I'm covered up with laundry, dirty dishes, and some baking for church today. Guess we shouldn't have made that spur-of-the-moment zoo trip this morning, huh?
After mixing all my ingredients I realized I had no baking powder in the cupboard. Deborah Buhr's "I Can't Believe This Has No Sugar" Cookbook produced a quick substitute:
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons arrowroot
2 teaspoons cream of tartar
Mix and store in airtight container. Yield: 5 teaspoons
Use 1 1/2 teaspoons of homemade powder to replace 1 teaspoon called for in a recipe.
If you want to be adventuresome, you can do what I do and rely entirely on baking soda and vinegar. I use about 1/4 t. of soda and 1 T. of vinegar for every teaspoon of powder called for. It's super cheap and aluminum free, but it's a little tricky to get the acid/base balance right in some recipes.
I use this recipe without the arrowroot. Just in case you don't have that sometime. I would never have arrowroot just laying around. :-)
We always have cream of tarter because I use it to make playdough.
Thanks! My mom was laughing that I had "odd" ingredients like arrowroot and cream or tartar, but no baking powder. I use arrowroot for thickening sauces and stews--has fewer carbs than cornstarch. Every Southern cook has cream of tartar for making those mile-high meringue pies, right?
Well, and those biscuits. Gotta have cream of tarter for those.
I am not particularly calorie conscious, and it shows. I do have potato starch, which I am sure would work just as well.
Now I wish I had a nice banana cream pie, and biscuits with butter and honey. :::sigh:::
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