Little did I know that a yarn scraps could entertain two kids for over 3 hours.
First we had to run our fingers through the pile. "I like the way my hands feel."

We ate a spaghetti supper, then molded our leftovers into cake-shaped desserts and ice cream swirls.

Finally, to the business of sorting. Elise called it all "geen, geen, geen," while bossy Andrew insisted that there was light green, army green, and Christmas tree green.
Oh, and a stray strand of embroidery floss that was "as fine as a princess dress. You can have that one."
These mother moments, they are sweet. And we haven't yet begun to glue.
What a great way to have fun with the kids! I think as adults we forget how the simple things once were so interesting! Thankfully we have our children to remind us :)
Homemaker of the 21st Century
I love it! Simplicity is beautiful.
Aha! I see in the future that both will become ... knitters!
Great post.
Even though throughout history children had little or no toys - we somehow think they need tv, computers, electronic games and every toy under the sun to be entertained.
This just shows how kids can be creative and have fun when they are given the opportunity to do it without "real" toy encumbrances.
So sweet, and I think Andrew may have the writer's touch, as in "as fine as a princess dress." What adorable children. Connie
Precious, precious! Nothing will compare with these memories in years to come!
What a sweet afternoon!
Meredith, it might be fun to multi-colored pom-poms with your yarn scraps. Lay yarn pieces of like length side-by-side (or trim to make equal lengths), then tie the bundle tightly with a piece of yarn in the center. You may wish to trim the length of the pom-pom afterward to make it more "fluffy". They'd be fun/funky package tie-ons!
How this made me smile, Meredith! I always think it's so much fun to watch kids take common things & situations & make a game out of it. Your "bag o' yarn" was a good purchase. (o:
I LOVE days like that! Sounds like lots of fun and little mess to clean up. Oh a good day for Mommy. :)
Love the wig! Very cute!
I was watching the "news" this morning and the BIG story was about all the new wonderful video games there are now for children as young as 2. Now, isn't it wonderful that there are NOW ways to get our babies HOOKED on video games?
My own grandsons (who live with me) and the day care children have more fun with spoons, plastic buckets, and such that some kids will NEVER know. I think it is a shame too.
Thanks for the blog. It is wonderful. Your kids are beautiful.
There's such a feeling of peace and contentment in moments like those isn't there?!?
Sweet babies you have--they bring back lots of memories of mine in those days (mine are 14 and 12 now)
Happy Friday!
How wonderful. It is a good reminder that kids don't always need high priced toys, tv, and computer games to keep them happy.
I look forward to all the fun crafty things I can do with my children. In fact, I look forward to it so much that I can't wait. My son already has a drawer with coloring books, paint with water, crayons, construction paper, stickers, playdoh, etc. I'll have to remember to add glue sticks and bits and pieces of anything he can glue to paper.
My mother is a great needleworker. She would keep me amused for hours by tying longer scraps of yarn to a coat hanger (or "hoat canger" as I called them then)and show me how to braid them. Good work for developing fine motor skills, too.
Oh, Gosh, how fun!
Cat from Scaling Back
Reminds me of playing in my gramma's "button box" when I was little. I inherited her buttons and my kids loved playing in them as well. Many hours were spent sorting through all the colors and shapes and picking out favorites. It's the simple pleasures....
More ideas for scraps of yarn. If they are wool you could felt them into wool marbles. Pull strands apart and then roll tight, use soap and hot water and keep agitating with your fingers. Hard for me to describe well, but you can do a search and find directions I am sure. Felting wool is a great activity with kids they love getting their hands wet.
Your kids do seem to enjoy it perfectly just as it is. :D They are adorable.
Barb C (a craft a holic)
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