Elise and I sorted the books in her room while we cleaned. I'm still trying to find our favorite picture books in board book format. We've had one too many ripped pages. $6 seems kind of steep for new board books, so I'm watching the yard sales nearby.
I don't know if you have Half-Price Books in your area, but if you do, they have inexpensive board books. They're often brand-new, which is nice because it means no other baby slobbered or chewed on them. I usually buy board books for baby shower gifts, and I almost always get them there. I can buy several for the cost of one or two books at full price.
I think board books are great for the littlies, until they develop better motor control and don't rip pages accidentally. My kids learned very quickly to handle books well, and we never had any ruined. A few well-loved 'lift the flap' board books lost their flaps from overuse!
What a pity we are on the other side of the world, or I'd pass mine on. Unfortunately the postage to the USA is insane!
I love board books too and my mother-in-law is a teacher so she has given us many for Christmas gifts. I think she takes advantage of those book fairs at her school.
You can register with scholastic as a home-schooler and get monthly order sheets that contain some major book bargains!
Heh, I just put our board books in a basket that looks almost exactly like that one! Looks like you have some classics in board book form too :) As for getting more, when people ask us what Babe needs, I usually say that we like board books, that's how we got our collection. The child does not need more toys :o) and people seem to like getting us books.
hey, I have a bulging basket for our kids books, and a bulging basket of library books. Books are good.
Happy reading!
We have The Runaway Bunny in board book format too -- we have it in the regular format but when I saw the board book one at my library used book sale (for 25 cents) I could not pass it up!
I found a replacement for a much-loved book that my babies enjoy... it's just a little book called "Baby Faces". My oldest "read" it so much that it literally fell apart. I just found a replacement copy for .50 cents at a thrift store yesterday- I was thrilled. I have found good luck with copies of board books at thrift stores, though I bet I could find them cheaper at yard sales but I don't go to those.
Hey Meredith, I too have that same exact basket filled with board books for my almost two year old. It's in our living room, his favorite place to read books with Daddy when he comes home from work. Most of ours have been gifts or hand-me-downs, but I sometimes snag board books on the (relatively) cheap, $1-2, at Ross and Marshalls.
And...if you'll email me your snail address, I have one that I'd love to send you that I've been saving in my gift closet.
We love the board books and have then in baskets too--finding the easy pages and short stories are also nice for reading to 3 y.o. while nursing newborn or when I need a quick way to give the 3 y.o. some individual time and Richard Scarry's "Things That Go" is out of the question.
For the toddlers that I care for, I've found a huge assortment of popular and classic board books at yard sales and thrift stores for anywhere from 25 -50 cents each. I can't imagine spending the retail price for these! Most hardly even look used!
In my day care business I use almost nothing but board books for the children. I look for them at garage sales, used book stores, and I buy them most often at Dollar Tree. I get books from the library to read the children every day at 'circle time' but the children are too young to handle the books from the library. Those stay on my desk till Saturday when I return them for a new batch. I think board books are wonderful. I also have many many fabric books. I love them because I can wash them. Roxie
I've struck board book gold at consignment sales lately, buying a couple of ziplocs with 4-6 books inside for around $1 a bag. We've also come away from thrift stores with some good deals too.
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