The Chattanooga Zoo is run by the city, and it's small. Really small. Our Nashville Zoo membership gave us free admission here, so it seemed like a good place to walk in the breezy weather.

We were able to get up close and personal with most of the animals. The zoo has many common/native animals like deer, ducks, geese, peacocks,owls and turtles.

However, the indoor exhibits had such a strong smell that we left those immediately. As in, "Run!" Our favorite spot was the miniature barnyard--friendly camels, docile sheep and goats, a pot-bellied pig and miniature horses.
We went to a tiny zoo off the coast of Alabama and their indoor reptile display was so hot that we could barely handle it and it was only spring break. And the outdoor animals seemed to be in frighteningly flimsy cages.
Meredith I haven't been able to reach my friend from Cleveland. I think she must be gone for Spring Break. Sounds like you are all having a blast anyway.
Have fun.
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