So, a quick post for today with some photos. I have to give my mother credit, not only for all the years of garage sale experience she instilled in me, but for constantly finding stuff for our houses--whether I like it or not. The few pieces that stay always make me smile. Last weekend she brought us this corner shelf--handmade by someone's grandfather--for baby girl's room. It was marked $5 (a bargain by anyone's criteria, but she managed to get it for $3. The period trim fits perfectly with our house's original moldings.

Those are great finds, Meredith. I wish I could have learned some frugal tricks from my mom, but unfortunately pretty much all she knew to teach was to endure being poor when that was the case for many years, and be "pound-wise, penny-foolish" in the years after. Hmmm, now that I think about, that's my husband too. But to his credit he is becoming more frugal all the time, even learning to regard garage saling as treasure hunting. I just wish he had a blog (from a man, husband, father) to inspire him as I have yours!
P.S. You probably already knew this, but your blog intro or header still says you are remodeling your third home on the cheap.
I feel so sorry for the family that was selling their grandfather's handmade furniture for $5. One must be truly desperate to do that!
I love seeing what you're doing at your house! I LOVE that corner shelf...your Mom got a great buy on it. I'm sure it will look lovely in little girl's room. I love the white "cottage" furniture look, but there's just no way it would work for us. My husband and boys get entirely too dirty...LOL! Marty's a welder and comes home absoluetly filthy! Have you checked out this blog? http://www.onewomanslife.com/home/homejournal.html
She's in the process of remodeling her home in cottage style and has some great ideas...her color scheme is amazing and very colorful! I love what she's done to her kitchen.
Anyway, I hope you have a great day!
Like the previous poster, I feel badly for the family that needed to sell grandfather's handmade furniture for $5... and got bargained down to only $3. Ouch!
Makes me wonder...when is a good deal good enough?
Wow, I really LOVE that corner shelf! Like the workmanship, a lot of newer things are so plain and drab..... BLECH
My mom pulled up in her truck to the end of a moving sale. She said the sellers were making deals left and right, just to avoid having anything left at the end of the day. I don't think my mom was trying to take advantage of anyone : )
Perhaps the shelf just didn't go with the decor of the house where it was for sale and the seller didn't feel sentimental about it even though grandfather made it. I tend to be this way, especially when it comes to large items. The seller may have been thrilled to have been paid $3 to have something hauled away that he/she didn't really want. I guess I'm not picturing a family selling all of their precious belongings to earn a little cash to buy food for the week and then being talked down to just $3. If they were I think it would've been priced above $5 in the first place.
I just wish that I would've found it at a garage sale! :) It would be adorable in my girls room as well.
I love your blog Meredith and have learned many frugal tips from you!
i think your mom's frugal finds balance out her junk food proclivities quite nicely! She sounds like a precious mom.
I've so enjoyed reading and watching (through your pictures) the redecorating you are doing of your new home. I'm not a yard saler, but maybe I need to become one ... your finds are incredible!
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