I never would have bought this many groceries at once, had my fridge not been completely emptied by repairs and flu.
According to
Meal Management, ingredients for these
21 meals should cost between $18 and $20 (1956 prices).2008 price? $62 at a small local grocer, with flour and oil from my pantry.

The book recommends 38 pounds of fruits and vegetables, both fresh, canned, and juiced.

I had the hardest time working the low cost menu's meats within my budget. The grocery had reduced prices on pork chops ($3), 3 lbs of bacon ($3), and turkey frankfurters ($1.49).
Would you mind sharing what your food budget is for a family of 4, please. I spend WAY more than $62 per week and am trying to do better! Thank you for any help you can offer.
Look at your pretty handwriting! Your grocery list could have been written by a 1950's homemaker (you know, someone who studied penmanship in school). I am impressed!
Susan in San Antonio
That sounds like you did great!!
Yikes amazing how meat prices vary. I've yet to find many of the prices you share on other foods, but often find meat much cheaper.
I have so many old cookbooks that have a section on food budgets. My early 1900 Fanny Farmer being one. I love that you are doing this!
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