Thursday, May 08, 2008

Savvy student

My young blog friend Tessa is now a TV star! Here's the video of her coupon-clipping expertise.

Now get back to work on that dissertation, Tessa!


Anonymous said...

Wow-how shocked was I to see my local TV station pop up when I clicked the link. I thought I had made a mistake at first but no Tessa & I are heading for the same deals in the Midwest.


Teresa said...

I love when they interview smart shoppers. She did a great job.

The Frugal Shrink said...

Thanks, Meredith! :D And don't worry- I am still plugging away on the ol' dissertation. I *will* graduate this year!!! :P

NeedANap2 said...

I know KY3!! We used to live in their viewing area!! :)