I helped my mom with her semi-annual yard sale today. As usual, I came home with almost as much stuff as I sold. How could I pass up a full bottle of Chanel Gardenia or 100 pale pink envelopes stashed in a drawer since my engagement? Think handmade baby announcements, girls!
If those are invitation sized envelopes then a postcard sized piece of cardstock will fit in it. For my kids birth announcements I took post card stock and pre-stamped it with a baby handprint and baby footprint stamp in each corner, then I set up the computer to print out the birth announcement, just putting "placeholders" in for the actual data (in my case we didn't even want to know the gender, so I made two up, one with the male name we picked out and one with the female) I preaddressed the envelopes and stamped them ahead of time, so once each child was born DH just had to input the data, print the announcement onto the stamped postcard stock, and stick them in the envelopes. I didn't even have to think about it and folks got notified in a timely manner.
Just a thought!
Jenn, that is the cutest idea I have ever heard!
That is really cute, Jen!! Also, Meredith........I couldn't have passed up that stuff either!! Congrats on your treasures! :)
Jen, I was thinking of something along the same lines, only not as husband friendly. Now I'll take your idea and do it on the computer where all he has to do is print it out. THANKS!
--From the woman who hand-wrote all the information on announcements with a newborn in the house and nearly died trying.
Yes, the first days back from the hospital are not the time you want to have to think about, well, anything :) Thats also why I appointed one sister as the "notify everyone" gal (and returned the favor for her with each of her kids) When I went into labor I called Amy, and that was it. She got to make the decision of it was to early or late to call folks etc etc. She got the updates and distributed them. That way I didn't have to think :)
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