My Pottery Barn Kids catalog arrived today. As usual, I stared at the perfectly coordinated collections and tried not to covet. I convince myself that design magazines rarely show rooms that match so well. Items from all over give a room its character. Right???
Elise just inherited this floral pillow, which her grandmother designed and needlepointed for her own mother. It picks up the wildflower prints and green toile elsewhere in the room. When you go with garden colors, everything blends! I found the beige, linen-ruffled pillows for $2 at Goodwill.
BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the pillow!!!
I just found your blog today.. can't wait to read more!!
Bah! I can't believe you paid $2 for that green toile crib bed skirt. When I was pregnant with my first I actually cried because I couldn't afford green toile for my non-existent nursery. Then someone made me a green toile blanket without ever being told that was what I wanted. It ended up on my daughter's toddler bed and is quite easy to mix with other stuff.
I sometimes find items like throw pillows at Goodwill, but I never buy them because I am not sure how to clean them. When I throw them in the washer they get all bunched up and don't look quite right. How do you clean your finds?
these look so lovely together! I love needlework pillows, but never find any at a good price. I would LOVE one with sunflowers on it!
Yes, you could buy a perfectly matched set of everything from Pottery Barn Kids...but it probably wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable as purchasing things as you find them and making a fabulous room come together over time. I personally think that matchy matchy look is kind of boring...I mean, anyone can buy a complete room from rooms to go!! But it takes patience, persistence, and a good eye to pull together a great room from Goodwill finds. The rooms that are decorated from flea markets are always the ones I am drawn too in decorating mags. I love how you are decorating her room and how it will grow with her. If I had a little girl, I would be all over that!!
I love looking (ie. drooling) over the Pottery Barn Kids stuff, too. But really, a room that combines new and old items, family and found items, and the personality of the family (rather than the set designer for Pottery Barn) is so much more interesting!
I have a friend who has a GORGEOUS home - perfectly decorated. It is really lovely and sometimes I leave thinking, "Oh, my home just doesn't come close." But, what her home lacks that mine is (sometimes too much so) character and history. I love sitting in my old family chairs, looking at paintings by my great Aunt, pulling out the old linens, etc.
Your pillows are delightful - and are so much more interesting than what Pottery Barn has to sell. give me character and quality over "perfectly pulled together" anyday!!! :)
Ah, PBK. I know what you mean. I designed my little baby's quilt after seeing some PBK quilts. His room doesn't have that matchy-matchy look, though, which is a good thing.
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