Lucky I stumbled upon this salvage grocery in Winchester, TN--we left the house without anything but bottled waters and a bag of apples.

The Sonshine Grocery may be the best salvage store I've ever found--if not in price, then definitely in selection. It was like going into a dusty Williams-Sonoma, only with stuff I could afford. There was an entire aisle of olive oils, artichoke spreads, and various marinades.

Lots of organic foods. I bought a pack of fruit leathers for $1, along with some Blue Sky sodas for the cooler.

For 65 cents, I will finally try quinoa.

Individual packages of cashews (5 for $1) and Bear Naked Granola ($1 for 8 individual packs) filled my bag.
Winchester! I have a cousin there.
Looks like you found a great store.
looks like you DID find a great store. Wow, you were blessed! Thanks for sharing.
What a wonderful find! There is nothing up here like what you have! If only there were. Thanks for sharing.
I'm amazed how you just naturally zero in on such great finds. Being a gourmet and organic foodie, I can say that you definitely scored some great deals...and in Winchester, of all places!!! Make sure to rinse your quinoa very well before cooking, or else it will have a gummy taste and texture. Enjoy your treats and healthy eats!
And they have a Sundrop sign!! I love Sundrop but you can't find it everywhere.
Rinse the quinoa. My kids like it best when I cook it in chicken broth. I use the rice cooker which makes it very simple.
You got some great stuff! What town is Winchester close to? I would love to go and visit that store.
Great finds! I just love a store like that.
I'm new to frugality so please do not be offended by this question... Isn't the quality of the food compromised? If it is in a discount store that means it didn't sell at the regular store so who knows how long it sat there and then who knows how long it has sat at the discount store. Is it really saving money to buy something that isn't as fresh as it should be? This isn't a put down. It is a genuine question. I don't even go into Aldi's because I have this fear of "good food gone bad." Please enlighten me!
Cyndi L.
The quality of the food is just as good as going to Kroger or any other store. It really helps me out money wise with children. They have snacks for school and great things to fix for dinner. It is always an adventure to see what they have new. Everyone should check it out for theirselves. You will love it.
I love stores like this and have frequented some in PA, when we travel that way. Our family is thinking of opening one in the VA area. If you'd like to see if there is one in your locality, please check out this link:
Have a great day - vange
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