1. Surveyed the house and lawn for a grand "to do" list together. Prioritized projects and made the master shopping list--not for Home Depot, but for items free or cheap when we find them.
2. Measured the windows for curtain rods. Must get curtain rods. Must get curtain rods! I am so ready to hang my curtains, but patience means I will pay much less--eventually. Let it be this week, Lord!
3. Agreed to dig a small area near the driveway for a shade garden; packed my trowel and a bucket in the car. I hope to dig a few ferns from my mom's house.
4. Moved everything around the laundry room to make space for a special new toy, which I'll tell you about tomorrow!
Your baby is walking! Didn't you just have her? LOL, time surely flies. She is beautiful.
congrat on hitting 1000!
Your girly is so cute in that dress.
I have enjoyed EVERY ONE of those 1,000 posts!
Your daughters so cute!
Yay on your 1000 posts!!!
I can't believe Elise has gotten so big! She is beautiful!
Congrats on reaching 1000 posts. Each of them has been a blessing to your readers. Thanks for all you do!
Hello. I am Roxie and I live in Texas. I have found your blog and I admit I love to come and see what you and your family are doing. I feel almost like a peeping Tom...Anyway I wanted to share a frugal idea I have used over and over for curtain rods. I have several really big windows in my home. One is 9' wide. ONE WINDOW. I took cheap steal conduit from Lowe's. It cost less than $4.00 for a 12' piece. My husband cut wood holder for me by looking at the Country Curtains catalog. This works very well. On one window I painted the rod black because I put curtains on the rod that has tabs. Also you can use many things on the ends. I can see plain copper end caps...
Hope this idea helps you a little. Thanks for the wonderful blog. Roxie
Congratulations on your 1,000th post! I appreciated what you said about blogging being your longest-lasting hobby, as I cycle through pastimes quickly myself. I hope to reach the 1,000th blog milestone one day myself, and I thank you again for being an inspiration in so many ways!
What a gorgeous baby girl! Also congrats on finding the mangle. Who knew you could ever find one at a thrift store! I'm moving to Nashville! The finds are better than mu small hometown in East TN. I have a daughter and a 4 mo. old grandbaby there anyway. Oh, well, I can dream about it.
Congrats- that is so exciting! I am with you as it is a big commitment and I am so proud when I hit my milestones.
That picture is too darn cute!
I agree with Jora....I've enjoyed all 1,000 posts too! :) I've learned so much about frugality from you! You are an inspiration!
Thank you! :)
gorgeous picture :)
Roxie, thanks for the tip! I used iron rods in another house, but my husband thinks they will be too heavy for this particular situation. I'm still looking for the perfect cheap, light rod!
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