Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Tide-To-Go Pen Warning

Baby Cheapskate tells you how to get a free Tide-To-Go pen.

But first, a word of advice. My mom introduced me to Tide-To-Go pens. They're great for the stain-prone. We put one in our purses for secondhand shopping. If an article of clothing has a mystery stain, try the Tide pen before risking your money. All was great.

In the airport, my baby reached into the diaper bag for her teething toy. One moment later, she had the Tide pen uncapped and on the way to her mouth. Since then, I've moved my Tide pen to an inner, zippered pouch. I'm thinking of giving it up altogether.

Baby Cheapskate agrees that the Tide-To-Go top comes off too easily. Now that she's famous in Parent Magazine, I hope Tide gets the message. Market to moms? Make it baby-proof, please.


Anonymous said...

Another word of warning for you....never use them on white clothing and then go directly out into the will leave a nasty stain on your clothing that will only come out with bleach.

Hyperactive Lu said...

Deal Detectives also is giving away a free pen right now too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention, Meredith! That cobbler above looks delicious! I always have peach on my birthay, being a southern girl and all.