A: It definitely doesn't hurt to have your listing near the top of the page when people have time to browse Craig's List. (If you're new to this online classified site, each city's ads are broken down into categories, but each category is one long scroll of ads. As new ads are published, older adds slip further to the bottom.)
I've had great responses just about any time I've listed there. However, I think you will have a better rate of actual pick ups if you list near the weekend. Sometimes it can be a hassle to find a convenient time to meet. The easier it is for buyers to come, the faster you will get your money.
If an item doesn't sell over the weekend, don't give up hope. Buyers can--and DO--use the search tool to look through older listings. I just sold this LEGO table for $35 profit and a Hooked On Phonics set for $40 profit. Both had been listed for over two weeks before they sold.

Thanks, Meredith! This is exactly what I needed to know. I appreciate you answering me promptly, and right up front! I know you're busy, and didn't *have* to answer the question. Sorry I asked it in the other post- kind of rude, I realized.
Bonnie, a daily reader wgekqlqw
I'm, one of those people who use Craig's List all the time to look for things.
(right now I'm just looking to see what is "Typically" available in the way of gliders. When I go to buy one I figure I'lll have to go out and test them out and make sure there is nothing wrong)
Make sure you've got words in your ad that people will search on. Also pictures. I'm a lot happier to go out and look at something I've seen a picture of (and I'm not fond of the "it looks like this, but isn't this" picture that is obvious taken from an ad of a new one)
In my area, I notice that different times of year, things sell better. For instance, around Christmas (and now) it is harder to sell children's toys. Everyone is weeding out and already overloaded, but that is good for those who want to get used gifts. :)
I agree that actual photos help a lot...I am experiencing that myself right now as I tried to skip taking photos of two trikes I am trying to sell and the craigs list ads have just languished. I'll have to fix it this weekend. If for some reason you can't take a photo, don't put that in your headline (i.e. Brown Couch No Pics), as it pretty much guarantees noone will even bother to look at the ad.
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