Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thrift store bag sale

I stopped in a seldom-visited thrift store on the other side of town, only to be greeted by my favorite words: Everything you can stuff into a bag for $1.

Several sale weeks in a row left the shelves and racks sparse. But I did find a cache of beautiful girls' clothing, along with MUCH needed shoes for Elise. Add a few books and magazines, and before I knew it, my bag was full to bursting.

A pink knit coat for fall, 2 Lily Pulitzer terrycloth cover-ups, and 3 pairs of Robeez that fit her right now. The volunteers urged us to take more of the pretty girls' shoes, as next week they'll be replaced for winter.Amidst all the pink, a little something just for me.I only stumble across a sale like this once a year or so, but oh, how it's worth the wait.


Anonymous said...

WOW!!! What a score! All those shoes... do you know what the thrift store charged full-price for those? I wish my local thrifts had a sale like that...

Shoes are the hardest thing for me to find right now for my almost-three year old with long feet. He needs a new pair of black dress shoes, but I haven't come across anything thrifty yet. Pretty soon, I may resort to Payless.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, which store Meredith?? I'm a Nashvillian too. Great find and thanks for sharing!

Debbie J said...

I would love to find a sale like that. We have a local church thrift store that has everything in the store for .39 each sometimes. That's pretty good too, but not as good as the sale you found!

Bobi Jensen said...

Can I just say how jealous I am? As I've been home healing and feeding baby (non-stop :) what I've been daydreaming about for my next "outing" is a stop at my favorite thrift store. It's so fun to stretch the money so far and get great stuff at the same time!

Karen said...

Wow! Great "accidental" discovery! Thanks for stopping in to my blog--I'm flattered, as I esteem your frugal wisdom highly. :)

Missy K said...

I am so impressed! The thrift store here operated by our town's Junior League has such a sale once a year, and it is CRAZY!

Becky said...

What an AWESOME thrift shopping day!

Lisa said...

Praises to HIM!
And what an expert bagger you are. Getting all those goodies to fit in the bag(s).

I recently came across a garage sale that had a $1.00/a bag. Oh my did it make out.

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

What an incredible store that must be! Good for you for hitting it on just the right day too, and squeezing all that into one bag!

Indie Pereira said...

Excuse me while I repent of my jealousy.

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Wow! I've seriously got to try this thrift-store shopping thing more often!

Nicola said...

oh, i am sooooo envious and so thrilled for you. the best kind of bargain! you got some gorgeous items, lucky elise!

Hyperactive Lu said...

I want to stumble across those sales!!!! Boy! You found some fantastic stuff!

Anonymous said...

Our church-run thrift store has all-you-can-stuff-in-a-bag for $5 once a month. Even though it's 5 times as expensive as you paid, it's still an awesome deal.

I'll bet you'll be visiting that thrift store seasonally now.

-- Jora

nannykim said...

wow--maybe I should move there!

The Frugal Countess said...

I covet your thrift store. ;-) Seriously. covet.

Elizabeth Sue said...

Praise the Lord! That's awesome. Don't you just love deals.

Meredith said...

Well, I've been going to this store on and off for years, but this is the *first* time they've ever had so many nice things we needed. It was a real surprise.

I tried one of the bag sales earlier, and it was crazy crowded. No way could you do it with kids.

Now I believe they have a bag sale that lasts a week, only the store is so small, there is very little to choose from after the initial wave of customers.

Kathy, it is the Shopping Bag on Charlotte near downtown. Ms. Cheap in the Tennessean usually gives a heads-up on the timing of its bag sales, should you want to try going to the next season's.

Scribbit said...

Quite the haul--my sister swears by ebay for dressing her kids but I've had a hard time getting into it, I dislike shopping rather. Though I do like having clothes. Go figure.

Monica Wilkinson said...

What a fantastic deal! I love the way God provides!

*carrie* said...


I shared some of my garage sale deals yesterday, but your baf for $1 is truly amazing! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

$1 for a bag, what a great deal. I love a great bargin. It has been a while since I have seen or heard of one this great.

Anonymous said...

Wow! You really did well and everything you bought is so beautiful! Elise will look so pretty in her new clothes. It is so amazing what we can get for the might $1.00.

I love the idea of the nuts for your dh's boss. How yummy they look!

Renee~ Mama to four

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love bag sales, but haven't seen one that cheap in decades! You really hit the jackpot. I grew up with Salvation Army parents, so hanging around thrift stores in my early years taught me a lot about stuffing a bag as full as possible. A really great tip? Roll things up as tightly as possible in rolls and you can get LOTS more in that bag.

Michelle said...

Wow Meredith, great finds. I'm not sure if it's just the "in" thing (shop thrift) to do here in Texas, but The Goodwill and thrift stores just aren't that cheap. A regular price shirt at Goodwill starts at $3.99. Half-price day makes it more affordable, but then one has to contend with the scores of people that come out for that day as well.
My mom lives in TN and I have a ball shopping at her Goodwill. Location, location, location!
I'm simply drooling (okay, not really) over those Robeez! Yay, for you!

Trina said...

Wow, what a blessing to find such a great sale! I'll bonkers over the bi-annual sale at one of my favorite thrift stores. I think michelle is right about Texas stores, I've never seen a dollar day but boy, would that be great. Have a great weekend. Blessings.

Anonymous said...

If I sounded jealous, it's because I am! But I'm also glad for you & your family. :) said...

I know how you feel about the great finds... our local thrift store is having a 50% off everything sale tomorrow morning and I AM SO THERE! :)

Smiles to you,

Donna(mom24boyz) said...

I just hit a similar deal, ours was $2.00 a bag. Check out my blog to see. I would love to see tips on how you take such great pics of your projects. Mine always come out sooo dark and your seem so bright. I just love your blog!

Jane said...

Lilly & Robeez what a score!