Sunday, October 07, 2007

Halloween tree centerpiece

We gathered fallen branches in the yard today. Andrew thought this one looked like a spooky tree. "Let's plant it in a pot and bring it in the house!"

We'll probably hang cotton ball cobwebs or waxed paper leaves from its bare limbs.


Unknown said...

What a cool idea!

Amy said...

So cute! I actually brought in branches as a fall decoration for our bedroom. They looked so fall to me!

Can't wait to see the decorations!

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

That's a very cute idea, and one I might use if I didn't have to worry about a certain kitty of mine making the pot into his second litter box!

Anonymous said...

Neat. I haven't thought of that.
Please, show your final tree.


Mrs. Darling said...

What a simple elegant idea. I'm going to do steal this one! LOL