy, just a reminiscing empty-nester mom telling you my experiences.
and socks - when my children were home, all the socks on laundry never all matched up. But now they do....
When my son was young, he would drop his yogurt cup in the trash - with the spoon still in the cup! I usually retrieved it, but lost a few like that and of course the garbage disposal ate a few. It would be difficult to function with only 3 - I envision turns eating cereal, ice-cream, Glad Mom came to the rescue (good ol' moms!)
A semi-unrelated question: Where do you store all of your beautiful platters, pitchers and plates? How do you keep the number of them reasonable? (Or, have I hit your Achilles heel?) I am just in awe of the many ways you beautifully present things. Could you indulge us with more pictures?
spoons are the first to go because the little ones use spoons more often than forks or knives (unless they're sticking the knife where it shouldn't belong...)
Actually, the "tray" in the photo is a placemat you saw earlier in the thistle photo outdoors.
Entertaining stuff is definitely my weak spot. Yet whenever I feed a crowd, it's cheaper to have bought a 25-cent platter than it is to improvise with a disposable plastic tray.
I keep trays stacked inside another in a tiny vertical cabinet next to the stove. I have an armoire in the dining room with deep shelves in the bottom. I have another cabinet for cassseroles.
Really, it's not so much. I just mix and match in so many different ways that you may not realize you've seen something 5 times already!
Oh---I think I showed photos of my storage in an earlier post:
If you get 'desperate' for more spoons Sam's sells some stainless steal spoons, forks, knives, etc. in their restuarant supply department. I brought some of the spoons for the day care children. They are plain, service pieces. Nothing special. But you get 24 spoons for less than $6.00. Not too shabby when I had a need. I looked off and on at tag sales and garage sales for a flat ware set. I found nothing that was not 'real' silver. I am not going to give the kids real silver. Besides real silver does not go through a dishwasher. Roxie
I thought there might be some mix and match going on, but I didn't recognize the placemat! I'll have to keep those in mind- more useful than just for dinnertime. Thanks for the link, I did pop over there and leave a comment.
Lol! I was just telling my hubby last night that I need to hit the thrift store for more teaspoons because we have a serious shortage. We have more than 3, but we have five children, so need a few more!
just wanted to celebrate your reference to the love song of j. alfred prufrock -- "i have measured out my life with coffee spoons" . . . nice to see a little t.s. eliot in a mom blog :o)
I have found stainless supplies of FULL SET expensive and REALLY GOOD dinnerware at the Salvation Army, Estate Sales, and the Goodwill in the huge 'ziplock gallon bags' - with not one utensil missing! I throw them in the dishwasher and they are as good as new - Setting for 12 - for about 2.99 a bag usually!
Also, beware of the garbage disposal - they chop spoons very nicely and give them jagged edges! We sometimes have that in my house and afterward, we toss, without the loss! We pull more from the dishes pantry for more spoons -
I have found stainless supplies of FULL SET expensive and REALLY GOOD dinnerware at the Salvation Army, Estate Sales, and the Goodwill in the huge 'ziplock gallon bags' - with not one utensil missing! I throw them in the dishwasher and they are as good as new - Setting for 12 - for about 2.99 a bag usually!
Also, beware of the garbage disposal - they chop spoons very nicely and give them jagged edges! We sometimes have that in my house and afterward, we toss, without the loss! We pull more from the dishes pantry for more spoons -
A few years ago, after 20 something years of grownuphood, I bought tableware. I'd had a basic set when I married the first time, and a partial set of a better brand and inherited a larger set with random pieces missing. And now and again had given in and bought MORE teaspoons either at wally world or thrift shops. I was totally fed up with all the mis-matched stuff, divvied it up into two 'sets' to give to the girls when they moved out, and bought myself new at IKEA.
Same with dishes. and IKEA has open stock, so I can replace indivicual items as needed.
So true! My mom has found her teaspoons down the back of the couch, in the garden, and under beds. Some of them must be in more interesting places, though, because she's never found them.
Our spoons are also the first to go. Go down the garbage disposal, that is!
Meredith, I adore teaspoons. You should tell me whenever you need some so that I can have an excuse to pay a visit to my favorite antique booth and buy some!!!
It is your children! when they are little, they play with them, throw them away or dig in the yard with them.
When they get older, they take them when they eat on the run but don't return them.
When your children are grown, all your spoons will stay in the drawer.
So, children or spoons, I would choose children! I hope you know I am not meaning to sound preachy, just a reminiscing empty-nester mom telling you my experiences.
and socks - when my children were home, all the socks on laundry never all matched up. But now they do....
Mine go down the garbage disposal too!
When my son was young, he would drop his yogurt cup in the trash - with the spoon still in the cup! I usually retrieved it, but lost a few like that and of course the garbage disposal ate a few. It would be difficult to function with only 3 - I envision turns eating cereal, ice-cream, Glad Mom came to the rescue (good ol' moms!)
I blame the dish, always running away with the spoon.
We have this problem, too! Spoons disappear like crazy at our house, and usually we find 10 out in the yard, used for digging projects or tea parties.
A semi-unrelated question:
Where do you store all of your beautiful platters, pitchers and plates? How do you keep the number of them reasonable? (Or, have I hit your Achilles heel?)
I am just in awe of the many ways you beautifully present things. Could you indulge us with more pictures?
spoons are the first to go because the little ones use spoons more often than forks or knives (unless they're sticking the knife where it shouldn't belong...)
Actually, the "tray" in the photo is a placemat you saw earlier in the thistle photo outdoors.
Entertaining stuff is definitely my weak spot. Yet whenever I feed a crowd, it's cheaper to have bought a 25-cent platter than it is to improvise with a disposable plastic tray.
I keep trays stacked inside another in a tiny vertical cabinet next to the stove. I have an armoire in the dining room with deep shelves in the bottom. I have another cabinet for cassseroles.
Really, it's not so much. I just mix and match in so many different ways that you may not realize you've seen something 5 times already!
Oh---I think I showed photos of my storage in an earlier post:
How I Store Serving Pieces
If you get 'desperate' for more spoons Sam's sells some stainless steal spoons, forks, knives, etc. in their restuarant supply department. I brought some of the spoons for the day care children. They are plain, service pieces. Nothing special. But you get 24 spoons for less than $6.00. Not too shabby when I had a need. I looked off and on at tag sales and garage sales for a flat ware set. I found nothing that was not 'real' silver. I am not going to give the kids real silver. Besides real silver does not go through a dishwasher. Roxie
I thought there might be some mix and match going on, but I didn't recognize the placemat! I'll have to keep those in mind- more useful than just for dinnertime.
Thanks for the link, I did pop over there and leave a comment.
Lol! I was just telling my hubby last night that I need to hit the thrift store for more teaspoons because we have a serious shortage. We have more than 3, but we have five children, so need a few more!
That is exactly how it is at my house. I'm always losing spoons and they are always what I need th emost of...
Spoons always disappear first in my house too!
Oh, I had to laugh at this one!! Glad it's not just an weird phenomenon only occurring at my house!
Check your sandbox. That's where mine always are!
I'm the oddball, i guess - we never have enough forks!
My spoons go down the garbage disposal also, and they end up in my husband's lunchbox...never to return!
Ruth, PA
just wanted to celebrate your reference to the love song of j. alfred prufrock -- "i have measured out my life with coffee spoons" . . . nice to see a little t.s. eliot in a mom blog :o)
tracy in la vergne
I have found stainless supplies of FULL SET expensive and REALLY GOOD dinnerware at the Salvation Army, Estate Sales, and the Goodwill in the huge 'ziplock gallon bags' - with not one utensil missing! I throw them in the dishwasher and they are as good as new - Setting for 12 - for about 2.99 a bag usually!
Also, beware of the garbage disposal - they chop spoons very nicely and give them jagged edges!
We sometimes have that in my house and afterward, we toss, without the loss! We pull more from the dishes pantry for more spoons -
Happy spoonin' - Latrice
Working mama in the NW
I have found stainless supplies of FULL SET expensive and REALLY GOOD dinnerware at the Salvation Army, Estate Sales, and the Goodwill in the huge 'ziplock gallon bags' - with not one utensil missing! I throw them in the dishwasher and they are as good as new - Setting for 12 - for about 2.99 a bag usually!
Also, beware of the garbage disposal - they chop spoons very nicely and give them jagged edges!
We sometimes have that in my house and afterward, we toss, without the loss! We pull more from the dishes pantry for more spoons -
Happy spoonin' - Latrice
Working mama in the NW
A few years ago, after 20 something years of grownuphood, I bought tableware. I'd had a basic set when I married the first time, and a partial set of a better brand and inherited a larger set with random pieces missing. And now and again had given in and bought MORE teaspoons either at wally world or thrift shops. I was totally fed up with all the mis-matched stuff, divvied it up into two 'sets' to give to the girls when they moved out, and bought myself new at IKEA.
Same with dishes. and IKEA has open stock, so I can replace indivicual items as needed.
For us it is the Forks! They are always having to be replaced. Always.
Cents To Save
Oh my goodness, I can so relate. I finally figured out my son was taking them to school for lunch and then just throwing them out afterwards!
We found two forks tonight! I'd have never guessed where... in the heating/air vent. ;)
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