Was Nashville hit hard by the tornados? I was under the impression it was a different part of Tenessee, but being all the way up here in the North West, I know nothing :)
I previously bought the blue version of the pink gingham rocker for my son's nursery--brand new. Before frugal changes. I must say that I didn't even buy the ottoman, and we paid WAAAAY more than $69 for it!
Your Goodwill has much nicer upholstered furniture than mine! That was quite a line of storms coming through! We were in a little pocket that just got rain and some high winds.
So glad that your home was spared from the awful weather last night.
I have not seen furniture as nice as that in the Goodwill stores here. I admit I have not checked the Salvation Army store in a long time. There are not near as many Salvation Army stores as there are Goodwill stores. In our area there is a Goodwill store on almost every corner. Thanks for the reminder. I think I will check the 'Sally' more often. Roxie
Jora, I know you're concerned about bedbugs, because you mention it every time : )
You will have to choose what you're comfortable with.
I think the only upholstered furniture I've bought in a long time has come from small church thrift stores and yard sales. I don't think they have bed bugs in Belle Meade!
But your greatest chance of these would be at large chain thrift stores where furniture is kept near each other in warehouses. I do believe they sanitize them, but who knows? Use your discretion.
I think you'd be just as likely to get them from used furniture as you would by leaving your household goods in a storage unit.
Wow, you have the most amazing thrift stores! I love all three of those pieces (I think the green sofa is fab!). I did find a really great brown leather chair with brass nail heads the other day for $50. My hubby would have loved it and I am kicking myself for not getting it. I love to see pictures of thrift store finds! It inspires me to keep looking, be patient, and not give into the "I need it now" attitude...it is so much more gratifying to be patient and buy used. Thanks for the inspiration!
I immediatly thought of you and your family when I heard about the tornados. I am so glad you are alright. I love all 3 pieces but especially the Chartreuse green loveseat. But my husband would kill me if I paint, buy or wear anything else green. To see what I am talking about I posted a couple of pictures of my kitchen the other day. Carrie
I'm loving the brocade sofa. :) When my husband and I were furniture shopping over the summer, I was very surprised at the heavy 60s and 70s influence on the furniture styles, down to the starburst clocks.
I guarantee you that Belle Meade has seen bed bugs. We got them from borrowing a bassinet from a doctor in a wealthy area of Boston. Any one who has experienced bed bugs can tell you that a day trip to hell would be more pleasant. This environmentalist ended up throwing a mattress, box springs, desk, and dresser into the dumpster and spraying horrible poisons all over her home.
But since I've experienced them and know the tale tell signs to look for, I might consider buying one of those things after examining it, especially if it were light colored (since it would show the evidence).
I was just at the thrift store and needed to nurse the baby and I intentionally sat down on a plastic chair instead of a couch just in case there might be something that could jump on me and take a trip home.
Amazing! I love the lime green actually, but yeah, too high. AND I can't believe that about the rocker and ottoman! I have that in blue, bought it off the floor (demo mark down) at Babies R Us years ago and it cost a fortune! Amazing.
No wonder why my comments were not showing up at your posts. Here I never verified the letters below my comment. Glad to hear your family is ok. I love the brocade sofa especially the colors which would go well with my living room. My thrift stores are getting crazy about their petite selection of furniture lately. If I have a list in my purse of things we need it helps keep me from buying things. We need dressers, end table, coffee table, lamps and other things. The gems will come, until then I will be on the lookout. Renee :)
"Jora, I know you're concerned about bedbugs, because you mention it every time : ) "
I have to be concerned because I'm swimming upstream -- my DH is not 100% on-board with my 2ndhand deals. Just one case of fleas, lice, or bedbugs, and he'd scream bloody murder at the thought of me buying anything from a thrift store ever again.
So, I need to keep on my toes for the sake of marital harmony.
I forgot that particular store existed until this post. I stopped by when I was close and saw the chair in person yesterday. It was sold. The lovely green couch with a tie hanging out of it was still available. I'm absolutely thrilled that I stopped in because I found two nice Land's End sweaters 50% off and a shirt for myself. I really needed some since I don't fit into anything post partum.
Anyone else following this story may be interested to know that someone who reads this blog recognized the green loveseat as her own--one that had been passed down to her family, used for several years, and given to someone else.
Good to see you posting! So glad that you and your family are ok. Is there much damage in your area?
Wondering how things are faring down your way. .. My family there is safe, but so many are devastated!
I like the brocade sofa, very pretty.
Wow I love the loveseat!
Was Nashville hit hard by the tornados? I was under the impression it was a different part of Tenessee, but being all the way up here in the North West, I know nothing :)
I'm glad to see your family is doing fine. I love this brocade. I love the green, too, but I don't think I'd have the nerve:)
Glad to see you guys are okay.
I previously bought the blue version of the pink gingham rocker for my son's nursery--brand new. Before frugal changes. I must say that I didn't even buy the ottoman, and we paid WAAAAY more than $69 for it!
Your Goodwill has much nicer upholstered furniture than mine! That was quite a line of storms coming through! We were in a little pocket that just got rain and some high winds.
I love that loveseat!
Most of Nashville was unharmed, but neighborhoods to the west and north of us were hit pretty hard.
Nothing like Memphis and Jackson, though.
With the resurgence in bedbug infestations, how do you prevent critters in 2ndhand furniture and clothing?
I'm an avid 2ndhand shopper, but recent 'bedbug' articles have me nervous.
So glad that your home was spared from the awful weather last night.
I have not seen furniture as nice as that in the Goodwill stores here. I admit I have not checked the Salvation Army store in a long time. There are not near as many Salvation Army stores as there are Goodwill stores. In our area there is a Goodwill store on almost every corner. Thanks for the reminder. I think I will check the 'Sally' more often.
Jora, I know you're concerned about bedbugs, because you mention it every time : )
You will have to choose what you're comfortable with.
I think the only upholstered furniture I've bought in a long time has come from small church thrift stores and yard sales. I don't think they have bed bugs in Belle Meade!
But your greatest chance of these would be at large chain thrift stores where furniture is kept near each other in warehouses. I do believe they sanitize them, but who knows? Use your discretion.
I think you'd be just as likely to get them from used furniture as you would by leaving your household goods in a storage unit.
Wow, you have the most amazing thrift stores! I love all three of those pieces (I think the green sofa is fab!). I did find a really great brown leather chair with brass nail heads the other day for $50. My hubby would have loved it and I am kicking myself for not getting it. I love to see pictures of thrift store finds! It inspires me to keep looking, be patient, and not give into the "I need it now" attitude...it is so much more gratifying to be patient and buy used. Thanks for the inspiration!
I would totally buy that green loveseat (if I didn't already have a red sofa!!).
We call Salvation Army "Sal's Boutique" in my family!
They had twin swivel Lazy Boys at the Goodwill yesterday. It was soooo tempting, but at $50 each, they just aren't in the budget.
I immediatly thought of you and your family when I heard about the tornados. I am so glad you are alright.
I love all 3 pieces but especially the Chartreuse green loveseat. But my husband would kill me if I paint, buy or wear anything else green. To see what I am talking about I posted a couple of pictures of my kitchen the other day.
Those are some nice pieces of furnitues espesally for salvation army. Ours here never had anything that good!
Not fair! My thrift stores won't sell a couch for less than $300, and for $69 you get an old granny chair that it falling apart.
I love the loveseat!
I'm loving the brocade sofa. :) When my husband and I were furniture shopping over the summer, I was very surprised at the heavy 60s and 70s influence on the furniture styles, down to the starburst clocks.
I guarantee you that Belle Meade has seen bed bugs. We got them from borrowing a bassinet from a doctor in a wealthy area of Boston. Any one who has experienced bed bugs can tell you that a day trip to hell would be more pleasant. This environmentalist ended up throwing a mattress, box springs, desk, and dresser into the dumpster and spraying horrible poisons all over her home.
But since I've experienced them and know the tale tell signs to look for, I might consider buying one of those things after examining it, especially if it were light colored (since it would show the evidence).
I was just at the thrift store and needed to nurse the baby and I intentionally sat down on a plastic chair instead of a couch just in case there might be something that could jump on me and take a trip home.
You must tell me which Salvation Army store you go to! Those are amazing finds!
Amazing! I love the lime green actually, but yeah, too high. AND I can't believe that about the rocker and ottoman! I have that in blue, bought it off the floor (demo mark down) at Babies R Us years ago and it cost a fortune! Amazing.
No wonder why my comments were not showing up at your posts. Here I never verified the letters below my comment.
Glad to hear your family is ok.
I love the brocade sofa especially the colors which would go well with my living room. My thrift stores are getting crazy about their petite selection of furniture lately. If I have a list in my purse of things we need it helps keep me from buying things. We need dressers, end table, coffee table, lamps and other things. The gems will come, until then I will be on the lookout.
Renee :)
Hi Meredith,
I live in Nashville and I'd love to go to the store - is it the Salvation Army on Charlotte?
No, this was the SA on Nolensville Rd, between Thompson Lane and the Interstate.
I don't go there much, but I happened to pop in yesterday morning. Don't know if these pieces would still be there or not.
"Jora, I know you're concerned about bedbugs, because you mention it every time : ) "
I have to be concerned because I'm swimming upstream -- my DH is not 100% on-board with my 2ndhand deals. Just one case of fleas, lice, or bedbugs, and he'd scream bloody murder at the thought of me buying anything from a thrift store ever again.
So, I need to keep on my toes for the sake of marital harmony.
The pink check chair is precious, and I'm drooling over the brocade sofa!
I might have cried in the store had I seen it in person. I tend to do that when I find something that's perfect for me, but already sold.
Not a pretty sight. :>)
I forgot that particular store existed until this post. I stopped by when I was close and saw the chair in person yesterday. It was sold. The lovely green couch with a tie hanging out of it was still available. I'm absolutely thrilled that I stopped in because I found two nice Land's End sweaters 50% off and a shirt for myself. I really needed some since I don't fit into anything post partum.
Thank you, Indie! That is fun to know!
Anyone else following this story may be interested to know that someone who reads this blog recognized the green loveseat as her own--one that had been passed down to her family, used for several years, and given to someone else.
Isn't that amazing?
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