Saturday, April 05, 2008

The goods

Church sales are my favorite. (Jonathan Adler vase, $1; Vietnamese frame, .50)

These antique bird prints ($9/pair) had $125 antique shop tags on the back of each. Burl wood tissue box for my husband's desk, .50.

A little something just for me: Michael Kors sunglasses (.10) and a lightweight raincoat ($5).

But our favorite find was the cardboard box brimming with art supplies ($2). We have enough felt, glitter, paper, paint and doodads to last us a long while.

I also bought a small single stroller ($10) and all those little odds and ends I pick up at the 10 to 25 cent table: handmade soaps, birthday candles, muffin papers, and tiny Tupperware.


Anonymous said...

Good haul! Particularly love the sunglasses and raincoat!
After I had read all your archived posts, I went to 2 church sales this spring (as you recommended them for so much variety in one spot). Had fabulous luck at one with gorgeous CHEAP old linens, but the other one was packed with people before the listed starting time and I found just 2 things. No dime tables either!
Do you respect posted starting times??

Indie Pereira said...

How do you find out about church sales? Are they listed with the yard sales?

Monica Wilkinson said...

Church sales are THE best! I had a great day thrifting today at our local Goodwill and Salvation Army - can't wait to put some of my finds to use around our home!

Anonymous said...

I have always wondered, how do you know all the name brand items? You mention them alot and I guess I don't shop enough to recognize them. It makes it really a lot easier to spot a bargain that way. Congratulations, I so love living through your life. I have physicaal limitations so I am not able to get around like you so I get so much enjoyment hearing about all your adventures. Keep up the good work.


Meredith said...

Starting times for yard sales:

They start whenever the sellers open the garage/gym doors/etc NOT when the time is on the ad.

That said, I would never knock on someone's door to get them started sooner--but don't laugh, many dealers do this!

I was at the first church sale about 20 minutes early and lined up with the other 30 people! They didn't open the doors until 7, but if they had opened them earlier, I would certainly have gone in with the rest of the crowd.

It does stink to show up at an appointed time and see the whole place ravaged already, but it teaches you to be early.

Meredith said...

Indie, they are listed in the regular yard sale listings. I also keep an eye out for church signs.

Both of these identified themselves as church/charity sales held in gyms.

Meredith said...

Brand names--I shop retail very rarely these days, but I seem to remember most brand names from decorating magazines and websites like Apartment Therapy.

I share them here not to brag but to point you to some names you might not have heard of, either.

Many times I choose something unusual, only to get home, look it up, and see that it is something quality (if not rare or valuable).

I actually picked this vase from a sea of milk glass and florist vases. I was attracted to its shape, color and pinecone-like design.

When I flipped it over and saw Jonathan Adler, I knew the name from design magazines.

It wouldn't sell for a ton on Ebay, but it might make a nice gift for someone who would appreciate its significance.

vicvic said...

Terrific finds! I love those vintage prints. Didn't get out today myself, though there were a plethora of sales, and at least one church sale. I've never had much success at those - but thinking about what you said, maybe it was because I got there too late!

Anonymous said...

My favorite thrift store has 90% off the first Saturday of the month. I spent $4.50 and feel like a pampered queen!


Anonymous said...

My favorite thrift store has 90% off the first Saturday of the month. I spent $4.50 and feel like a pampered queen!


Kate said...

I went to an annual Catholic School sale today with my parents. Mom and I had so much fun. Dad and Bubby took off together and had a grand time. I spent $9.00 total and got:
A lovely quilt in excellent condition
A cute wooden stool for Bubby so he can reach the bathroom sink to wash his hands
2 boxes of lovely stationary
3 videos for Bubby (2 Elmo, 1 Winnie the Pooh)

I thought the videos were a bit overpriced, so I only got the ones I KNEW Bubby would enjoy and benefit from.

It's a Mom Thing said...

Oh, I'm itching to get out to my first yardsale of the season. Since my baby boy is coming in less that six weeks, I know I don't have much time left. Too bad the last two Saturdays have been rained out.

Looks like you got some great loot! It's almost as fun to see what other folks get at yardsales...the thrill of the hunt vicariously through you.

Indie Pereira said...

I bought a pair of Michael Kors pants at Ross. I hadn't heard the name before. After you mentioned it I looked back at the label and it said compare at $100. They do look very good on.

Amy said...

SCORE! Those are some amazing deals! You find the best stuff- I especially love those prints. Great job!

Jane said...

Thanks for coming back and sharing your haul! Something for dh, for the kids, and you! Very nicely done!

Anonymous said...

You know I wish I had a memory for brand names. I don't. Sad but true. I am that way with the names of people too. Till I get to know your face I have a 'hard time' putting a name on a person. My memory is not good. My sweet husband on the other hand, WOW it is amazing how he can and does remember people. Someone he met just once at a meeting he will see 3 years later and he will remember their name and how he met them...I am always blown away when it happens and it happens often.
Looks like a good score on all the items. I have made a vow to myself NOT to bring any clutter into the house any more. Roxie

martha said...

Oh Meredith, you must have "bargain angels" on each shoulder. I tried on those very sunglasses this afternoon. At SteinMart they were $16.99, and the price tag said they had originally been $80.00!


Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Wow! Great finds! I saw yesterday that a neighborhood not far from us was having a neighborhood garage sale today. I wanted to, but not by myself. My husband slept until noon due to how late he worked every night this week, so we pretty much missed everything. Oh well.

I did get some fabulous deals at a Corningware outlet today.

Anonymous said...

Meredith, is that an Ellen Tracy coat? If so, score a big one for you!

Melissa Stover said...

i wish i had a friend like you to take me to yard sales. i love the bird prints and the raincoat looks great.

Miss G said...

Very fun! Great sunglasses and the box of art supplies, what could be better! I once got free bottles of glitter from a teacher who had a connection with the Michaels warehouse people and brought tons of stuff for us to sort through and there's something like a big ole supply of glitter on hand that makes you feel rich indeed! Kelly

TJ said...

Great finds Meredith! I love that after the sale at our church, everything is free the next day. So after Sunday School and before worship, we pickup what we can use.

The Frugal Shrink said...

Great finds! I think that your posts where you show your finds are my favorite. :D

The Nester said...

You are the Queen of thrifting! Woman, if I had one wish it would be to go thrifting with you!

Well I would wish for our debt to be paid off and world peace and a cure for all disease and no hunger but after that stuff, shopping with you--for sure!

Anonymous said...

You always find the best stuff!

I'm starting to see garage sales signs in our area (further north from you) - I'm going to try to get to some next weekend. You've inspired me. :)

Anonymous said...

I love church sales as well. You never know what treasures you are going to find.

Great buys.

God bless.

Tubo Family said...

Good shopping! I am currently on a purging kick so even though I was tempted by a church rummage sale on Fri, I resisted--but it's nice to vicariously experience the thrill of the find here. Thanks Meredith.

Nancy said...

Fabulous finds! My faves are the bird prints and the raincoat (love the color). Way to go!

Anonymous said...

I just clicked on the coat picture to enlarge it and see that it IS an Ellen Tracy! Wow, what a deal! That's probably a $300 coat.

Anonymous said...

I always feel so guilty when I read about the great stuff you find. Because I used to be an epic thrift storfe dresser, and now I'm the wasteful person selling the burlwood tissue box. I'm especially envious of the tiny Tupperware.

Meredith said...

Isn't it fun? I'm glad so many of you share in my excitement!

And I was feeling bad for buying myself a $5 raincoat--even though I really do need a lightweight one right now. Knowing that it was an expensive brand makes me feel a little less guilty.