He's still fascinated with volcanoes, thus the subject. I had already primed the canvas with test samples of yellow paint.
Then I scrounged around the house, coming up with: grey house paint, the front door's red, and tubes of craft paint in green, gold, and light blue.
This limited set of colors ensured that the finished product would more or less coordinate.
He sketched a big version of a volcanic scene in crayon, then I handed him one color at a time to apply.
He swooped, he smeared, he dribbled--and we were done in less than half an hour.

That's amazing!! What an artist! I was so impressed, I made my husband come and look at it - he was impressed too :)
That painting is wonderful! I would frame it and hang it in one of the public rooms. Would love to see a close up. The surface paint quality looks quite painterly--something one would look for in a gallery.
That really is amazing. He's quite the artist for such a young lad. That's really impressive.
What a great idea for art in your son's room or around the house. I love children's artwork as decor!!! Your new house looks sooo adorable! Enjoy! Please keep us posted on decorating ideas etc.
Impressive! He will love having that up in his room. :)
It took him half an hour, give or take, because Curious George was coming on and he didn't want to miss it : ) As a result, all the colors were still wet, giving those "painterly" dabs and blending of colors.
I think it's the huge scale of the canvas that made it so fun and easy for him to paint... and also, so much better looking in the end.
What a good idea and what talent!!!! WOW! He has such imaginatiion and talent in so many areas, thanks again for showing us another! Andrew isen't even old enough to be in school yet is he?
And how old is he again? He has talent! I couldn't paint such a picture.
And you are one brave mama to let him do it at all ;)
I agree with all the other ladies...Andrew has a future as an artist!
I really think Andrew is brilliant. Since I am a future psychologist, every time I read about him I want to test his I.Q.! :P I know it would be high anyway. You've done well with him!
I've been framing my kids' artwork in coordinating frames (each 40% at Michaels, natch) for hanging in the playroom. Few grown-up professionals can match the enthusiasm and sensibility that little ones bring to art and we love having such "custom" decor.
What a lovely painting. Your son is quite an artist. You must be very proud. Can't wait to see where you hang it!
I always read your blog, but rarely have time to post. How old is Andrew? That painting is absolutely wonderful! He is so creative (I bet he got that from you). I would hang that in his room. It is great!
i ALMOST want to say..."Andrew didn't REALLY paint that, did he?" (The composition is very mature, using the 2/3, and focal point and everything!) Of course you are not cheating -- but how else to get across my amazement?!
Unless he really wants it in his room, that's definitely a public space painting : )
It already has the place of honor on his bedroom wall.
I only posted the photos because they turned out so cute. And to show how any four-year-old can make a good painting given a big enough canvas and coordinating paints. He's been drawing volcano scenes for a solid year now, so sketching the picture before paintint it came naturally. Plus the fact that he has checked out every volcano book in the library system and stared at the pictures over and over! He hates to color, but the big paintbrush was so fun and quick for him.
That is awesome and very inspiring!!!
wow, Mer!! He is a cutie and a wonderful mini-artist!!!
Good job mom!
You can always sell it on Ebay. I bought a not as nice piece of art from a 10 yr old! He is very talented!
Meredith this is amazing!
Impressive! I echo "What an artist!"
Great idea too...My kids have a very long blank wall that would work for such creativity.
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