"According to Len Epstein, praise may be one of the most underused of all parenting practices. Considering how inexpensive praise is, I'm amazed how rarely parents use it. Look for ways to praise your child regularly." (p. 136).
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. --1 Thess. 5:11.
Thanks, I think we all need that reminder. It's so easy to slip back into the "don't do's" rather than focus on the positive!
I totally agree. All parents should look for every opoportunity to praise their children. Recent research shows that praise should be specific rather than general, and that children should be praised for makeing a good effort. Children that are praised indiscriminately are reluctant to try new things less they fail.
oops, I meant making not makeing. I was not praised for good spelling! Connie
Actively try to "catch" them doing something good. Praise is so much more powerful than we give it credit.
What a darling picture! Elise is getting so big! And you look so pretty and happy:) I love her dress!
You know I came onto the computer this morning early as I always do. I always check your blog to see what an inspiration you will be today. This morning I could not say anything. I had to go think. I came back to tell you that I know from my own experience you are right. I am a 55 year old grandmother of 4. So I have been around the block a few times as the saying goes. I look back on MY childhood memories and I do not recall a single time my father ever said anything nice and in prase of anything I ever did. EVER. He just found fault. I never did anything right. I got praise from a grandmother and grandfather. I swear they saved me. Now as a grandmother and as a child care provider who cares for other children everyday I try and give praise everyday for something. Even if it is just picking up toys when I ask I will praise the efforts. Thanks as always for a thoughful blog. Roxie
Love the picture and totally agree! I have always tried to be extra encouraging and positive for Bubbie. I know how important it is. I had great encouragement from my parents, but Hubbie did not and I can so tell a difference! Its easier for me and more natural, harder for Hubbie.
Thanks for an essential reminder, Meredith. Things have been pretty stressful for our family over the past year or two, and I think that I forget to thank my kids, and praise them, for their kind acts of kindness in midst of all we've been through. I know, though, that when my husband thanks or praises me for something I have done, or notices something we accomplished, it just puts wind in my sails for days!! How I need to be reminded to do this on a regualr basis for my kids!! Thanks, Meredith, for this post today.
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