Monday, November 13, 2006

The vintage pantry

This image is from page 441 of Food For Better Living (1949). There is no wasted space here! Look at the handy stepstool that slides under the bottom shelf. Even the doors are put to good use.


Anonymous said...


I have to convert an elevator shaft..yep you heard that right...the layout is kitchen then dining room and then elevator we want to turn the upstairs into my pantry...and the downstairs into either storage or mini office.......i'll have to remember to check here for inspiration with that great pic..

Celina in canada

CallaLilly said...

Oh, wow! I miss having a good sized pantry. I have to store some of our surplus in an upstairs closet. Maybe one day I'll wax creative and find hidden storage space that we could use downstairs. I love those old books!

Anonymous said...

I really like the old cook books and old home economics textbook. There was something special about the "good old days". maybe it was that we were not as rushed as I am today. I feel like I'm always running and not getting to where I'm going any faster. Reading those old books reminds me to slow down. I like the pantry, you are doing a great job putting yours together.

Anonymous said...

Is that Faith Hill in that pantry?



Meredith said...

That's funny, she does kind of look like Faith Hill!