Monday, November 28, 2005

Flying With Caffeine

I'm researching the details of a new promotion by Wendy's and AirTran. They are putting a flight coupon on every 20 or 32 oz. drink. If you collect 32 flight coupons, you earn a FREE 1-way ticket on AirTran. If you collect 64 flight coupons, you earn a free round-trip ticket anywhere AirTran flies. You must sign up for the free AirTran A+ Rewards program for more information. The promotion started on November 1 and will end February 5, 2006, or while supplies last.

If you near an AirTran city, this could be an inexpensive way to fly for free. Finding the drink cups without cost would be key. If you sat in the restaurant for lunch and stopped people before they tossed their drinks in the trash, you could collect several cups per visit. Six cups per visit, ten visits, and you'd be on your way to a free ticket. I have to check the flight routes to see if any of my relatives are on AirTran's map.


Monica Wilkinson said...

Thank you for posting this! I saw this ad today at Wendy's and was curious on getting more information...we do live near an Air Tran city - so, am excited to check into this.

Sarah E. said...

I think I heard that this promo is good through the end of the year.

Meredith said...

Sarah, you're right. They've altered the website rules since I read it last week. Wendy's will only offer the cups through the end of the year, but customers have until 2/13/06 to submit their flight coupons to Airtran.