The guys are watching Spiderman, so I'm puttering around the kitchen enjoying a few favorite finds:--processing the cookie tray leftovers to save for a gingersnap crust (or five)

--admiring this .65 cent handpainted boutique dress (all baby clothes half price at a local thrift)

--getting to "meet"
Apron Thrift Girl in her YouTube debut, Debunking 7 Thrift Myths
(The embedding code disrupted my layout, so you'll have to click to her site to watch.)
The dress is adorable! And the price can't be beat. I LOVE hitting our local thrift store when they have their $1.00 bag sale ~ they allow you to put 10 things in a bag so they are 10 cents a piece! I have purchased most of my clothes in the last 2 years at these prices and I about faint when I look at a price tag in a regular store. Enjoy what's left of your Friday night :)
Cute dress. Have a good weekend.
Over at Leanne has a free holiday menue. You can print out. The desert is pumpkin cheesecake and it uses gingersnaps in the crust. Thought I would tell you while it is still up there for you to check out...
Seeing the dress made me revisit an old thought:
What would your comeback be if someone saw you (or one of your family members) wearing a unique item and made a snide comment?
This actually kinda happened to us: a snotty little 1st grader once remarked, "Those are OLD clothes," about my DD's cute garage-sale outfit.
[I have a teen, who sometimes wears thrift shop clothes, and I can just picture her devestation if that heppened now.]
I always wondered, if approached by the donor, if I'd have the guts to say, "Yes! Don't WE have good taste!?"
That dress is just beautiful!
Are you going to care what a snotty first grader thinks of what you wear? can't please everyone, after all. best you please yourself! :)
They had an Adventures in Odyssey episode about taking advice from strangers. And it basically came down to that the best thing to do is consider the advice for yourself. See if it has any merit. Perhaps talk to friends and loved ones, see if they agree with the advice/comment. If there is something to it, then work to change it. Otherwise, discard it and don't worry about it. Not everything everyone says is worth acting on or worrying about.
I would love to see a post on frugal ideas for Thanksgiving centerpieces. I am decorating-challenged, and I really admire your blog for the photos and ideas for thinking outside the box to create a beautiful home.
Oh, aren't you smart to process those cookie leftovers.
Great idea to process the leftover cookies! That is very smart of you!!
I love this answer that works for many inapproprate questions without sounding sarcastic..."You'll have to forgive me for not answering, and I'll forgive you for asking"
Such fun!!! Now, personally I would have been cuddled up with DH watching the movie! Maybe that is why I don't accomplish ANYTHING when he is home. :) The cookie idea is genious! Good for you! And way to recycle!
When I was litle we always gave our clothes annonomously to a family who could use them. We wore a lot of used things ourselfs. One day I saw the daughter in a dress my Mother and I had sewen for me. I had to blink back the tears as the dress was very sentimental to me but I oveerheard the daughter giggling to her friend at how much she loved her new dress. That was something I will never forget. I had had my day in it and the memory of making it with my Mother. No one can take from me. The dress was now her's not mine. The joy I saw it gave to her no one can eveer take from me either.
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