- pick sale-priced ingredients for Spanish green beans and cheese ball
- buy turkey for the freezer
- make cornucopia with the kids
- start saving small boxes for our annual winter village
- find that yard sale advent calendar I stashed away
- address those thrift store Christmas cards
- press Christmas clothes for family photo
- set aside cardboard tubes for Christmas crackers
- mail family gifts bought throughout the year and wrapped
- stock up on the best butter sale for baking chess pies
- look for purple candles for Advent wreath
- make personalized notecards for colleague gifts
- help Andrew finish sewing felt fruit for Elise
- dig out and repackage the yard sale toys
- gather fallen magnolia leaves for Pottery-Barn style-wreaths
- plan holiday muffin breakfast
I just started making my holiday To Do list, also. At the top of my priority list is to type my Christmas newsletter which I didn't get done last year.
My daily Bible study....to help me keep first things first...for me it is too easy to get overwhelmed from October until January 1st....
I made Nigella Lawson's Cranberry Christmas Morning Muffins a couple of years ago - they were faaaabulous, but my kids weren't all that keen. I'm hoping this year they'll like them, as the family will be with us so I'm hoping to impress the inlaws with them!
oh I forgot, here's the link. Hope it works.
Meredith, in our area, what's a good price on a turkey? We're gone for Thanksgiving this year, but I want to learn how to make one (#1) and I want to make one for all the meat I can save for meals! What do you look for price-wise? Thanks. :)
The only thing I would add to your list, if you have not done so already, is to buy some holiday-Christmas stamps. I always enjoy the beautiful Christmas stamps. They can make even a HO HUM card special...Roxie
So cool to read your list - I love making lists (well, uh, I may actually be a little addicted to it from the looks of my blog LOL) and I love reading and getting inspired by other people's holiday lists, too. Great score on the cards, too!
Best Wishes!
1-send save a date cards for family xmas social for friends
2-finish gathering items for crafts for above social and menu
3-official invites for above
4-xmas pics of family or kids
5-xmas cards for family
6-stamps for above
8-send small second hand knick knacks for school childrens sale
9-gather our gently used toys for xmas cheer program
10-choose from angel tree and purchase from church
11-go through gift closet and complete list missing
12-wrap gifts
14-put up tree
15-order from sears
16-create ebay order list to track what is missing
17-ship gift to halifax
18-gather information on free xmas activities for family
19-buy santa claue 3 when it comes out on 20th
20-would love to send muffin basket to dh's work and send contribution to cookie day (he's not the boss but we'd like to send a decent muffin basket and have a note attached in the break room....i can't say i'm as ambitious as meredith...)
these are NOT in order..
celina in canada
wondering if you are still considering the Magi figure cutouts for the lawn which you wrote about last year?
deb meyers
Deb, probably not.
I am going to have my hands full hosting a lot of family all throughout December.
Stephanie, I regularly see turkey priced about 69-cents a poud at Thanksgiving. Bi-Lo (which is now becoming an Aldi) used to have 39-cent/lb turkey with $10 purchase.
I would set 50-cents/lb as a good benchmark price, keeping in mind that at some stores, you may have to purchase additional groceries or get a "turkey card" punched for a few weeks in a row.
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