I love pretty details. If Merchant Ships does one thing right, I hope it is in demonstrating that a beautiful homelife doesn't have to cost a bundle. On that note, here are a few small pleasures from my day:

The unbearable cuteness of girls' clothing after four years of boy. Snuggly Le Top sleeper from Goodwill.

Beautiful postage that costs no more than basic stamps and sparks an hour of studying ecosystems with the preschooler.

A fifty-cent stepstool from our newlywed apartment that found a new home in front of the crib. A big brother who likes to peek at the baby sleeping just to make sure she's safe.
It's a tradeoff -- money vs. time. But you seem to have something that most of us lack -- restraint. ONE small stepstool is useful; 3 would be too many. (Guess who has 3 in her home.)
I would say that you fulfil that goal very well. Just because we choose to live on a budget doesn't mean that we can't have beauty surrounding us.
Merchant Ships does that one thing, and others, very well, and that's why I check your blog every single day. :)
Now is this new house your 3rd or 4th house? Just curious because it says third on the masthead but I thought it was 4th. Or did I mention it already?
Thank you for sharing this! :)
Those are pretty details. Aren't pretty postage stamps a nice little treat?
We've got so much in common. I've got little pink bunny slippers for my daughter, I've been teaching my son how to write his letters, and a step stool near the baby's crib for him as well. Children are such a blessing.
Too cute!! I hope for girl things someday :D I love the step stool! :D
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