My midsection is now bigger in diameter than the largest melon I can find at Kroger.
I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud! What's worse, at least four men walked right past me without offering to help me lift one!
Still, the back strain's worth the pleasure of eating a cold juicy slice in weather like this.
Which do you think is the better strategy--cutting the flesh into chunks for quick snacking, or preserving a well-wrapped half in the fridge so it can be sliced just before eating?
I cut our seedless watermelon last night after dinner. I always cut it all up in chunks and put it in the fridge. It doesn't last very long around here and it is easier to cut all at once so the kids can get some on their own. Just curious - how much was your watermelon? Mine was $3 at Super Walmart. No Krogers around here.
$3.99 at Kroger--a dollar less than Super Walmart. For some reason, my Super Walmart rarely has the lowest prices on produce.
I had a similar thought last night, as I (5 months pregnant) struggled to lift big bags of sandbox sand into my car. 4 men sat in a van right beside me & watched! What happened to chivalry????
When we get cantalope or honeydew, I cut it into chunks and put it in a Rubbermaid container. I prefer to eat my watermelon off the rind in large slices though, so we cut it in half and stick it in a jumbo sized ziploc bag (far more leak-proof than an other method I've found) and save it for slicing when we want to eat it.
We wash and reuse the jumbo bags and they usually hold up for most of the summer.
An immediate slice for each kid and me, then chunks...spatial efficiency, better for fridge storage.
TIP: Save the leftover drippy juice and freeze. It is wonderfully healthful to drink if you have a cold. I have forgotten exactly why...is it the alkalinity? anyway! it works!
First, shame on all those men! Although, in a way, maybe they were 'afraid' to help (dumbies). Some women would find it insulting (silly girls). But to me, it's just plain being kind to another person. Heck, I hold doors open for everyone regardless of sex or age. Regarding how to use the watermelon...it never lasts that long around here! And don't you agree that seedless watermelon is the greatest agricultural invention ever?
I say keep it as fresh as possible, but (knowing how little time we mommies all have!) cut up just enough to snack on for the afternoon. :)
I must add this: Will you come and take me yard saleing after baby arrives? I never find the amazing things you do.
Now I'm just dying for a watermelon!
"For some reason, my Super Walmart rarely has the lowest prices on produce."
I wonder if it's due to location, such as state or rural/urban. I'm in FL. I forget where you are. Also, I've heard that the ritzy-er the locale, the higher Wal-mart's prices. Have no idea how ritzy your area is. :)
I vote chunks. Convenience is king, and like someone wrote above, it won't last long enough to go bad.
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