Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Results Are In...

Two Talent Living's Blogs of Beauty competition wrapped up today. I'm so humbled that Like Merchant Ships was named Best Frugal Blog [suppresses Sally Field Moment here]. I can't stop smiling! A big thank you to all of the readers who supported Like Merchant Ships, and to the other finalists, The Common Room and Life in A Shoe, for making the contest such a worthy one.


Headmistress, zookeeper said...

Congratulations! And thanks for all the frugal tips.=)

Amber said...

I missed the contest ... but I can see why you won it. I have enjoyed reading your blog and gaining insight on frugality. Keep it coming!!!

DonnaB said...

I, too, found your blog thru the contest. I can tell you are a kindred spirit not just because of the pursuit of frugality but because we have the same blog template :)

Seriously, congratulations. I'll look forward to visiting your blog regularly.

Anonymous said...

You do such a great job, girl!!!

Monica Wilkinson said...

Way to go! Keep it up!

Robin said...

Congtratulations! Keep up the frugal work.

Mrs. Happy Housewife said...

Congrats! You deserve this award. You do have the Best Frugal Blog. I nominated you and voted for you. Keep up the great work.

Mrs. Happy Housewife said...
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