Here the birthday boy examines his surprise with the magnifying glass from a new science kit. (I should go ahead and buy him a lab coat and pocket protector, shouldn't I?)
My son and sister share the same birthday. We made one big cake in the shape of a white, fluffy cat--just like her favorite pet. He had a great time carving a cat from 9-inch round layers and coconut frosting, but I had a few tricks up my sleeve, too.
I emerged from the study with the surprise volcano cake (chocolate batter baked in 3 vintage jello molds and stacked with frosting). I didn't have any food coloring on hand, so I used orange Crystal Lite mix to tint the lava glaze. I spent $1.25 in Dollar General on some red candy strips and a tube of tiny dinosaurs, rocks, and palm trees to decorate (lucky for me, the scale was perfect).
75% off Christmas sprinkles became molten rock and grass. Four birthday candles added some real spark to the top of the cake. He was so shocked, he had to hug me twice before finally blowing them out.
This centerpiece cost about $2.50--and a couple of hours of cleanup--but the results were priceless.
That looks like a neat cake ... wow!!!
Very resourceful!
How adorable:) Four year olds are cute, huh?
I love that he loves volcanoes...he's destined to be a documentary dork like me! He must have gotten that from his dad and grandpa....ciao
your brother
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